
  1. K

    What are some cute bunny names?

    I don't know the color or gender (haven't gotten the bunny yet). Please help! Here are some of my favorites: Boy: Blake Tucker Diesel Girl: Blake Shiloh Dakota I want real names not silly things like Thumper and Fluffy and Peter Cottontail. Thanks to those who help!
  2. A

    what should i name my new pet bunny? he's a butterscotch kinda color?

    i was thinking: CrookShanks[yes i got it from Harry Potter] Bonkey my mom wants to name him ButterCup but its a guy bunny! i need some ideas. one that she might like.
  3. M

    so i was thinking about getting a bunny?

    but like my friend has two and they smell so bad and like she has to keep outsidee is that all all bunnies/rabbits are? like wood i be able to get like a cage and keep it in my house? like a hamster? or do they all stink?
  4. W

    watching the full legnth movie of the house bunny on the internet?

    i want to know where i can watch the full legnth movie on the internet i got a good answer earlyer on but it was only a snipit of it can anyone tell me where i can watch it?? i dont want to download it
  5. A

    where can i watch the house bunny for free on the internet?

    http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzQwNjQ4NjQ=.html good quality with subtitle. enjoy! i watched twice in cinema! funny as hell!
  6. Y

    i want 2 no every thing about a bunny ?

    i am geting a bunny after 1 week and its the first time for me. so i want to no everything about it
  7. D

    How did that celebrity who fell on the bunny slope die?

    How did she die?
  8. S

    poll - does the Easter Bunny Rabbit put all of his eggs into one basket?

    No. I put my eggs in half a basket.
  9. V

    what does a bunny actually really do? whats the point of having one besides...

    ...cleaning up after it? my step mom wants a bunny and me and my dad just kinda look at her funny and ask her what they actually do? so rabbit owners What is the point of having one?
  10. J

    help to get my bunny jumping?

    i watched a video on youtube (you should see it it will help type in bramble jumping) on the video the bunny ran around a course of jumps wwithout a lead jumping a course without the owner doing anything. how can i get my bunny to do that?
  11. S

    What's the Bugs Bunny cartoon called when a movie theater is built over his home...

    ...and the bald guy chases him? At the end of this cartoon, Daffy duck ends up in the movie screen and a guy with a chainsaw scares him. Then Bugs sits back and watches it.
  12. G

    Uh Oh... Bunny is chewing up the carpet! Help!?

    So I have had him for about a month now...and hes been pretty well behaved. Hes been potty trained (uses cats litterbox) since Day 1! I assume its because hes maturing that hes trying to build a nest, hes probably 4-5 mos old now. Hes picking pieces of carpeting out of the floor. Theres one...
  13. I

    what should i name my bunny?

    i got a 7 week old tan and grey with a tiny bit of white on HER paws, she is a girl i want something cute and different
  14. K

    what are some good bunny names?

    preferably names after rock stars..but i dont care
  15. C

    flooring for my poor bunny?

    My poor bunny is getting rug burn on her back feet from running so much on the carpet. I was just wondering what i can put on the carpet that she can run on? Is there any material that i can buy such as play school floor (the little squares)?, a special plastic? a type of rug material that won't...
  16. M

    How to litter box train a pet bunny?

    I have reserched this in good detail. However, the bunny still does not go in the litter box. He moves the litter box out of the corner of his cage and goes behind it. I have even duct-taped the box to the cage and he chews the tape and moves the litter box. It is crazy . Any help would be...
  17. E

    What should I name my bunny?

    Hip Hop or Floofy
  18. E

    How come my pet bunny's urine smells so horrible?

    I have two pet bunnies; one I can barely smell the urine, and the other is so potent it almost burns my nose to even smell. They both have the same diet - is this normal?
  19. S

    Why does my bunny do this? help?

    Lola, my bunny, keeps doing this thing everytime we take her out to play. I have this fuzzy rug in my room that she sorta digs in. She digs really fast. Is very weird, Can anyone tell me what shes doing?
  20. J

    How can I train my baby bunny?

    She is 7 weeks old and only stays in the cage for a few hours a day. I let her run around with mom to get some exercise, but she pees all over my bed when she is out. She also poops everywhere nonstop. She hates to be in the cage, and jumps up and down in protest, so I give in and let her out...