
  1. L

    what are good basic comic books?

    I'm really interested in reading comic books, but I have no idea where to start. So what are the basic ones I should read first? Thanks(: Ps. If your a guy, do you think its sexy when a girl reads comics?
  2. E

    How much would a DC comic sell for nowadays?

    It's DC 100 Pages Super Spectacular! The Superman Family. Just found it up in the loft and wondering how much it would be worth these days?
  3. A

    Where have Comic Book stores gone these days?

    I want to start collecting comic books again but I have seemed to notice that there are non anymore. Are there even any new Super heros or what???? Can someone help me here???
  4. S

    Looking for an old mega man sprite comic?

    I forget it name but it's story for the most part followed protoman from his creation by Dr. Light & Dr. Wiley to how he ran away, got his shield and the rest of his history in the mega man series showing another side to the mega man universe. One of the last comics I remember reading in this...
  5. W

    What comic book should I read to get an introduction to 'Deadpool'?

    I hear very few things about this character 'Deadpool' other than "He's friggen awesome". This leaves me curious. I know absolutely nothing about Deadpool and would like to get his introduction and background story. What comic do you suggest I read first, and where can I find it? Thanks.
  6. A

    Read comic books online?

    Does anybody know a decent site to read marvel comics for free. Specifically the Incredible Hulk issues 180 and 181.
  7. M

    I am interested in knowing what comic books you read as a child?.. gay and...

    ...straight men please? And what cartoons you watched? I would like input from homosexual men and heterosexual men please. No, I am not blaming anything on anything. Just a curiosity question.. Thanks. If your an ass, your welcome for the two points, now crawl back under your rock. smurfs...
  8. M

    Thinking of Making a comic?

    I'm thinking of starting up a comic, I can worry about the art later (most likely illustrator) Anyways I was working on the beginning of the story tonight, critique and whether or not you would read it would be awesome thanks in advance here's the link to my scratch paper:
  9. eee

    Who is your favorite comic book character of all time?

  10. L

    looking for comic book character Pancho vanilla?

    He was a bool fighter with a son who called him Papacito
  11. S

    I need help writing a comic book for sci-fi?

    So far i have the hero and its name is the Hawk and then the villain which name is umbrella man. Umbrella man hacks into peoples credit card and steals money. This is based in the City. i need help coming up with other ideas please and thank you
  12. S

    I need help writing a comic book for sci-fi?

    So far i have the hero and its name is the Hawk and then the villain which name is umbrella man. Umbrella man hacks into peoples credit card and steals money. This is based in the City. i need help coming up with other ideas please and thank you
  13. S

    I need help writing a comic book for sci-fi?

    So far i have the hero and its name is the Hawk and then the villain which name is umbrella man. Umbrella man hacks into peoples credit card and steals money. This is based in the City. i need help coming up with other ideas please and thank you
  14. Z

    Good magazines for a comic book nerd?

    My boyfriend hasn't been feeling well the last couple days. I'm trying to set up a cute gift bag of things to make him feel better. We work together, but I won't be able to see him till Thursday. I work 8AM-1PM tomorrow and he doesn't come in till 3:30. He's the bellman at the hotel I work at so...
  15. D

    where to find free templates for listing comic book collections?

    i want to make a compiled list of my comic books
  16. N

    What's the name of this online comic about super-hackers?

    I can't remember the name of this online comic. It's about a home-schooled kid who goes to school and uses his martial arts training to defeat these evil hacker guys who use their hacking skills to "hack" the things as in superpower-like stuff. I remember these gauntlets, a secret society...
  17. C

    where can i find a online yaoi comic book?

    im girl using my bf's acount and could u tell me where i could finds one plz
  18. H

    Looking for an old Batman Comic?

    My memory is fuzzy, but I got enough details to work with, Batman while out one night finds a kid, a boy, maybe ten years old. He tries to help the child eventually trying to find out what the boy is running from, the boy says he's running from his father cause he beats him, and tells Batman his...
  19. D

    Where Can I Find The Kick-Ass Comic Books To Read Online?

    I saw and loved the movie. Can anyone find a site for me? P.S. I Can't Download Torrents On My CPU So Is There Just A Site? Thanks 3221
  20. J

    Anyone remember this fan comic?

    It was an AshxMisty fan comic loosely based on Love Hina? I think it was made on an angelfire page and called "Dreamer" or something, but I really don't remember.