
  1. N

    low-cost ghd straightner could have been are the most average circumstances

    planchas ghd The fact is that the valid reason the GHD Pink is so remarkable is the extended checklist of elements that this straightener has. The good news nonetheless is that it is nonetheless attainable to adhere to the pricier manufacturers and still conserve some income off your little one...
  2. L

    Under what circumstances could he not be interested in me?

    We're both 20, same year, same class, both single. I've told him I'm single, he's told me he's single too. He's expressed the wish to not be single anymore. We have EVERYTHING in common, which is very rare in our place. We really match and we have very interesting conversations. I like him and...
  3. P

    Can I buy an iPhone 4 under these circumstances with Telus?

    I currently have an LG Banter (not a smartphone) that I had to buy after my LG Chocolate broke this summer. I have about a year left in my 3 year contract. I want to buy an iPhone 4 (8GB) under a new 3 year contract this month or the next. What I'm basically asking is if it's possible for me to...
  4. T

    Would Mazda Protege or Mitsu Lancer be the best choice under my circumstances?

    I'm looking for a reliable, fuel-efficient, and fun to drive(manual transmission) car for under $7500. From my research, it looks like Protege or Lancer would be my best choice given my price range. I'm considering Civic's also, but they hold their value well, so not finding good ones around...
  5. T

    Condom Use Acceptable In Exceptional Circumstances, Says Pope Benedict XVI

    The Vatican's rigid anti-contraception stance has eased ever so slightly after the Pope Benedict XVI accepted yesterday that in exceptional circumstances condom use is acceptable. A new book, parts of which were made public through the Vatican newspaper, quotes the Pope during interviews with a...
  6. G

    Under the present circumstances, maybe it is OK for an atheist to ask for the Lord's

    Read the comments on this post... More...
  7. R

    what are the circumstances for having underage sex?

    well basically all i want to know is what can happen if you have underage sex (jail,arrested,fined) etc.
  8. J

    What circumstances led to the introduction of slavery into the colonies?

    There was also a period of time when Europeans were used to work on the plantations- is that correct?
  9. M

    Isn't it sad state of affairs when a man discloses his personal circumstances to

    quell gossip? No one actually forced him to disclose anything, he chose to reveal the facts to try and prove in some way that he is heterosexual. Who apart from his wife cares whether he is homosexual or not? What do you think? Sorry Tiger, I am on about Wee Willie (winky) Hague. LEAP FIG so...
  10. J

    What extenuating circumstance(s) prohibited you from meeting Financial Aid

    Satisfactory Academic Progress requ? I need someone to answer this question for me PLEASE!!!
  11. G

    But wait, are there no circumstances in which having that gun in my home will protect

    I dunno. But Stephanie Zvan has worked out the Gun Protection Best Case Scenario. And it happens to be the latest post on Quiche Moraine so I know you won't want to miss this. Read the comments on this post... More...
  12. G

    But wait, are there no circumstances in which having that gun in my home will protect

    I dunno. But Stephanie Zvan has worked out the Gun Protection Best Case Scenario. And it happens to be the latest post on Quiche Moraine so I know you won't want to miss this. Read the comments on this post... More...
  13. G

    But wait, are there no circumstances in which having that gun in my home will protect

    I dunno. But Stephanie Zvan has worked out the Gun Protection Best Case Scenario. And it happens to be the latest post on Quiche Moraine so I know you won't want to miss this. Read the comments on this post... More...
  14. G

    But wait, are there no circumstances in which having that gun in my home will protect

    I dunno. But Stephanie Zvan has worked out the Gun Protection Best Case Scenario. And it happens to be the latest post on Quiche Moraine so I know you won't want to miss this. Read the comments on this post... More...
  15. G

    But wait, are there no circumstances in which having that gun in my home will protect

    I dunno. But Stephanie Zvan has worked out the Gun Protection Best Case Scenario. And it happens to be the latest post on Quiche Moraine so I know you won't want to miss this. Read the comments on this post... More...
  16. H

    Is the Christian God OK with divorce under certain circumstances?

    My ex husband was very abusive. It got to the point where I thought he would kill me. When I told my parents about the abuse he demanded a divorce. Now I am remarried. Does God consider my new marriage legit? Am I considered an adulterer?
  17. B

    Under what circumstances are free throws awarded in a basketball game?

  18. C

    When it comes to Foreign Policy doesn't Obama's circumstances resesembles Johnson's?

    Vietnam - former French then a U.S. lead Coalition followed by Military stalemate. Afghanistan - former Russian then U.S. lead Coalition followed by Military stalemate. Remember what happened to Russia after they failed in Afghanistan?
  19. C

    When it comes to Foreign Policy doesn't Obama's circumstances resesembles Johnson's?

    Vietnam - former French then a U.S. lead Coalition followed by Military stalemate. Afghanistan - former Russian then U.S. lead Coalition followed by Military stalemate. Remember what happened to Russia after they failed in Afghanistan?
  20. D

    under what circumstances does the liquid discharge from the plant not meet minimun

    standards? and what are the standards for the quality of water discahged from a wastewater plant best answer will get 10 pts thanks in advance