
  1. B

    Are the Chevrolet Aveos reliable cars?

    I was looking around at a couple 2007s (my budget is unfortunately quite low since it will be my first car) and I also saw a bunch of Dodge SXs and Pontiac Sunfires, etc. Could you give your opinion and/or steer me in a the right direction? Thanks
  2. A

    Warped Wednesday: Are pedal cars the next step?

    Welcome to Warped Wednesday. On this, we'll put out the rush to judgment mat, go a little too far and have a little fun. Will it be funny? Sometimes. Will it be crazy and largely unbelievable? Probably. Will not everyone get it? Definitely. While the Sprint Cup Series garage's plans of...
  3. J

    Why do people take pictures of people sleeping in cars?

    So today I experienced my som girl taking a picture of my dad sleeping in our car. I warned my dad and the girl was like "Oh" and left. Why would people like her do this?
  4. A

    Why are honda civic and integra drivers jerks? they bring other cars down...

    ...and think they drive a race car? the jerks I'm talking about are the ones that that spend 5k on mods and wear swag clothing
  5. V

    Blog: Are Printed Cars The Future Of Motorsports?

    There’s been a large amount of yelling lately about 3-D printing, and how it’s the future of the world. Now, we’re hearing about the first car produced by the cutting-edge technique. Our friends at Wired Autopia took an in-depth look at engineer Jim Kor and his three-wheeled car, the Urbee 2...
  6. J

    How can I determine the 2 meeting times of two race cars ?

    Two cars started at the same place and the same time. one is going 72 mph, and the other is going 108 mph. The length of the track is 3 miles. Determine the 2 meeting times( one if the cars are going on opposite directions, and the other if the cars are going on the same direction) Thank you!
  7. T

    Are alfa romeo cars any good?

    Looking into getting a decent looking car and I came across the alfa romeo 156. Pictures here...
  8. C

    Why does bmw limit their cars to 155mph?

    If you're going to poor all this racing technology into your car with a powerful engine and aerodynamics and stability control and all that why just cut the limit at 155 and not just let the car go as fast as it can. I think other automakers limit their cars also but bmw was the first one I...
  9. F

    Are motorcycles easier to steal than cars?

    "Or are you buying one and nervous about someone else taking yours?" This.
  10. T

    Are alfa romeo cars any good?

    Are alfa romeo cars any good? Looking into getting a decent looking car and I came across the alfa romeo 156. Pictures here...
  11. P

    With Millenials (today's young people) choosing not to drive cars and use

    other travel modes....? How long will it be before the automobile is history? I read an article that says Millenials are choosing not to drive and instead use other forms of transport. they are also avoiding the suburbs. Will we all be using public transit and bicycles and living in skyscrapers...
  12. B

    With Millenials (today's young people) choosing not to drive cars and use...

    ...other travel modes....? How long will it be until the automobile is history. And what will happen to the suburbs? There was an article on the subject online today and recently.
  13. B

    How many cars can I buy and sell without a dealers license?

    I live in the state of Colorado and I was wondering how many cars you can buy and sell without a dealers license. I was also wondering how much it costs to get one, and if you pay tax per car you buy and sell or how do you pay the tax. Also are there any requirements necessary. And finally how...
  14. L

    Who could you picture driving these cars?

    for each car i put describe person you see just wondering pizza delivery boy 70 year old lady...
  15. L

    Who could you picture driving these cars?

    for each car i put describe person you see just wondering pizza delivery boy 70 year old lady, or middle eastern lady...
  16. L

    Who could you picture driving these cars?

    for each car i put describe person you see just wondering pizza delivery boy 70 year old lady...
  17. R

    Can the concept of the Newton's cradle be introduced in the design of cars to...

    ...make it safer? It's really just a hypothetical idea and I'm not exactly a mechanical engineer, but picture this: when one ball hits the remaining balls, it is the last ball that takes in all the force of the impact because the force of impact is distributed and passed to the last ball...
  18. M

    People hiking a pencil two cars that looks like there racing two women one

    drawing and the other with her back? 4 pictures 1 word level 203
  19. V

    Gamer: Project CARS Piques Our Interest

    Project CARS is being developed by Slightly Mad Studios, who are responsible for the Shift series of Need For Speed titles. What got our attention were some of the cars you’ll be able to drive, and the modeling of real-world race tracks.
  20. V

    Winding Road's Top Cars Of 2013

    If you’re buying a new car in 2013, you’ve got a lot of fine options to choose from. As technology advances, vehicles become cleaner, more comfortable, better connected, and safer. Those are all positive characteristics that factor into how we come to view each car as a whole, but the cars that...