
  1. A

    How can i find celebrities on Skype?

    I want to find out skype id of indian and pakistani celebrities..how can i do that??
  2. J

    How are Disney Channel celebrities so thin?

    Like Bella Thorne and Zendaya Coleman, girls like that. What kind of diets do they follow to remain so thin, but yet have glowing skin and beautiful hair? They can't all be naturally thin. There has to be something they're doing. Help? What do you think it is?
  3. J

    How do you meet celebrities or semi-famous people?

    What are some tips? Where do I go? Stuff like that :)
  4. T

    Why is it that celebrities dont mention their fans?

    I mention the OMG Girlz and Mindless Behavior but they don't reply
  5. O

    anybody know of any UK celebrities on Pinterest?

    I can see lots of US ones - but no British ones.
  6. W

    What are some celebrities or famous people with Alzheimer's?

    I already have rose parks,and ronald reagan but I need like more,plus I need some general info bout them Thanks!
  7. L

    What celebrities have had a strong impact on politics, culture or the economy?

    I want to do a biography on someone well known.
  8. H

    What celebrities do I look like? I'm curious?

    These are my pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/44547291@N03/7162140532/in/photostream and http://www.flickr.com/photos/44547291@N03/7162135300/in/photostream
  9. S

    What audience did these celebrities appeal to?

    I'm doing a report, and i need to know what age group Charlie Chaplin, Louis Armstrong, and Coco Chanel targeted. They can be different ages for each person.
  10. A

    ‘Without Makeup’ Is The New Baby Bump For Celebrities

    Remember when the hottest Hollywood accessory was a gestating baby? Well move over, fetuses—the latest*paparazzi*catnip is mascara-free lashes and unpainted lips. If 'jumped the shark' is a thing we say anymore, then the 'celebs without makeup' thing has definitely jumped the shark. More »Post...
  11. L

    Top 5 most beautiful celebrities in the world?

    Beyonce was named the most beautiful women in the world the other day, and now i want to know who you guys think are the top 5 !? I think its: Beyonce Angelina Jolie Adriana lima Jessica alba Venassa williams <3
  12. A

    Do you think is hard for celebrities to get their 8 hour sleep everyday?

  13. N

    Who are some female celebrities that weigh around 120-150 pounds?

    I am making a posterboard of inspirational quotes and people to inspire me to lose weight. Right now I am trying to find someone who is around my goal weight so I know what I am working for. Who are some celebrities that I should have a picture of my goal weight. My goal weight is 120-150...
  14. E

    why do people praise celebrities when they pass?

    what i mean is, does anyone else agree how fake as fuck people act when a celebrity passes? for example when amy winehouse was alive everyone called her a crackhead and talked shit but when she died everyone was all omg we love u amyyyy we miss youuu your were amazingggg! same with whitney...
  15. A

    What modern day celebrities would fit these characters?

    In the Great Gatsby book I am wondering your opinions on celebrities that either personality or physically wise fit one or more things about the characters: Jay Gatsby,, Tom Buchanan, Daisy Buchanan, Nick Carraway, Jordan Baker, Myrtle Wilson, and/or George Wilson. For example: Tom Buchanan is...
  16. M

    Why do some girls go crazy over Celebrities?

    i have a crush on cameron boyce and a lot of other girls do to. but some girls are always asking for his number,email and address. and a lot of them say they are going to marry him. and this is not the only time ive seen this a lot of girls do this with diggy, jaden smith, and mindless behavior...
  17. A

    Newt Gingrich Didn’t Get Open Marriage Right, But These Celebrities Have

    Newt Gingrich's open marriage attempt might not have worked out so well. But plenty of notable people have navigated open marriages much more successfully than Gingrich. No, I'm not talking Brad and Angelina, Will and Jada Pinket Smith or Tilda Swinton and some French painter—celebrities who are...
  18. B

    Which celebrities is Celine Dion close friends with?

    I know this seems like a really weird question but I'm just curious because I know that she is really good friends with Oprah Winfrey and so I was wondering who else she is friends with
  19. B

    Which celebrities is Celine Dion close friends with?

    I know this seems like a really weird question but I'm just curious because I know that she is really good friends with Oprah Winfrey and so I was wondering who else she is friends with
  20. B

    Which celebrities is Celine Dion close friends with?

    I know this seems like a really weird question but I'm just curious because I know that she is really good friends with Oprah Winfrey and so I was wondering who else she is friends with