
  1. E

    Slightly raised ALT (SGPT) levels in liver: Cause for concern?

    I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow and will be retested, but I'm quite nervous as I've read about some of the causes of those high level enzymes. All of my other enzymes and other things are in normal range according to the Mayo Clinic website. I'm worried about Hepatitis C because I understand...
  2. T

    Two New Documents To Guide Researchers In Carrying Out Dual Use Research Of Concern R

    First, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy today published a draft policy for public comment that proposes to formalize the roles and responsibilities of institutions and researchers when they are conducting certain types of research on specific pathogens and toxins...
  3. T

    Regular Marijuana Use By Teens Continues To Be A Concern

    Continued high use of marijuana by the nation's eighth, 10th and 12th graders combined with a drop in perceptions of its potential harms was revealed in this year's Monitoring the Future survey, an annual survey of eighth, 10th, and 12th - graders conducted by researchers at the University of...
  4. T

    Concern For The Poorest Americans If States Opt Out Of Medicaid Expansion

    Health coverage for the poorest Americans could be in jeopardy in many states as a result of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling last month on the Affordable Care Act, according to a new legal analysis. The report examines federal and state Medicaid options following the United States Supreme...
  5. T

    Cancer-Causing Food Additives A Major Concern For Consumers

    As with many concerned consumers, a team of University of Oklahoma researchers wondered if the green color sometimes seen in bacon is, in fact, harmful to human health. Recently, these OU scientists took an important first step in answering this question by determining the structure of the...
  6. A

    Why Jessica Yu Says Water Is The Biggest Health Concern You’re Not Thinking About

    If you've ever taken a survival class, or just spent a long day in the sun, you know that you can live far longer without food (and sex and beauty products and weight loss) than water. And with what seems like an endless supply of clean tap water, bottled water, and even swimming water, most of...
  7. L

    A Neurological Concern?

    Lately I have been playing video games in excess. Computer game rpgs to be precise. Likely because these are the ones that usually entrance and interest me. Anyway, playing hours on end I know inherently is probably not a good idea however I was uninformed as to the fullness of the adverse...
  8. R

    I'm currently writing a fantasy book but I have a concern regarding the romance

    portion of it.? I would greatly appreciate some input on how to make it have a hint of romance. I've had several people read what I have already and they really liked it. Mostly mostly friends that are girls. But I could use some fresh eyes and help with some suggestions. There is a link to the...
  9. T

    'Emerging Contaminants Of Concern' Detected Throughout Narragansett Bay Watershed

    A group of hazardous chemical compounds that are common in industrial processes and personal care products but which are not typically monitored by the Environmental Protection Agency have been detected throughout the Narragansett Bay watershed, according to a URI researcher. Rainer Lohmann...
  10. J

    Blackberry OS update concern?

    I am about to install an official OS update over-the-air. The only thing that is stopping me from continuing is that I'm afraid that I'm gonna lose all of my data on my phone. Is an official released os update over-the-air going to erase all the phone data (contacts, apps, saved data, etc.) ??
  11. T

    Childhood Obesity And Liver Disease A Serious Public Health Concern In England

    Up to half-a-million overweight/obese children in England have a significant risk of developing "fatty liver disease", Professor Martin Lombard, the country's National Clinical Director for Liver Disease has warned. Fatty liver disease, also known in this case as non-alcoholic fatty liver...
  12. T

    Consumers Express Their Concern About The EHEC Bacteria

    The news coverage of the deadly EHEC bacteria outbreak in Europe came as a bombshell. Ghent University (Belgium) examined 6132 reactions of Belgian newspaper readers after reading the first news reports. As expected, people are scared and worried, but governmental trust decreases fear and leads...
  13. D

    Rogers Email Concern?

    I have an @rogers account that is included with our Internet bill. We are planning on changing Internet providers and I am wondering what happens to the accounts? Do they become locked or deleted? Are we still able to use them? What If we rejoin Rogers in the future? Does anyone have...
  14. P

    How does the concern over the Mayan prediction of 2012 relate to the view of the

    leaders in the Renaissance le? aders? Thankss :/
  15. B

    2000 Nissan Maxima Speedometer Concern...?

    So while I was driving today I noticed that when I decrease my speed and the speedometer gets to 15 mph the needle just randomly falls to zero and when I accelerate the needle doesn't move until I have reached 15-20 mph. Its really weird, what could be the problem?
  16. T

    HELP NEEDED! Iphone Privacy Concern- Rogers Network?

    Hello everyone, The case is as follows: Due to a personal matter, I was advised to change my cell phone number by the local police department. Within minutes, I have called Rogers Wireless and have done so. Question is: Can the person that had my previous number, find out my new number when...
  17. J

    Why are other peoples religions such a concern to other people?

    I ask questions based on curiousness. We as humans have so many choices when it comes to everything. Someone is Atheist and someone else is Christian but they both live happy fulfilling lives. It is like I like broccoli and you don't. It is just a decision made by that person and it is in no way...
  18. T

    Skepticism, Concern Surround At-Home DNA Testing Kits

    Although companies that manufacture over-the-counter DNA testing kits hope the tests will take off, many within the medical community have expressed concerns that the kits can lead to confusion or depression over the results, the Fort Meyers News-Press reports. The kits are designed to test a...
  19. S

    What could this concern provoking dream mean?

    I had a dream last night that i thought i came on my periods,actually i was pretty sure i had came on them. So i put a finger to check but there was no blood on my finger. What could this mean? I am due on my period on the 10th of june, could this dream be a message that i'm pregnant and won't...
  20. T

    Concern About Risks With Total Facial Rejuvenation In A Single Session Are Unfounded

    Multiple facial rejuvenation techniques can be safely and effectively performed in combination during a single operative session under local anesthesia, researchers reported here at a meeting of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS). Brian Somoano, MD, a dermatologic surgery...