
  1. C

    Blue steel cage returns ?

    From the way Heyman talked about it and old school. I would love to see it return. I heard it hurt like hell getting thrown into it.
  2. J

    I'm looking for a midi file for Cinderella Cage Kagome Kagome and Hourai Victum :<?

    I'm looking for a midi file for Cinderella Cage Kagome Kagome and Hourai Victum :<? I honestly don't know how long I've been looking x~x. The game Imperishable night has an awesome stream of songs which I wish I can get the whole file. But I've tried to download the game and get it from there...
  3. H

    Spiritually speakng: Why did God nearly make me fall off the go-go cage in the club?

    Does he hate me or want me to be with him faster?
  4. H

    Can I keep my chinchilla cage outdoors?

    I have two chinchillas, and they live in a tall multi-story home. The problem is, their poop ends up on the ground all around the home. I was wondering if I could move their home outdoors onto my porch for the winter since it's cool enough (on average about 60-75 degrees during the winter in...
  5. J

    MMA Fighters: How did you feel entering your very first cage fight?

    Were you nervous at all? Did you go into it thinking you're going to lose?
  6. W

    Puppy whining in cage?

    My puppy cries and tries to get out of his cage when we put him in there. My mom kinda hits the side of the cage and says NO and the puppy settles down and goes to sleep. I'm not sure if we're scaring the puppy or not, is this acceptable? The puppy is 2 and a half months old.
  7. M

    You had to step in a cage with an MMA fighter for $100000?

    Who would you choose?
  8. G

    Do you feel it is better for MMA fighters to fight in a cage or to fight in a

    ring like they do in M-1? Commentators sometimes talk about this. They say ring fighting is geared more towards strikers whereas cage fighting tends to be good for grapplers. Which one do you prefer- ring or cage?
  9. S

    Cage Fighting/MMA help ?!?

    Ok i am 16 and still in eduvation, this is my last year of school. I have my GCSE's coming up but not gunna lie i have failed them straight up. So i wanted to start my dream of training to become a MMA fighter. It has been my biggest dream in my life, but i get put off going to MMA gym's as i am...
  10. J

    Peggy Metro cage by savic,sky metro by savic or Rody Lounge trio cage?

    I am getting a Syrian hamster soon and I posted a question about the laura hamster cage by Ferplast and the feedback was it was too small so I went and researched some more cages the three cages I like are: RodyLounge trio...
  11. S

    My chinchilla hates her new cage?

    Hi, today i just bought my chinchilla a new cage. I know it takes about a day or two to get settled in. But today i'm noticing shes flipping her little dome upside down. Messing the shavings in the bottom. Shes gone nuts!! Does anyone know if she hates her cage or not. Thanks
  12. S

    what are cage fitness exercises to rapidly increase stamina?

    martial arts grading soon, thanks guys
  13. A

    Can I potty train border collie without cage?

    We have 8 weeks old puppy, For first two nights we didn't have a cage/crate but had a doggy bed. In a day we menaged to take puppy out every time it needed except one accident and in the night I woke up a couple of times to take it out for toilet so it didnt do anything in house. After two days...
  14. D

    can i put two baby corn snakes in the same cage?

    I lost my baby corn snake a week ago and i am thinking about getting another one, if i happen to find the one that is lost would they have any problem living together in the same cage? (please do not write any comments saying "you probably wont find her")
  15. E

    Can you keep a male and female chameleon together in the same cage?

    I'm not talking about just for breeding, I'm more talking about a permanent home, as in, it's both their cages... Thanks!
  16. H

    guinea pig cage questions?

    i have 3 pregnant guinea pigs, i'm pretty sure they are pregnant, they feel it, look it and do everything a pregnant guinea pigs does and i have cage questions 1. cuz i have 3 pregnant guinea pigs ( stupid pet shop sells me pregnant animals) i'm gonna move them to my males cage that's way...
  17. D

    My gf sprayed a muscle shirt with perfume and put it in the hamster cage for...

    ...bedding! ? Would someone pleeeaaase explain the dangers of this? I used this as an example : if u spray your pillow with perfume would u want to slp on it? As in would that not bother your nose? Please someone tell me im right!
  18. S

    What would be the best cage to get for a cat that will be travelling for 4 hours?

    I'm moving, and i don't have a cage at the moment. What would be the best one to get, where he will be comfortable for the 4 hour journey?
  19. G

    This Week's Top Web Comedy Video: Ticklish Cage [Video]

    Nicolas Cage is funny enough just as a phenomenon. But a series of scenes from Nicolas Cage movies where he keeps getting tickled and can't stop giggling? I just... it's too wonderful. More »
  20. J

    Parakeets and the cage problem?

    So I have three parakeets and they have been fighting and annoying eachother but then they go and sit right next to each other and they all stay together? But people said I should separate them but I want to see if it is okay to leave them in my room all the time is that okay. I mean I will...