
  1. C

    Is mint non tobacco and non nicotine chew safe?

    I heard it has many benefits like helps digestion, abdominal pains, nasal and throat infections, helps bad breath, can not cause cancer, helps former tobacco users, smells better, and doesnt have nicotine or tobacco, and more, its just mint leaves, but i want to know if it can cause other mouth...
  2. Z

    Adding big league chew to tobacco?

    Ive heard of people adding it to chaw but not actual dip just want to know if it works good.
  3. K

    Can you use cigae tobacco as chew?

    I like an occasional cigar to celebrate or after working on the house on my day off. I dislike the last inch or so because its hot as a mother flunker. I was wondering if i can just use the leftover (nonburnt) tobacco as chew? Seems logical and able to me but im just checking to see id its...
  4. S dog chew cords...advice?

    How can I break my dog of this? I have had her for alittle over a month, and just discovered today she chews cords. She is 2, and really doesn't have any other bad habits. She chewed a lamp cord in half. I moved a lamp (to the floor), so I could clean the table. And I got distracted and forgot...
  5. K

    is it true when you chew tobacco your teeth have holes?

    And stained yellow? o.o
  6. A

    How long dose it take to get mouth cancer from dip/ chew tobacco?

    i just started. doing and was wondering how long it would take for the cancer to develop? and can it still develop if i do it every once in a while?
  7. F

    Any healthy recipes for someone who's had a tooth pulled and can't chew?

    I want to help the healing process, not hinder it, so no unhealthy stuff like ice cream, pudding, jello, etc...
  8. M

    Is there any non-nicotine chew that has similar relaxing effects to normal chew?

    Like herbal chew that like relaxes you or something...
  9. B

    Why do hockey players (ages 14-20) do chew tobacco? ?

    All of my friends do it, I've never tried but kinda want to. I also heard it gives you some sort of buzz?
  10. E

    Why do I chew poptabs?

    I have a habit of chewing on metal, aluminum in particular. Every time I have a soft drink I tear the tab off the top and will chew on it for hours. I don't know why I do this really and it isn't a necessity but more of a compulsion. I was mostly just wondering if there are any health risks to...
  11. S

    What is the Rough Cost on Chew Tobacco in Canada?

    If you can give me a list and/or link, that would be great. Thanks. :)
  12. A

    Why do baseball players chew tobacco?

    I noticed some giants players chew tobacco. (particularly Tim Lincecum)
  13. A

    Is it bad to chew nicotine gum if you don't smoke cigarrettes?

    i don't smoke, but i did chew nicotine gum for the first time. a kid in my school offered another kid nicotine gum, that person said no but then i asked that kid for one and he gave me one and i chewed it during class. is it bad to chew on that if you dont smoke?
  14. E

    Where could I purchase a non-tobacco non-nicotine chew?

    I am looking for a non-tobacco and non-nicotine chew and was wondering if I could buy it at a gas station or store? And can you buy this if you are under 18? There is some type of chew that is made from tea leaves and other herbs of that type.
  15. E

    Where could I purchase a non-tobacco non-nicotine chew?

    I am looking for a non-tobacco and non-nicotine chew and was wondering if I could buy it at a gas station or store? And can you buy this if you are under 18? There is some type of chew that is made from tea leaves and other herbs of that type.
  16. C

    If you've never smoked cigarettes and you chew nicorette...?

    Could it cause an addiction to nicatinesince nicorette gum has a small dose and you had never smoked a cigarette? Just curious because I saw a nicorette commercial lol Lol I'm not going to do it or anything just curious..!
  17. D

    best tobacco chew brands?

    and i mean chew not dip. not the cut up shit in a can, the whole leaf chew or brick chew.
  18. U

    Is it a sin for an orangutan to dip snuff, chew tobacco, and drink brandy?

    (((Dr Frog))) -- is it moderation if he only does it after supper?
  19. L

    Why does my dog whimper & whine when I give him a new chew treat?

    He gets real loud and obnoxious and runs around the house trying to bury it. What's that about, excitement, think's I'm going to take it back, is this a dominate thing or what?
  20. J

    HELP!!!! My hamster doesn't like to chew on mineral bars and wood sticks. What

    should i do? I know this is bad, but he also chews on the metal bars of his cage.