
  1. T

    Common Antibiotic Found To Carry Heart Risk

    Vanderbilt researchers have discovered a rare, but important risk posed by the antibiotic azithromycin, commonly called a "Z-pack." The study found a 2.5-fold higher risk of cardiovascular death in the first five days of taking azithromycin when compared with another common antibiotic or no...
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    Working To Understand A Rare Genetic Disease, Scientists Uncover The Most Common Faul

    Scientists from the Medical Research Council (MRC) Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine (IGMM) at the University of Edinburgh have discovered an enzyme that corrects the most common mistake in mammalian DNA. The mistake is the inclusion of individual bits of RNA within the DNA sequence...
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    Study: Increase In Cancer, Fertility Problems Driven By Common Chemicals

    Fifteen years worth of research has made it clear that chemicals common in cosmetics, household products and medicines are wreaking havoc on our bodies, the European Environment Agency says. In a study published yesterday, the agency warns of "strong evidence" linking these "endocrine disrupting...
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    Five Fold Increase In Antimicrobial Resistance For Common UTI Drug Seen Since 2000

    In a surveillance study of over 12 million bacteria, investigators at The George Washington University and Providence Hospital found E. coli antimicrobial resistance to ciprofloxacin, the most commonly prescribed antimicrobial for urinary tract infections in the U.S., increased over five-fold...
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    Anxiety Or Depression Common Among Aging Adult Americans With Arthritis

    Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that one-third of U.S. adults with arthritis, 45 years and older, report having anxiety or depression. According to findings that appear today, April 30th, in Arthritis Care & Research, a journal published by...
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    3 Common Myths About Child Vaccine Safety Refuted

    In the limited time of an office visit, how can a primary care physician make the case to parents that their child should be vaccinated? During National Infant Immunization Week, a Mayo Clinic vaccine expert and a pediatrician offer suggestions for refuting three of the most common myths about...
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    You’re Doing It Wrong: Jeff Galloway Decodes Common Running Injuries And How To Fix T

    When a runner has pain, does that mean it's the running that is to blame, or something with their training or form? The latter, according to former Olympian runner, mastermind behind the run-walk-run method of the Galloway Training Program, and author of numerous books including Jeff Galloway...
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    Strains Of Common Parasite Linked To Severe Illness In US Newborns

    Scientists have identified which strains of the Toxoplasma gondii parasite, the cause of toxoplasmosis, are most strongly associated with premature births and severe birth defects in the United States. The researchers used a new blood test developed by scientists at the National Institute of...
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    Study Debunks Common Myth That Urine Is Sterile

    Researchers have determined that bacteria are present in the bladders of some healthy women, which discredits the common belief that normal urine is sterile. These findings were published in the April issue of the Journal of Clinical Microbiology by researchers at Loyola University Chicago...
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    Diagnostic And Invasive Procedures Common In Women With Breast-Conserving Surgery

    Women with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) have high rates of diagnostic and invasive breast procedures after treatment with breast-conserving surgery (BCS) according to a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Breast-conserving surgery is the most common treatment for...
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    Endoscopic Ultrasound Best Detects Pancreatic Lesions Common In People At High Risk F

    A team of scientists led by Johns Hopkins researchers have found that more than four in 10 people considered at high risk for hereditary pancreatic cancer have small pancreatic lesions long before they have any symptoms of the deadly disease. Moreover, they report, the frequency of the abnormal...
  12. O

    Why is there no cure for the common cold?

    I'm not a medical professional but I believe science has not found any cure for the common cold as of yet. Can anyone confirm this and answer me why?
  13. D

    What do you think this common "joke" means?

    Why did the chicken cross the road? -To get to the other side What does it mean!??
  14. A

    Morning Links: Are These Common Foods Causing Your Allergies?

    • Cleanse that tackles long-term eating habits. (Well + Good) • Baked bean recipes to relish right now. (Organic Authority) • Ways to overcome emotional eating. (YouBeauty) • What to know about IUDs. (HuffPost Women) • Reasons not to have sex on a first date. (The Stir) • Would you force...
  15. K

    What do these anime/RPG characters have in common, if you please? c8?

    I was told that my taste in favorite anime an video game characters was strange. As in the characters I fangirl over and draw a lot apparently, haha idk. I'm just. Super curious to know if my favorites have anything paticularly in common. O8;; I can't really list many things. Do me a favor, hm...
  16. K

    What is the most common age for gays, bisexuals, lesbians, etc. to realize...

    ...their sexuality? I didn't realize I was bi until I was 14. This made me wonder and I know it's probably different for everybody but I was thinking if there are particular ages for each sexuality that tend to come out (Maybe not necessarily to come out, but to realize.)
  17. F

    Why is FC a common name for soccer teams?

    Maybe I'm not looking in the right places, but when looking at one team's description of their name, it simply said that it was chosen because it's a simple acronym and is sometimes used by teams that like to emphasize the city name. That all makes sense, but why FC? I can't find out.
  18. W

    Block echo from a/c vent in bedroom with common household materials? Read Please?

    I need an emergency solution for this problem. The a/c vents in this old building are not insulated and the noise echoes through the entire place. I already talked to a building constructor to set up insulation of the walls but until then I would need a simple fix with stuff I already have. I...
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    Hospitalization Of US Underage Drinkers Common

    Hospitalization for underage drinking is common in the United States, and it comes with a price tag -- the estimated total cost for these hospitalizations is about $755 million per year, a Mayo Clinic study has found. Researchers also found geographic and demographic differences in the incidence...
  20. G

    What Do Charlie Sheen and George Clooney's Girlfriend Have in Common?

    Should George Clooney be worried? We just got word that the actor's gal Stacy Keibler may be hanging out this weekend with tiger blood titan Charlie Sheen! So what's...