
  1. R

    How to use Android phone as Bluetooth camera gor my pc?

    I have micromax A110 can I use my phones cam on PC??please tell
  2. H

    How can I silence the camera/video camera on my Samsung GS3?

    I have a samsung galaxy S III with Sprint. Even when on silent mode, the shutter noises still go off and are very loud. It's really annoying. Are there any apps or solutions for this? Thanks!
  3. S

    Fine from police with handheld speed camera?

    As i came round a corner today there was a policeman with a handheld speed gun, i was going around 45 mph in a 40 zone. As i drove passed him he just gave me a sign to slow down, he could have easily pulled me over as it is a long stretch of clear straight road. Does anyone think i may get a...
  4. G

    Fujifilm introduces compact X20 digital camera

    The unique Fujifilm X20 premium compact camera is being introduced as the successor to the X10, bringing high-precision lens and refined design, while offering significantly improved performance and the latest Fujifilm technology.
  5. S

    How to fix my camera in Android 2.2 Froyo?

    I have a BAK smartphone (BK-AND331) with Android 2.2 and there's such a bug in my camera. This is a photo that I take and that's the bug. I've tried excluding all my files, tried to format my...
  6. G

    This Lost Underwater Camera Was Incredibly Reunited with Its Owner After Six Years

    Back in 2007, Lindy Scallan went to Hawaii for a vacation and took her camera along. After putting the camera in its underwater housing, she went scuba diving but unfortunately lost her camera. Thinking it was gone forever, the camera was incredibly found thousands of mile away in Taiwan six...
  7. G

    This Modular Camera Design Is a Jack of All Trades

    Most high-end digital cameras are inherently difficult to upgrade and tweak. But this modular concept, by Korean designers Dae jin Ahn and Chun hyun Park, suggests a different future for photography, where components can be swapped with ease. More »
  8. G

    Rumored Bachelorette Pick Desiree Hartsock Spotted With Camera Crew in L.A.

    Eat your heart out, Sean Lowe. Desiree Hartsock, a fan favorite from the latest season of The Bachelor*whom many a person thought should have been the last woman standing when Sean...
  9. L

    Best digital camera for a vacation?

    I'm going to DC in June and I am recently in the market for a new digital camera. I need a camera with a great zoom, great picture quality, and is reasonably affordable. Also, I am an amateur photographer and have only used black and white film. I don't know much about digital cameras and I need...
  10. A

    my bush dvd wont read my reference manuel disk for my nikon camera?

    i just bought a bush dvd player dp9301 and it wont play my reference manuel disk for my nikon camera
  11. R

    5MP camera or 8MP camera on a smartphone?

    im looking to get either a Galaxy Nexus or a Nexus 4. The difference is that the Nexus 4 has a 8mp camera and 1080p video recording and the Galaxy Nexus has a 5mp camera with 1080p video recording. is there really a quality difference between 5mp and 8mp? cause i could save alot of money buying...
  12. M

    what nikon camera lenses are suggested for photography of people/events...

    ...indoors and outdoors? preferably under 700$
  13. G

    Mengatur flash/lampu pada camera Nokia 5320?

    bagaimana caranya mengatur flash/lampu pada camera nokia 5320? Karena biasanya penangkapan foto.nya lbh cpat dari pd flashnya. Yang terjadi pencahayaanya terlambat shga foto yg dhslkan tdk maksimal. Terimakasi
  14. T

    Snowmobile Helmet camera help?

    Hello I'm looking for something like a gopro. But just a regular helmet mounting video camera. One that's okay on a snowmobile helmet. Please let me know brands, websites, prices whatever you can do to help please! Thanks!
  15. N

    The memory card of my samsung camera is locked.?

    when i try to take a photo,it say that the memory card is lock. I've tried to slide the little thing on the memory card to unlock..but the same problem still me
  16. A

    Installed new update for itouch, camera photo thumbnails don't show anymore?

    I lost all my old pictures cause of the update, and now when I go to my camera roll, there's no thumbnail display and all my thumbnails are black. Looks like this:
  17. B

    What can I use as a shutter release for my Canon if my camera doesn't have a

    place for an n3? I recently bought a shutter release for Canons but it requires an n3 plugin. I don't know what I can do.
  18. B

    New Samsung Galaxy S II PLUS Camera: Why is there no burst mode?

    ive noticed, they claim the interface is the same as the S3, but it isnt... 100%
  19. A

    when was the camera introduced to the French?

    and any of the wars after the year that the camera was introduced to France.
  20. 1

    Why won't my iPhone 4 camera focus?

    Every time I go to take a photo of my nails on my phone the camera is really blurry and won't focus. The camera is not dirty and it used to work perfectly fine before. The front camera works fine how it did before its just the back camera that's playing up. How can I get my back camera to work...