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    New moms and obese people risk complications from influenza: McMaster study

    Although up to 500,000 people world-wide die of severe influenza each year, there has been no clear evidence about who is susceptible for influenza complications and it may not be who people think, says a study from McMaster University. This is important because issues during past influenza...
  2. A

    If we really could time travel, what complications might we face?

    Alright, I honestly do not believe that time travel could actually happen. However, I was thing about it, and I was wondering if we could, what probers might we run into. And by the way, I'm talking about like 1920's and after, nothing Stone Age or whatever. For example, would the way of travel...
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    Over 40% Of Post-Op Complications Occur Following Discharge

    A new US study finds that over 40% of complications after general surgery procedures arise after patients have been discharged, with three quarters occurring within the first two weeks of leaving hospital. At least one expert suggests the study highlights the importance of focusing on patient...
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    Link Between Starvation And Greater Risk Of Cardiac Complications

    Russians born during the Leningrad Siege in World War II, which was responsible for some of the greatest losses of civilian life in history, are giving scientists new strategies to identify people who experienced intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and starvation during childhood at greatest...
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    Osteoporosis Drug Complications Linked To Genetic Factors

    According to a study published in the online version of the journal The Oncologist, a genetic variation that increases the risk of individuals who take bisphosphonates, developing serious necrotic jaw bone lesions, has been identified by researchers at the Columbia University College of Dental...
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    Insomnia - Early Diagnosis Plus Treatment Helps Prevent Complications

    Even though insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, it is often left unrecognized and untreated, despite advances in diagnosis and management. The risk of developing other illnesses, such as diabetes, depression, hypertension, and possibly even death in older adults increases if insomnia is...
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    Brachytherapy Doubles Mastectomy Risk And Complications

    A breast cancer patient who undergoes brachytherapy has double the chance of losing her breasts compared to one who is treated with whole-breast irradiation, researchers from the MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, explained at SABCS (34th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium)...
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    What are the difference between these 3 DVD complications?

    DVD-ROM(UDF) DVD-ROM(ISO) DVD-ROM(UDF/ISO) And which is the better one to use if I want to play the videos on DVD players and gaming consoles?
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    Link Between Delayed Pediatric Appendicitis Treatment And Complications, Mortality

    An in-hospital delay of appendicitis treatment beyond two days was linked to an increased likelihood of complications, including perforation and abscess formation; longer hospitalization; increased costs; and more rarely, death, according an abstract presented Saturday, Oct. 15 at the American...
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    Rise In Prostate Biopsy Complications And High Post-Procedure Hospitalization Rate

    In a study of complication rates following prostate biopsy among Medicare beneficiaries, Johns Hopkins researchers have found a significant rise in serious complications requiring hospitalization. The researchers found that this common outpatient procedure, used to diagnose prostate cancer, was...
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    Weight-Loss Surgery Has Its Complications But Costs Less Than Standard Obesity Treatm

    The majority of people who undergo bariatric weight-loss surgery benefit from the procedure, but long-term complications and further surgery are not uncommon, according to a UK paper on late postoperative complications in the October issue of BJS, the British Journal of Surgery. However, a...
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    Hydrogen Sulfide Protects Blood Vessels From Complications Of Diabetes

    Hydrogen sulfide is a foul-smelling gas with an odor resembling that of rotten eggs. Sometimes called "swamp gas," this toxic substance is generally associated with decaying vegetation, sewers and noxious industrial emissions. And - as odd as it may seem - it also plays a critical role in...
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    Hyperglycemia Is Associated With Increased Hospital Complications And Mortality Durin

    Malnutrition in critically ill patients can lead to many negative effects, such as an increased risk of hospital complications, higher mortality rate, longer length of hospital stay, and higher resource utilization. Parental nutrition (PN) creates a well-documented positive change in critically...
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    What complications might these forces introduce and how significant are

    they likely to be.? There is an apparatus that spins. the apparatus is connected to a spring which is connected to a body with a certain amount of weight. when the apparatus spins horizontally , the body is in contact with the rotating apparatus through a springs is pulled by the earth’s...
  15. A

    Are there any complications that could come out of jailbreaking your itouch?

    like making your itouch run slower, viruses locking/freezing up, etc...
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    Sleep Evaluation May Help Identify Children At Risk For Respiratory Complications Aft

    Performing polysomnography (sleep study) prior to pediatric adenotonsillectomy (surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids) may help identify children at a higher risk of developing postoperative respiratory complications, according to a report in the January issue of Archives of...
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    The Truth About Diabetes And Visual Complications Unveiled

    Diabetes is the number one cause of all recent agents of blindness in the United States among patients 24 to 74 years of age, according to Transitions Optical's Healthy Sight Institute. Although this metabolic disorder is mainly diagnosed by a primary healthcare provider like an internist...
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    Study Finds Childhood Cancer Survivors Face Long-Term Risk Of GI Complications

    People treated for cancer when they were children have a higher-than-average risk of gastrointestinal problems - some mild, some quite severe - in the years following treatment, according to a study to be presented at the 42nd Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP)...
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    Slapped Face Syndrome In Pregnancy Heightens Risk Of Fetal Complications

    Pregnant women who develop 'slapped face syndrome' have a 30 percent chance of passing it onto their unborn baby and during the first trimester the risk of fetal complications is heightened, says a new review published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 'Slapped...
  20. A

    Why must Rush have medical complications when ever he vacation outside of

    the USA with Hollywood producers? and sharing Viagra