
  1. L

    Where can I contact celeb hairstylist Danilo?

    Does he have a salon or a studio where he styles hair. I heard he does great work and I've been trying to research him.
  2. A

    Ok so I've seen this dress worn by a celeb.....?

    In Talyor Swift's music video Love Story she had two really pretty dresses. What century are they from and where can I find the photos?
  3. N

    what celeb should we be?

    me and my friend want to dress up as like friends like an example is nicole richie and paris hilton but please dont choose that and she has blonde hair and i have brown so please only list girl celebs that people would know and say how i could dress up like them and choose a good combo and...
  4. N

    what should i wear for the celeb dance?

    me and my friend want to dress up as like friends like an example is nicole richie and paris hilton but please dont choose that and she has blonde hair and i have brown so please only list girl celebs that people would know and say how i could dress up like them and choose a good combo and...
  5. C

    Who is a male celeb who is in their 30's that has ever lived in the U.S. I love...

    ...guys in their 30's :D? Thanks in advance for any answers
  6. B

    If you could sleep with one celeb who would it be?

    simple question
  7. K

    Who is your favorite celeb?

    Band-Paramore Girls- Demi Lovato,Taylor Swift,Avril Lavigne,Selena Gomez Guys- Chris Brown, Orlando Bloom,Nick Jonas
  8. S

    Guys: Which girl celeb is prettiest out of these ( pics)?

    Would prefer only guys to answer please. Just by judging these pics, who is prettiest? Just interested. a) Brenda- http://www.brenda-song.net/gallery/brenda-song18.jpg b) Ashley- http://www.usmagazine.com/files/ashley-tisdale-hiv-blog.jpg c) Emma-...
  9. S

    Guys answer please: Which girl celeb is prettiest out of these? ( pics )?

    Would prefer only guys to answer please. Just interested ;) & just by judging these pics of them. a) Eva- http://images.askmen.com/galleries/celeb-profiles-actress/eva-green/pictures/eva-green-picture-1.jpg b) Ashlee- http://www.hitzonly.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/ashlee_simpson1.jpg c)...
  10. S

    If you could swap lives with ANY celeb who would u swap with and why?

    Just curious. :) Yeah I'd swap with Taylor 2!
  11. W

    Which celeb do I look like?

    One of my mates said I look like some guy of The Office, and that got me thinking. What celebs do I look like? http://s455.photobucket.com/albums/qq280/wilorules/?action=view&current=l_7e4d2a383ef04f059080964d4280d77a.jpg HAHAHA I love Pee-Wee Herman!
  12. N

    who should me and my friend be for the celeb dance coming up?

    Theres a celebrity dance coming up and we are both girls so only pick girls and my friend has like blondish hair and i have brown hair so please pick people with like that kind of hair and please list like girls and the girls you list please make sure you say how we could dress like that. me and...
  13. R

    Favorite celeb this season on Dancing with the Stars?

    Least favorite?
  14. R

    What celeb should i be for my 8th grade hollywood dance?

    The dance is next week and i'm wondering who i should be. we have to dress up as a celeb or a character from a movie or something. I would like to dress up with my group of friends (there's about 8 of us) or with just my best friend. I have curly ish dirty blond hair that goes to my chest and...
  15. O

    Do you prefer to copy Celeb make up or create your own looks?

    I am starting a youtube channel and want peoples opinions on make up! Check out my youtube channel! I do lots or different looks and I have lots of tips! Please subscribe - it means to world to me! http://www.youtube.com/user/xXxOnnaxXx Thanks for the help - Have a great day! xoxo
  16. E

    Which Celeb Do You Think Would..?

    Make a better hamlet (from shakespears plays) and reasons why! For me, Its either, David Tennant, Or Will Smith. Thanks!
  17. H

    celeb autobiographys ?

    which is the best one ? why ? i have read alan carr and jordans new one ! i want another to read now !
  18. K

    fav celeb couple????

    well for my talented art class..we have to design formal attire for a celebrity couple..im 14..who do you think i should use?
  19. J

    Ashley Cole is Britains most hated celeb?

    Joey Barton for one....
  20. N

    who should i be for my celeb dance?

    at school theres going to be a dance and i'm a girl so i dont know who to dress up as and choose girls only and and you can make a list of girls and if you do or dont either way can you please write how i would dress up as that person!!? THANKS!!