
  1. G

    Stranded orcas hold critical clues for scientists

    The development of a standardized killer-whale necropsy system has boosted the complete data from killer-whale strandings from 2 percent to about 33 percent, according to a recent study from a team of scientists, including a University of California, Davis wildlife veterinarian. The study...
  2. T

    Treatment Clues For Schizophrenia Suggested By Neurochemical Traffic Signals

    Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) have uncovered important clues about a biochemical pathway in the brain that may one day expand treatment options for schizophrenia. The study, published online in the journal Molecular Pharmacology, was led by faculty within the...
  3. T

    Clues To New Treatments For A Harmful Blood Clotting Disorder

    A gene associated with both protection against bacterial infection and excessive blood clotting could offer new insights into treatment strategies for deep-vein thrombosis - the formation of a harmful clot in a deep vein. The gene produces an enzyme that, if inhibited via a specific drug...
  4. D

    Are these clues that he is interested???? ill answer yours and give 10 points!?

    -he would look around to see if you came- he glances at you often- he asked where you were one day you didn't come in and goes outside to say hi- most of the time when he sees you outside he come out too (i don't know if its a coindidence)- looked into your eyes for more time than a usual person...
  5. T

    Sexual Reproduction And Clues To Chromosome Crossovers

    Neil Hunter's laboratory in the UC Davis College of Biological Sciences has placed another piece in the puzzle of how sexual reproduction shuffles genes while making sure sperm and eggs get the right number of chromosomes. The basis of sexual reproduction is that a fertilized egg gets half its...
  6. T

    Clues To Childhood Respiratory Virus Revealed By Study

    New Vanderbilt-led research published in the New England Journal of Medicine has identified the relatively unknown human metapneumovirus (MPV) as the second most common cause of severe bronchiolitis in young children. Senior author John Williams , M.D., associate professor of Pediatric...
  7. M

    Quick Quiz: Can you spot the film from the clues?

    1. Mamma (spoken by a doll) 2. You couldn't hotwire my @$$! 3. You've had your six 4. We must have killed at least 60 5. You must understand that this is a once-in-a-lifetime job, whoever does it can never work again 6. Hell is coming to breakfast Have fun and a good day too Come on folks...
  8. T

    Mental Illness Clues Revealed Via Facebook Activity

    Facebook activity could be an indicator for psychological health, and be used as tools by therapists and psychologists A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Missouri and published in the journal Psychiatry Research, has revealed that social media profiles can provide insight...
  9. T

    Scientists Map Sensory Nerves In Mouse Skin, Findings Could Hold Clues For Pain Manag

    Johns Hopkins scientists have created stunning images of the branching patterns of individual sensory nerve cells. Their report, published online in the journal eLife on Dec. 18, details the arrangement of these branches in skin from the backs of mice. The branching patterns define ten distinct...
  10. T

    New Clues For Treating Eczema

    More than 15% of children suffer with eczema, or atopic dermatitis, an inflammatory skin disease that in some cases can be debilitating and disfiguring. Researchers reporting in the October issue of Immunity have discovered a potential new target for the condition, demonstrating that by blocking...
  11. E

    Why are some answers to NY Times crossword clues missing some letters?

    I am doing the Sunday NY times crossword puzzle and for example: Q. Banned book of 1928? A. LADYCHTERLEYSLOVER How would I know to drop those letters?
  12. B

    Scavenger Hunt Riddle Clues for Boyfriend's 18th Birthday?

    So I am putting together a scavenger hunt for my boyfriend's 18th birthday and I need help putting together riddle clues. Here are the locations. 1.Dollar Store (to pick up a happy birthday balloon) 2.My house (pick up the clue from my dad) 3.Menchies 4.Our temple 5.Peace Mound Park 6.Casa...
  13. T

    Advanced Brain Imaging Technology Reveals Early Diagnostic Clues For Alzheimer's Dise

    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a major neurodegenerative disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. New and accurate techniques for early diagnosis are critical. Pravat K. Mandal, PhD, and his colleagues have developed a completely non-invasive brain imaging technique to measure specific...
  14. T

    Clues To Reversing Cognitive Deficits In Humans Offered By Mouse Study

    The ability to navigate using spatial cues was impaired in mice whose brains were minus a channel that delivers potassium - a finding that may have implications for humans with damage to the hippocampus, a brain structure critical to memory and learning, according to a Baylor University...
  15. T

    Anti-Superbug Clues In Deep, Isolated Cave

    A deep, isolated cave in New Mexico harbors strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that might hold clues for fighting modern-day superbugs. The hope is the discovery means there are previously unknown antibiotics occurring naturally, that could be used to treat infections. Researchers from...
  16. T

    Clues About Protection From HIV From Follow-Up Studies To The RV144 HIV Vaccine Trial

    Researchers have gained important clues about immune system responses that could play a role in protecting people from HIV infection in follow-up studies from the world's largest HIV vaccine trial to date. Results from laboratory studies based on the trial were published in the New England...
  17. O

    Pretty Little Liars Season 1 Pilot Clues?

    I just watched the most recent episode S02E22 and I've decided to re-watch the series. Upon Spencer getting the first email from A (about kissing and telling) there is a flashback. After this, the laptop is unfocused but the email has changed. It is much longer than the 2 sentences originally...
  18. T

    Obesity - New Clues By Age And Stage, Australia

    Researchers have found that one fourth of students in Australian secondary schools are either overweight or obese, affecting lifestyle and socioeconomic status. The study, published in the February 20 issue of the Medical Journal of Australia - a publication of the Australian Medical...
  19. A

    what are the best clues that show a girl is interested in you?

    and is there any way i can test if she does or doesn't?
  20. I

    Which is better 39 Clues or Maze Runner?

    i cant decide