
  1. F

    Hatching chickens, I just got really worried I have distrupted the egg help?

    Hi, we are on about day 17 or 18 of our incubation time. I just candelled one of the eggs and the air bubble looks a bit bigger and the chick inside was moving quite a bit on it. I turned it round a bit get a view and then felt this big vibration on my palm. Im really worried now that i have...
  2. M

    monthly electricity bills for backyard chickens?

    Does anyone have backyard chickens in NC? I am wondering how much it costs per month alone on lamp heat to keep chickens warm in winter and fan to keep them cool in summer?
  3. P

    Americans why do you hate me because i'm Asian? You Americans eat pigs,Chickens, and

    cows, and me eat dogs? I get a lot of flack from Americans just because I conceded to eating Dogs, it's part of my culture, i'm from south korean. American people are too judgemental, they eat farm animals but i get chastise for liking dogs and cats on occasions? Can i get any advice so i can...
  4. J

    Do chickens exist? 0_o Or will this give you a new perspective?

    If you don't understand don't answer saying I'm dumb or something. Someone I know recently told me chickens don't exist and he put up a pretty good argument. Here is what he said: Ok so we eat the adults and unborn chickens every day. Go to any groceryarket and they sell eggs by the dozen. Not...
  5. L

    How long should i cook two chickens for?

    I have two chickens to roast, both 1.37kg, in a fan assisted oven, never cooked a chicken before, any advice?
  6. S

    can chickens eat the core or rib of a corn? and do they eat quick cooking...

    ...oats from the grocery? so i plan to chop and process the corns in a blender (whole) and add a bit of water, will this work?
  7. I

    Why do u think ducks can fly a longer distance than chickens? State any 2

    possible reasons.? urgent. Pls help.
  8. N

    In a pen of goats and chickens, there are 80 heads and 210 feet. How many...

    ...goats and chickens are in the pen? How am I suppose to know how to set up an equation for this? Is it quadratic? I have no clue how to do this simple 4th grade math problem. Please help. Thank you in advance!
  9. N

    In a pen of goats and chickens, there are 80 heads and 210 feet. How many...

    ...goats and chickens are in the pen? How am I suppose to know how to set up an equation for this? Is it quadratic? I have no clue how to do this simple 4th grade math problem. Please help. Thank you in advance!
  10. N

    In a pen of goats and chickens, there are 80 heads and 210 feet. How many...

    ...goats and chickens are in the pen? How am I suppose to know how to set up an equation for this? Is it quadratic? I have no clue how to do this simple 4th grade math problem. Please help. Thank you in advance!
  11. N

    In a pen of goats and chickens, there are 80 heads and 210 feet. How many...

    ...goats and chickens are in the pen? How am I suppose to know how to set up an equation for this? Is it quadratic? I have no clue how to do this simple 4th grade math problem. Please help. Thank you in advance!
  12. N

    In a pen of goats and chickens, there are 80 heads and 210 feet. How many...

    ...goats and chickens are in the pen? How am I suppose to know how to set up an equation for this? Is it quadratic? I have no clue how to do this simple 4th grade math problem. Please help. Thank you in advance!
  13. F

    I have 3 chickens and I don't know when to take them off the light!?

    Okay I got these three chicks. They are 6 weeks old. I have had a 100watt light on them 24/7 in the coop. This has made a large impact on our electric bill. In the coop the is a sunny side and the shady side. At what age can I turn the light off? PLEASE! I NEED HELP!
  14. H

    How can i get my chickens to lay often?

    My brother has had chickens for about 2 years now and we know plenty about chickens and even hatched some of our own this year. But we always struggle with our egg production, i know in summer they are longer days so we got about 8 eggs a day but that only happened for a few weeks and that is...
  15. L

    how do i get revenge on my neighbors for using a duck call on my chickens to make

    Idea # 1- Why dont you just not own chickens illegally? Idea# 2- Go with idea one.
  16. T

    how much can i sell my chickens for?

    i live in the great state of california and i own 20 free range chickens ....i am hoping to sell them in a couple weeks and i need to figure the right price to sell them for . i was thinking 7-8 $ each.
  17. F

    Would chickens attack a duck if it was introduced into their territory?

    or do they live happily together ?
  18. H

    how to keep raccoons and opossums away from my chickens?

    We just lost 3 chickens from either a raccoon or an opossum. It had to be a small critter because no holes in fence, on ground under fence or roof of coop. It was low to the ground when I seen it from the house.
  19. N

    introducing chickens into a pen???

    Last year my chicken got a severe beating from the other chickens and had no skin left on his head and i mean from behind the head up. now i want to put him back but he has no feathers on his head anymore, just one big scare. I tried to introduce him back into the pen once and they just went...
  20. M

    How do i introduce new chickens in with the older ones?

    we have 5 chickens, 1 rooster and 4 hens. We got all of these chickens from the same family, and the new ones will also be from the same family (if that makes a difference) we are clueless on how to introduce them.. help??