
  1. R

    Where is the closest motor bike track to Rotherham?

    I live in rotherham, wheres the closest motorbike track to me? Apparantly there is a new 1 in thorpe hesley but I can't seem to find it.. Thanks :P
  2. B

    Riddle for you. Person whos closest to correct gets best. Wanna try?

    There are 14 birds sitting in a tree. A farmer comes up with a shotgun and shoots 3 of them. How many are left?
  3. K

    What's the closest casino to the Mandarin Oriental in Las Vegas?

    Since the Mandarin doesn't have a casino, what's the closest casino from there? I'm sure it's between Monte Carlo and Aria, but has anyone been to Mandarin before? And how was it?
  4. B

    College Football Predictions (week 1) closest gets 10 pts.?

    Illinois@Missouri Colorado @Colorado St...
  5. P

    What is the closest sect of Christianity to Catholicism (this includes Roman...

    ...and Eastern Catholic)? I was just wondering because I am thinking of becoming a minister of some sort. (I'm Roman Catholic and I want to be married)
  6. B

    Who is the closest living descendant to John Bell?

    John Bell as in the Bells of Adams, TN. The Bells having to do with the who Bell Witch thing. John Bell born in 1750 in Halifax County, North Carolina, died Dec. 20, 1850. He married Lucy Williams. He was the main target of the Bell Witch...
  7. M

    What kind of car is this? closest one to camera.?
  8. D

    Here's a bit of NRL trivia/quiz to share with your mates, BA to closest answer do

    you know..? heres something interesting, dont ask me how it works, but its 100% true, i seen it on discovery science but they did it with a soccer team, if there are 11 players per side, plus 6 (which works out the same as an NRL 17) reserves 1 ref and 2 touchies, giving a total of 37 people...
  9. O

    Can anyone crack this prophecy from my story? 10 pts to the closest person :)?

    It's from a fantasy book about superheroes that are destined to save the world from a villian named Fantasma, can you crack this prophecy a Seer has seen, that describes the heroes' adventures to slay him? Ben's hands at seven will point in four directions, leaving the heroes deathly confused...
  10. L

    One of my closest friends is a slut and everyone talks about her.. she

    doesn't know this.. how do i tell her? Basically, she's 16 and she had her first bf a few months ago, they had sex after a week. They broke up in January and since then shes slept with loads of older men in their 20's, including a man who is famous in our area and sings at schools.. Everyone...
  11. E

    what is the closest supplement to steroids sold at the gnc or vitaman shoppe?

    what is the very best muscle building supplement that I could buy at either GNC or the vitamin shoppe?
  12. M

    What's the closest you can get to a smartphone without getting a smartphone?

    I want a phone that has a *decent* touch screen, a qwerty keyboard (physical or touch), a full music and video player, and a good camera. I just don't want to get a data package. I have Verizon and the closest thing I've found is the Chocolate Touch. I really hate my Motorola Rival.
  13. J

    How many atheists world why closest gets a signed Harry Potter book signed by FDR?

    How many of you world wide this is not rocket science question
  14. T

    What are the closest buddhist monasteries to Trier in Germany?

    There have to be some somewhere. I need to find more specifically a zen buddhist monastery nearest Trier in Germany. Wo finde ich ein Zen buddhistisches Kloster nahe trier?
  15. R

    Tendulkar- the closest thing to Don Bradman ?

    In terms of technique, ability and overall run scoring the little Indian master must be the closest thing to Bradman there has ever been. He even beats Ian Bell on that score !!
  16. A

    Is there an airport in Arlington, Virginia or what city has the closest airport?

    Looking for flights from Arlington, Virginia to New York (JFK or any surrounding) this weekend. Also if you know or live in Arlington, Virginia by any chance hows the weather out there i heard its snowing if so do u think is bad enough that all flights will be canceled this weekend to NY?
  17. K

    10 PTS for closest prediction...Who will win tomorrow's game? Titans or Chargers?

    What is your prediction of the score? Merry Christmas !!!!
  18. M

    What is the closest place to live in USA if I need to travel to Toronto often?

    Is there a ferry from Toronto to some place in NY or will I have to drive around
  19. S

    Where is the closest greyhound station near Santa Paula, CA?

    I'll be travelling on greyhound from Oakland to Santa Paula and is my first time doing so, I already checked out the greyhound website but their "station locator" was useless at least for me.I dont think there's a station at Santa Paula, I think the closest would be Oxnard, I'm not sure though...
  20. D

    I turn my car off and my top Vents Closest to the Windshield stay on now.?

    I unplugged the Ac blower unit and then the fan doesnt run. What part is broken? 1994 Olds 98