
  1. R

    Looking for ways to reduce or calm nicotine withdrawal?

    Im getting on a plane in 6 days for a very extended fight. I am a smoker ( yes I know , shouldn't have started , blah blah blah) Is there a way to eliminate or calm nicotine withdrawal while in fight? Could it really as easy as slapping a patch on your arm and enjoying the fight without the...
  2. T

    Political Heat Tests The President's Calm Composure

    The Washington Post: For a president "who so famously rejects drama," recent times have marked "one of the wildest policitcal stretches in recent memory." President Obama has said during yesterday's White House speech that, at stake in this legislative struggle is the nation's ability not only...
  3. L

    calm nerves after a break up?

    I have just been dumped, and after two days of crying, my stomach has now decided that it won't let me rest either. I constantly feel physically sick, and I still can't concentrate. Does anyone know any cheap / easy medicines that might help?
  4. G

    Why We All Need to Calm Down About the "Real Google Phone" [Android]

    If you've seen the internet this weekend, you've heard about it: the "real Google phone" that "changes everything." But before we get carried away, a counterpoint: Google isn't magic. And the Nexus One isn't a game-changer—at least for now. And I don't mean to say that I don't understand what...
  5. N

    Is there a techniuqe to empty your mind of thoughts and calm it down during the... when in active envirnmt? If I don't have the needed silence and not alone is there a way to do it during the day when active? Also do you know any nice techniques for clearing the mind of thoughts? Empyting it? Like you start thinking about sorting them all out, after that that nothing...
  6. I

    how to stay calm at a karate tournament?

    ok ive done this for like 4-5 years and have usually won first or second place but now that i got older in my 3 most recent sparring events i get so nervous yet this has never happened before when i was younger no im like 14 but in the ring i got so nervous i choked and my whole body was shaking...
  7. D

    Is it important to be calm, polite and rational when arguing with creationists?

    When I was a kid, I remember arguing with religious adults by asking them questions that I thought would stump them or at least frustrate them, but most of the time they responded calmly and politely albeit with some gibberish about their imaginary god. I’ve noticed that now when I argue with...
  8. M

    what are some calm, christian, contemporary music songs?

  9. M

    Calm and Cool? Is it safe, effective? Pellets or paste?

    Has anyone used Calm and Cool to help an anxious horse? How about another product. I have a young horse who can get pretty worked up, particularly when seperated from the herd. I have been working with her, but in the mean time I would like to be able to ride and groom without her spooking and...
  10. T

    The best way to calm anxiety?

    i am feeling nauseous, shaky, and gassy.i have to keep taking deep breaths, my mouth is all dry. its horrible, i am worried i may get the stomach bug, i havent eaten anything since 9pm last night, it is not 11am. my stomach is growling but i refuse to eat. i also didnt get a wink of sleep in...
  11. I

    How to calm a whining blind dog?

    About a month ago I found out that my dog was blind and recently she has been whining a lot at night. I try everything to appease her (give her food and water, play and cuddle with her, take her outside), but nothing seems to stop the whining. Would someone with some sort of a veterinary...
  12. O

    i just got a ferret and its REALLY calm? worried?

    my brother got me one from his friend, its really nice but its really kinda..limp? i guess i never had one before im looking up things to take care of it but i wanna take it to the vet, it just seems too calm im just wondering if its normal? BUT she is drinking and eating, she had a friend and...
  13. H

    Does Wal-Mart sell anything that will help calm my nerves?

    would they have anything herbal that might would work
  14. M

    Is this right? (ranting to calm myself down)?

    Ok, so my husband says this is nothing and that he didn't even realize he was doing anything wrong. But I'm depressed and he knows it. He isn't doing anything though. I don't know why I'm asking this... just ranting to pass time before calming down and going to bed. I don't really care about...
  15. M

    I know that bloodhounds are known for how calm they are. I was just wondering...

    ...are coonhounds also as calm? If so are some coonhound breeds calmer than others?
  16. P

    How can I get my lab to calm down around our new puppy?

    We have a 9 month old black lab and pitt mix and she is a sweet dog, but we just got a mini dachshund. Our lab wants to play with him, but she doesn't realize she is a lot bigger than him and she pounces on him.
  17. I

    Calm, Meditation worthy Music Please?

    What are some songs I can download or buy to meditate too? I'd like artist names and songs. Please don't tell me to get some Ocean or rainforest sounding stuff, I'd like quiet calm, Classical music. Maybe some good piano. I don't really know. Something I can play, Lay on the bed, and just...
  18. H

    hey i need ur opinion on energetic and calm dogs?

    what breads are enerjeting what breads are calm and what breads are your fav. ps im doing a speech and i need to know alot
  19. C

    What should I do? I am calm but really panicking inside?

    I misplaced my walete today which had all my cards in it, I lost a manual on book-keeping which I need for my assignment on my course and I can't find my notebook on my project and report which I need for communications on the course I am on and my room is very messy because it has alot of books...
  20. G

    How do I get my boyfriend to CALM DOWN?

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for a while. We have phone sex at least 3 times a week. But he knows that I'm not ready to do anything together. Sometimes when we talk on the phone, he'll just out of nowhere say something like "When we were making out today, you made me hard and I just...