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    The Accuracy Of Autism Diagnosis In Children With Down Syndrome Validated By New Find

    New findings from a 16-year study confirm that the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the gold-standard for the classification of mental health conditions, can be used to accurately identify autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in children with Down syndrome, according to...
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    Children With Spina Bifida Need Personal "starter"

    Children born with spina bifida often have difficulties to perform everyday activities. This is not primarily due to being confined to a wheelchair or to parental overprotection as was previously believed new research from the University of Gothenburg shows that it is down to an inability to...
  3. N

    Title of a children's book?

    Ok I've been searching and searching for this old book of mine and I can't remember what it's called. Here is what I remember of it. The book is about a farmer who seems to be able to grow balloons. Throughout the book a little child continues to spy on him to figure out his secret. Throughout...
  4. T

    Record Number Of Children To Be Vaccinated Against Diarrhea And Pneumonia

    Sixteen more developing nations will receive funding to protect their children from rotavirus and pneumococcal infections, major causes of childhood deaths globally from severe diarrhea and pneumonia, the GAVI Alliance announced today. Pneumonia and diarrhea are the two leading causes of...
  5. G

    Do you remember this old children's book about a deep sea fish that ends up in

    an aquarium? I read it in the 90s, but think it was probably written in the 70s (had a seventies look to the illustrations). I thought the title was something like "I am a fish", but google hasn't helped me. it has colourful looking fish that has fins that look a bit like like wings. The story...
  6. M

    What is the Children of the Corn series of movies about?

    Why Children and why corn and why do all the adults get killed
  7. M

    What is the Children of the Corn series of movies about?

    Why Children and why corn and why do all the adults get killed
  8. L

    Can my children convert to Orthodox Judaism?

    My father is Jewish, my mother coverted Reform before marriage. My only religious/ cultural identity is that of Judaism. I married an Israeli 3 years ago. Can my children convert to Orthodox Judaism?
  9. R

    Immunise children against Christianity?

    Is that covered by the Government?
  10. J

    Should Parents have a say if they don't want their children to learn about evolution?

    I mean parents have a say if they don't want their children to learn about Christianity I mean to some being religious is like being a second class citizen So you don't think parents have a right to say what his child can or can not learn? You would let the government make that kind of decision...
  11. H

    Zettai Karen children on ipod?

    Anybody knows a site or apps that can watch Zettai Karen children free??? Thanx
  12. D

    Does the drive to have children get in the way of a homosexual relationship?

    Asking gay guys and girls that are in a homosexual relationship. Do you want to have children? And is this kind of thing a point of tension in gay relationships? Or do homosexuals tend to not want children? I mean I know there is adoption and artificial insemination and such... But it's not the...
  13. T

    Obesity In Children, Researching The Body's Natural Weight-control System

    A shocking 17 per cent of boys and 15 per cent of girls aged two to 15 years are obese in the UK1, putting them at risk of serious, long-term health problems. Now a team of Aberdeen researchers are investigating special diets which could help youngsters keep the weight off, thanks to a grant...
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    Susan Lucci Shoots Down All My Children Online Offer

    Farewell, Erica Kane. We already know that All My Children is going to continue its dramatic plot on a smaller screen (meaning, your computer screen), but we didn't know for sure if...
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    CDC: New H1N1 Strain H3N2 Infected Two Children In Recent Months

    The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have made a startling announcement this week. Two children previously vaccinated for the H1N1 influenza virus have contracted a new strain named H3N2 in what is being called a virus "reassortment." The good news is both have been treated...
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    IDSA/PIDS Announce Guidelines For Treating Pneumonia In Children

    Immunizations, including a yearly flu vaccine, are the best way to protect children from life-threatening pneumonia, according to new guidelines from the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (PIDS) and the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA). The guidelines, which are the first on...
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    Even Young Children Aware Of Ethnicity-Based Stigma

    Students are stigmatized for a variety of reasons, with youths from ethnic-minority backgrounds often feeling devalued in school. New research on young children from a range of backgrounds has found that even elementary school children are aware of such stigmatization and, like older youths...
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    Children's Social Goals Help Determine Their Response To Bullying

    Second and third graders who are bullied react in a variety of ways - from discussing the problem or striking back to seeking emotional support. A new study in the journal Child Development has found that the types of goals children set in their relationships help determine how they respond to...
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    Harmful Toxins A Threat To Children With Congenital Heart Disease

    Babies and toddlers with congenital heart disease are at an increased risk of having harmful toxins in their blood, particularly following surgery, according to research by a team at Imperial College London. The study, published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine...
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    Malignant Brain Tumors In Children Found To be Two Different Diseases

    Ependymomas are the second most frequent type of malignant brain tumor in children. Ependymoma develops from precursor cells of the tissue that lines the hollow cavities of the brain. Therapy results of ependymoma vary immensely: While in some patients tumor growth comes to a standstill after...