
  1. M

    The right complains loudly about taxes. Why not a peep about the usurious...

    ...interest rates charged by the banks? On loans to businesses both big and small, Credit cards, you name it. Please, no "don't take a loan if you don't like it" answers. I'm not asking this "for me". The economy needs access to credit for businesses to grow at anything other than a snail's...
  2. E

    What's the word for when someone complains about something but it really makes

    their problems superficial? example: "Gosh, I don't know whether I should take the yacht to school or the plane this morning." or "Man, FICA took out so much money from my paycheck this time cause I made double what I usually do! This sucks!" those types of things! I know there's a word for it!
  3. E

    My "friend" complains about her weight when I weigh more than her.?

    And it's obvious that I do. I'm not OBESE but I'm not a tiny little model. Which she is. It hurts me so deep that I have considered anorexia and taking up smoking to curve my caloric intake. What can I do? I'm really up shit creek.
  4. T

    What is the best thing a wife can do when her husband complains about his job.?

    What's the best thing a woman can do when her husband complains about his job when she makes little money and has to depend on his insurance? He enjoys his job and what he does but he don't like the pressure and the bull that he is having to put up with.They expect him to work for them while...
  5. C

    Neighbor complains my front foyer and backyard is a mess?

    Neighbor complains my front foyer and backyard is a mess? I was minding my own business and cutting the grass. My next door neighbor came to me and first she said "I have been living here in 12 years, why don't you put some cement on the grass?" For the record i have been living there for 16...
  6. S

    Guy friend always complains about gf?

    He is a player but is nice and sensitive ..he's been going out with this girl for a year., and he always complains how shes lame and insults her figure like oh she has gross arms and the fact she refuses to give him her virginity, now my friend really wants to do IT but since she can't he is now...
  7. E

    My mom complains nonstop even when i don't do nothing wrong and when...

    ...something happens she always blames me? even when im not home or at work.. What should i do i cant take it... Im 21 i work full time, i plan on going to college in the fall as well, i help my mom out as much as i can tough i dont make a lot of money.. i spend a lot of time with her. i do...
  8. D

    My friend complains NON-STOP about being fat?

    Yet she'll eat really unhealthy food, or overeat after working out for like 45 min. She also goes out for "drinks" with this other girl who she claimed she hated (but that's another story). I'm just really sick of the complaining because as soon as summer comes around, she acts like a child and...
  9. M

    My cousin is 5`5 and complains that she has big feet she's a size 9 1/2..?

    My cousin is 5`5 and complains that she has big feet she's a size 9 1/2 and is 13 years old.
  10. P

    my daughter complains that her toes bother her, but they dont hurt but it...

    ...keeps her from sleeping? What can i do to help my 7 yr. old daughter from her sore toes?
  11. M

    My 5year old daughter is having acidity. She complains of stomach pain constantly.?

    Docor has given her prescription medication. But, still, i want to know whether i can repair her damages via food apart from medication? Are there foods that can help her and what foods should i avoid giving her? I am a vegetarian. Do you have any other suggestions for me? I am deeply...
  12. R

    Mum complains about having no money - yet she's a spendaholic?

    Ok so my parents have split up and i live with my mum, brother and sister. My mums CONSTANTLY saying she has no money, telling us that we have to pay for our own meals etc if we go out for dinner with her and stuff (which i don't mind) and saying like "oh can you try and get money from the ATM...
  13. N

    ladies, my wife always complains of a bad headache after an orgasm(s). any ideas why?

    serious answers only and she doesn't have hypertension.
  14. M

    Easy Question: Zodiac signs how was your day???? and tell me your complains if...

    ...your annoyed by something.? My day started crappy and I was behind schedule. But then it got better when I went to my classes. : p My feelings are like up and down lately and its getting on my nerves. I dont know if to cry(personal reason) or to laugh. Im sooooo confused lol So enough about...
  15. S

    My mom's boyfriend constantly whines and complains until he gets what he wants.

    How can I confront him? If whining and complaining were an Olympic sport, he would win. He whines and complains until he gets what he wants whenever I want to do something. He's the king of being annoying, just like Suri Cruise. I have to deal with his constant complaining and "I want this. I...
  16. D

    My downstairs neighbor complains about every thing?

    he complains about me walking in my apartment and not too long ago i was just searching for papers in my room and he bang'd on my floor for no reason. i feel like im being harrased and he constantly complaining to the land lord and building manager i live in nyc in the bronx borough. what can or...
  17. C

    Our bed is on fire with passion and love, the neighbor complains about the

    noise above? but she only c*u*ms when she's on top. What's wrong with your daughter?
  18. T

    My wife complains of pain. What to do, any advice?

    We are newly married. I don't think mine is too big. It is barely 6 inches. But fat. My wife says it's too big for her. Though she orgasms several times during one session, she doesn't allow me more than ones a week. She says, it's painful for her. Is it possible that she has some medical condition?
  19. T

    My girlfriend complains when I go shirtless?

    I like to workout at the gym and walk around town without a shirt and my girlfriend says I have to much muscles for that. Whats her deal? I'm thinking about breaking up with her.
  20. T

    My girlfriend complains when I go shirtless?

    I like to workout at the gym and walk around town without a shirt and my girlfriend says I have to much muscles for that. Whats her deal? I'm thinking about breaking up with her.