
  1. D

    Help me think of ideas for a childrens story?

    i just need ideas for what my story should be on/ the main idea/ what it will teach the kid (what is important for kids to learn/know growing up)
  2. A

    DT Exclusive: The first draft of Frank Lampard?s children?s book

    Frank Lampard has signed a deal to write a series of five children's books called "Frankie's Magic Football." According to Reuters, the books will be about a schoolboy named Frankie and football-loving friends, who Lampard says are "loosely based on friends and team mates I've played with over...
  3. J

    I need help for info on a childrens party? Help help help :-(?

    I need help! I haven't a clue what to google to did a company that does this sort of thing, my little sisters having a 1st birthday party as she absolutely adores all the characters from in the night garden, I just haven't a clue what to search :-( please help!
  4. D

    Trying to Find Old Childrens Book?

    Hiya, Im trying for years to find a book that I used to read as a kid. It was an illustrated book about wild and wacky inventions. The premise of the book was that on exploring the (london underground) some explorers stumbled upon a hidden and secret set of catacombs or chambers containing...
  5. A

    Need help finding an 80s childrens book?

    Its going to sound a little crazy,but its a book about a town finding a giant baby girl and they try to feed her,but she eats up everything and she grows up into a woman they try to clothe. I hope someone can find it,its such a cute book. Thank you:)
  6. H

    scary childrens book from the nineties?

    it was a childrens picture book about a family with kids living in a sorta nice house, and the kids were always thinking unexplained things were ghosts until their parents would prove what it actually was (natural occurences etc.) i wanna find this book for reminiscing purposes, please help as...
  7. A

    sky childrens program.anyne know of a 'little, white, helpful truck'?

    my 3yr old son channel flicked and watched a program about a 'little helpful truck' that was white with a bit of blue on it. the truck help his friend, an ice cream truck to make some more ice cream. i dont know what the name is,what side it was on or what time it was on(,it was on a few days...
  8. S

    Need help finding childrens book about princess?

    Really would like to find the name of this book for a friend who read it when she was younger but cant remember the name...Anybody know it? It's a childrens book about a girl who was in love and her father was the king. King hated the boy so he made his daughter choose one day to either sit...
  9. B

    I'm trying to find the name of a childrens book. can someone please help me?

    ive been looking for this book for years, and only just thought about asking here. about 15 years ago in kindergarden, the person who was quietest during nap time always got to get up first and pick a picture book to look at before everyone else. i always wanted to be picked so i could choose...
  10. L

    Childrens cartoon or tv programme with a carousel or a merry go round in it ?

    Its not the magic roundabout.
  11. E

    I bought childrens VHS movies and DVDs for my son in Germany and England....

    ...They won't work on our US player.? Something about them being PAL zoned, and here in the US it's NTSC? What do I need? A whole new player, or a converter, and where can I find these items? Thanks :)
  12. N

    Which stores in the US are well-known for selling childrens clothing?

    I live int he UK and therefore don't know the stores, if you were going to buy childrens clothing int he US, where would you go (not online)?
  13. I

    Did Obama first Tax Hike on Cigarettes really pay for 11 million childrens...

    ...H.Care Insurance? Obamas very first bill he passed was doubling the cost of Cigarettes, he said the tax will save the children under 30 years old and give them Healthcare. Did that really happen and how do we find out?
  14. I

    Did Obama first Tax Hike on Cigarettes really pay for 11 million childrens...

    ...H.Care Insurance? Obamas very first bill he passed was doubling the cost of Cigarettes, he said the tax will save the children under 30 years old and give them Healthcare. Did that really happen and how do we find out?
  15. D

    dreamt of reading a little girl a childrens book?

    she was going through a cardboard box of books and asked if they were all mine,i said all the picture books were. I began to read her 'winne the pooh' ,but we could not figure out which way the book was to go, the start etc it was upside down,pull out flap parts here and there. The...
  16. H

    What is that childrens film called the one with the toaster and other

    household gadgets? I remember a hoover and they get left behind after a move and the toaster was the main character. This is in the early 90s and for some reason it has come to my mind!!
  17. H

    what are the answers to the world book day childrens quiz for secondary school?

    I need them because im running a school quiz
  18. C

    Help needed writing a superhero childrens book?

    Hi, I'm writing a children's story/picture book for my child studies class....and it's about a superhero Panda...anyway I'm having trouble figuring out what he can get up too and what 'lesson' children would learn ? :/ Help??
  19. L

    Funny Childrens' Book Ideas?

    I have to write and illustrate a childrens book for my english class. it is graded on creativity. I have the art thing going on, but i need an idea of a story to write. Make it as RANDOM and HILARIOUS as possible. any kind of crazy, funny scenario is good. (: thankkksss :)
  20. F

    talking animals on childrens shows?

    won't it give the wrong idea to toddlers that animals can talk ?