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    What are some simple ways to take care of an older car?

    I want to see how long I can keep a 92' honda accord running. It's got close to 290,000km. Any simple tips or anything in particular I should pay attention to in order to keep it running good? I do all the basics, like oil/filter and other general things. But are there other, possibly cost...
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    Males Face Sexism Too; Why Women Should Care

    As a human being walking around in a female body, sexism is just chucked over my way on a daily basis. I don't need to regale you; you all know exactly what I'm talking about. If someone heckles me and I don't respond sweetly, I'm usually called a "bitch" or a "slut." So, I tend to empathize...
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    Why do Alabama schools care about PDA?

    So my bf and I got written up for "PDA" All we were doing was hugging. I don't understand. We could be doing other things worst than PDA like doing drugs, having sex, killing people, but they care about PDA? I mean, what's the point in it? We live in a small town in Alabama. So, what's so wrong...
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    Vanity View: My Go-To (Clean) Beauty & Skin Care Products

    Maybe you use a bathroom cabinet; a dresser top; a closet shelf; there’s a place where you stash the skin care, hair and*beauty products*you use everyday.*When I was 12 years old, I had the sweetest mod/minimalist white wood vanity table, … More » Vanity View: My Go-To (Clean) Beauty & Skin...
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    Herbal Health Care Products

    Herbal Care Products is a leading online herbal store providing cure for various ailments existing worldwide. We claim to be one of the best online herbal stores where you can have various facilities other than just buying the product. We are operating successfully for about 8 years since the...
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    Higher Rates Of Delayed Medical Care Likely Due To Restrictive Medicaid Eligibility C

    Effective health screening and preventive care is known to reduce health care costs and improve health outcomes, yet new research from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) shows that restrictive Medicaid policies are associated with patients delaying needed medical care due to cost. States and...
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    Should parents how believe in praying over the sick and shunning medical care?

    have their children removed in order to safeguard the well being of those children.
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    When Transitioning From Pediatric To Adult Care, Patients With Type1 Diabetes Should

    Type 1 diabetes is a condition in which the body does not produce insulin and cannot convert sugar, starches and other food into energy. Generally diagnosed during childhood or adolescence, the disease requires lifelong access to medical care and intensive daily self-management. As children with...
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    Three Years Later, Michele Bachmann Is Still Spewing The Same Afforable Care Act Fals

    It's been three years since the Affordable Care Act was passed, bringing health insurance coverage to millions of Americans who would otherwise be a single illness or accident away from financial ruin. And who wants to guess how conservative Republican Michele Bachmann celebrated? By spouting...
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    First Do No Harm - UCLA Researchers Find Patient-Centered Care At End Of Life Results

    New doctors take an oath to first do no harm, but physicians often go too far in their quest to keep that oath - exposing patients to aggressive treatments that don't improve outcomes and drive up healthcare costs. Researchers from UCLA Urology have found that patient-centered care at...
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    The Tender Loving Care That Goes Into a Single Lamp

    The work that goes into creating a well-designed piece of fixture or appliance can be just a nice to look at as the product itself. Take, for example, where Dysons are born. Or Ingo Schuppler's Schwarzes Gold lamps. More »
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    Video: This Is Not How You Drive A Gallardo (But We Don't Care)

    So, why is this Lamborghini Gallardo sliding around on a wet, muddy rally stage? We have no idea, but it’s a whole lot of fun. Sort of like Sliders made from Kobe beef, it’s something that shouldn’t be together, but is actually brilliant. The best new is that this is just the first of a...
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    Patients With Chronic Pain Benefit From Pain Training For Primary Care Providers

    Patients who experience chronic pain may experience improvement in symptoms if their primary care providers are specifically trained in multiple aspects of pain, including emotional consequences. A collaborative team headed by Thomas C. Chelimsky, M.D., professor and chairman of the department...
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    Patients Benefit From Quality Of Care Measures

    Public reporting of how physicians and hospitals perform in quality of care measures leads to improved care for patients. A collaborative team of researchers led by Geoffrey C. Lamb, M.D., professor of internal medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin, published their findings in the March...
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    Why do some people care if people are gay, lesbian, or transsexual?

    I really don't like to watch anybody kissing with passion or lovemaking. What is the big deal? I, personally, am a male attracted to females. Logically, if there is a trait in some people (like me) that makes them attracted to females, then there is a trait in some people that makes them...
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    New Research Using Information Technology To Improve Quality Of Health Care

    The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is aiming to become a leader in using health information technology (HIT) to change the way patients experience medical care, to decrease medical mistakes, and to improve health outcomes. A special March supplement of Medical Care highlights new research...
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    What do Canadians think when Americans rant about their health care?

    There a quite a few political pundits and such in States who talk about how horrible Canada's "socialized" health care is, and how Canadians secretly want ours, and so on and so forth. I was just wondering what Canadians think when Americans rant about their health care, do you find it...
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    How to take care of a cracked rib?

    Okay so I had a pain in my back/ribs and I told my mom about it and what I was doing when it hurt the most and what kind of pain it was and all and she said it sounds like I have a cracked rib. What all should I do to help it? My mom said there's no real point in going to the doctors because all...
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    Is This Redesign Enough to Make You Care About Yahoo Again?

    We've been hearing rumors of a big, game-changing Yahoo redesign since Marissa Mayer came on board as CEO, so hold onto your butts because it's finally here. The new Yahoo has an customizable infinite scroll newsfeed! It has Facebook integration! And more! But is it enough to make you give a...
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    running a child care facility- do we give in and let the kids bring in...

    ...gameboys, baseball and pokemon cards? I am a director at a child care and after school care for kids up to age 12. We are in a small town in missouri. We don't allow kids to bring in cell phones, i pods, baseball cards or any kind of trading cards. Under our policies we state ABSOLUTELY these...