
  1. E

    What's the funniest/most clever horse competition name you've heard?

    Just a little fun question. :) I've seen a grey going on xc when I was jump judging called 'Here Comes The Storm'. I found it pretty funny/clever considering this horse was as grey as they rainclouds circling the farm that day! Others would include Evil Munchkin (I knew this horse well though...
  2. R

    In the book 101 Dalmatians, what does mean the expression: Roger was clever enough,

    as huamans go? I mean especially "as humans go"
  3. L

    I need some on clever to help me connect my gmail account to my lg gw620...?

    I have set up my g-mail account separately so i know that thats not the problem when i try my phone takes a while to connect then says "Cant establish a reliable data connection to the server. This could be a temporary problem or SIM card may not be provisioned for data serviced. if ir...
  4. K

    Hello. You look clever. Do you mind telling me what you think of this?

    I had never been so betrayed. I stared up at the dark sky, teeth gritted and hands shaking. My breath passed in shallow gasps, and I fell back against the trunk of the tree. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry out. I wanted to...I wanted to go back to the Castle, grab Jarret by the throat and...
  5. C

    Awesome And Clever Youtube Names!?

    I Want Some Funny, Awesome, Clever etc. Youtube Names. Because Im Going To Make A Funny Youtube Show Like Fred Or Christian Beadles Or BrittaniLouisTaylor Or Strawburry17 Im A Girl Btw And My Name Is Valencia. Im Going To Make MusicVideos, Short But Funny Shows, And Little Interviews. And Please...
  6. B

    Easy Football Quiz For Clever People?

    Name 20 Footballers Whose Surname Starts And Ends With Same Letter
  7. H

    Riddle 2 for Clever Souls - 10pts for 1st correct answer.?

    I am the center of gravity, hold a capital situation in Vienna, and as I am foremost in every victory, am allowed by all to be invaluable. Though I am invisible, I am clearly seen in the midst of a river. I could name three who are in love with me and have three associates in vice. It is vain...
  8. G

    I don't like talking, is there a chance i meet a good and clever guy?

    Or do clever guys want a girl who has interesting stuff to talk about? I am 21 and never was on a date. So, I will never have anything to talk about. I guess nobody will want to marry me... and even to date a 2nd time since the 1st time will make it clear i do not have any interests in life...
  9. G

    Clever Men Are Wearing Angry Birds for Halloween This Year [Halloween]

    Selling millions of copies to happy customers is one of the more important milestones for any software developer, but when you inspire a Halloween costume, well, that's the real gravy, isn't it? But wait, there's more: More »
  10. T

    Funny and clever homemade halloween costumes.?

    I'm a 14 year old girl and i need a funny homemade halloween costume. I was going to be a dishwasher or a pregnant nun but the dishwasher could get ruined at school and the nun could be offensive. Any ideas for a really funny or clever but appropriate halloween costumes?!
  11. G

    Use a Guitar Hero or Rock Band Microphone with an iPad [Clever Uses]

    There's a built-in microphone on an iPad, but if you're looking for better sound and more audio reach, reader JeshuaSan tested out a Guitar Hero microphone with a Camera Connector kit, and it worked great for an Evernote audio memo. More »
  12. G

    How to be Clever & Funny around Girls?

    Well at a school get together type thing a while ago I had a heap of people honestly rate my by my appearance on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being ugly as and 10 being hot as. The lowest I got was 3/10 & the highest I got was 5/10, I had always considered myself to be about a 6/10 so this was a bit of...
  13. C

    Clever title for an essay?

    Im writing a compare and contrast essay on two short stories "The Moths" and "Girl" and basicallly im writing to compare this everyday lifestyle that old school family traditions are like. waking up cleaning the house serving the men of the household and i want a clever title. i came up with the...
  14. M

    What are some good clever book titles?

    I have- The Lovely Dilemma Running on Empty Webs we Weave Any more perhaps? Thanks for your help to those who answer! (:
  15. M

    I need some clever jokes like, ICUP, and , "spell attic"?

    I need some clever jokes like, "spell icup" or, "spell attic" or, "hold your tongue and say sit"
  16. I

    Anyone know any clever plot twists?

    I would like as much as possible. Even if their overused their okay. ex. Some detective finds out the guy hes after has been dead for like 10 years. a group of main characters team up to help each other find and kill a certain person for each character, but turns out they were after...
  17. S

    Survey: for the clever only... thick please stay away

    i can read it lol can u? fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe tuo fo 100 anc. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it...
  18. S

    I'm attracted to a skater boy. He's nice, funny, clever, ambitious... Is it...

    ...bad to fancy a skater? My family is kind of posh. He's in a lot of my lessons at school and we got along. My friends said he liked me too. Everything changed now because he has a girlfriend. I don't know what to do. For the first time in my life, I'm actually in love. I can't help it, I've...
  19. L

    CLEVER PEOPLE ONLY: What do you think is your negative and positive...

    ...attributes, and what are your interests? so what are your.... Negative Attributes: Positive Attributes: Interests: Okay, this isn't at all interesting questions, i know. But YOU are supposed to make it interesting by being CREATIVE. a good example would be : Interests: Drunken nights in...
  20. J

    What are some clever things to say when my booty call's other half answers the phone?

    He just keeps telling me that my booty call is asleep and that I should call back in the morning... What's up with that? Thanks, Just Wondering :)