
  1. S

    Catholics, how did Mary support herself?

    If she was a perpetual virgin, that means she never married. Womyn at that time did not have the option of refusing their husband nookie. So if she didn't marry and didn't have a man to support her, how did she survive? As you know, back then womyn didn't exactly have great career opportunities.
  2. P

    Catholics: Which prophecies did the Holy Spirit speak through?

    Nicene Creed
  3. H

    Why do so many catholics deny things like evolution and the big bang?

    I once had a theology teacher (a catholic priest) who explained that he believed that theories such as evolution and the big bang are true. He said that there is just too much evidence to deny it. But he still believed that there is room for god, maybe he cause the big bang, then guided the...
  4. S

    Do catholics actually believe that when they eat the bread ' the body of christ'...

    ...that they are eating christ? do they not know that it is only bread ?
  5. R

    Roman Catholics, have you ever heard of the prophecies of Saint Malachy?

    According to those prophecies, apparently, there is only one Pope remaining to take the seat after Benedict XVI, another Peter (Petrus Romanus), who is supposed to be an apostate at best. Have you ever heard of such a thing? If this prophecy holds true, as the rest seem to have, what would...
  6. F

    Catholics: If you consider Evangelicals your brothers and sisters in Christ, then

    why deny us the Eucharist?
  7. I

    Why do some say Christ of the Catholics is really a sun god and not Jesus Christ...

    ...of the bible? ...I bet they watched the Zeitgeist movie ..sounds like a crazy catholic conspiracy Well, it's mentioned in the zeitgeist movie.. although they assume all christians worship this mythical version of Christ (born on December 25) ...or perhaps a twisting of the title "christ" to...
  8. M

    Catholics and Christians: video on how monsignor debunks having faith in Christ.?

    I guess I'm ignorant when it comes to other religions. I know people of many different religions but I found this to be educational. Growing up I would here how the catholic church was not based on biblical facts. I would see them devoted to the church, and yet behaved badly, like witchcraft...
  9. E

    how did the puritans beliefs differ from catholics and other protestant religions?

  10. R

    Are u sure catholics really are not christian?

    ok,first i a not catholic but i heared before (not in my country ) that catholics are not christian i was surprised , that in my country they are so, What o you think ? and why they are not (i think you can,t said that but God or make order)
  11. S

    why do Evangelicals say catholics are non-christians?

    according to them because we have different beliefs.. well I read history I found the catholic church was before evangelism
  12. M

    Catholics: For those of you who have seen Jesus Christ Superstar...?

    How did you feel about it, according to the story of Jesus? Did you think it was accurate? Did you like it, hate it? What were your thoughts about it? have an amazing day :D I know it's for entertainment, it's a musical. I'm just asking how Catholics felt about the story.
  13. C

    Catholics: How do you view Pope John-Paul I's populist approach as Pontiff?

    The current Pope seems to be an intellectual and his sermons less accessible While John Paul I tried to reach out to all people. I know some ridiculed him for bringing Pinocchio into his sermons, but others saw this as charming. I wonder if a new Pope with this country priest like charm would be...
  14. C

    Why do Catholics glorify Mother Theresa?

    When she is responsible for the deaths of so many but not giving actually medical help but telling people to pray and crap?
  15. C

    Why do Catholics glorify Mother Theresa?

    When she is responsible for the deaths of so many but not giving actually medical help but telling people to pray and crap?
  16. C

    Why do Catholics glorify Mother Theresa?

    When she is responsible for the deaths of so many but not giving actually medical help but telling people to pray and crap?
  17. Z

    why are Christians and Catholics fixated on converting people?

    im serious, just back down and keep religion to yourselves...
  18. S

    Christians especially catholics I love you!!!!?

    Roses are red violets are blue God is a dumbsh!t and so are you!!!!
  19. F

    if the protestants protested the catholics, who will protest the protestants?

  20. U

    what book exactly do catholics believe in?

    I pointed out that the bible says not to make images of God and so forth, I found it in the Bible placed by the gideons. I'm agnostic, but my friend who is catholic, said that catholics don't believe that ?? So what book do they believe in? St James bible or what?