
  1. S

    Boxers have to be prepared to be full naked and be photographed?

    Sometimes they have to be complete naked to prove their weight in front of media and they photograph the boxers in naked. So the boxers have no right to refuse the media, or to be fimled? Many of them might be used and OK. But I think for some of them this is not accepable or they consider like...
  2. J

    Short MMA or Boxers who are great (For their weight class)?

    I am a short Mixed Martial Artiest and have been a fan of MMA and Boxing for about 5 years now I am very short 5'7ish with a reach of someone who is maybe 5'9 and would love to know the strategies involved not just reading but watching People like Fedor and Mike Tyson (short for their weight...
  3. T

    How many months before a fight do boxers, UFC fighters, etc. begin training?

    I know it may vary but how long before a fight do they begin training usually?
  4. J

    What does it mean when you find small bloody stains in your boxers after sex? ?

    I recently had sex and afterwards I put some boxers on and woke up the next morning, when I went to get it the shower, I noticed small bits of blood in my boxers?! Please help.....
  5. D

    girls, do you find mma fighters or boxers more attractive?

    Just wandering lol tyler good i was gonna do boxing anyways, mma if i cant do boxing
  6. M

    What are some ways boxers or even mma fighter strengthen their hands and wrists?

    what kind of routines or drills could I do to make them stronger?
  7. I

    Why do atheists steal my boxers?

    And the replaced them with g strings...
  8. M

    Why dont they put REAL boxers in the UFC?

    Imagine a prime Mike Tyson in the UFC...don't you think people would die?
  9. Q

    Why are so many boxers and MMA fighters religious? (Especially Christian)?

    THEY GET HIT IN THE HEAD A LOT!!! LOLOLOL HAHAHAHAHAH (sarcasm) wow that is pretty funny guys. So original that only about 20 people said it in a row. Thanks you genius.
  10. P

    How are karate punches better than boxers punches in self defence and the street?

    Are they really less likely to break..... My friends who are police all do boxing, the Marine Corp Martial arts program has boxing punches, the self defence taught to soldiers in WW2 had boxing punches, Geoff Thompson says boxing alongside a grappling martial art is best for self defence...
  11. P

    Which 5 boxers in your opinion are the greatest boxers ever in the history of...

    ...the sport? I'm not asking who your favorite boxers are or biased opinions but realistically who would you say the top 5 are? @AColange-your #2 just says Sugar Ray,which one Robinson or Leonard
  12. S

    Why is that only old, washed-up boxers go into MMA, and never the other way around?

    Anyone noticed this? Ray Mercer, Tommy Morrison, and James Toney just to name a few big ones. Waaaaay-past-their-prime MMA fighters would never dream of venturing into boxing though, why?
  13. N

    guys... where can i buy some funny boxers for my boyfriend?

    hi :) it's my boyfriends birthday soon and in a lesson i heard some dudes chatting about boxers (for some odd reason) and one said they had a pair saying "click to enlarge" on them. it made me laugh, and my boyfriend can take a joke easily, so where can i get ones like that from? would...
  14. T

    Who are the best boxers in the UFC for each weight class?

    Who do you guys think are the best boxers in each division of the UFC personally I think it goes like this LW:BJ Penn Welterweight:Chris Lytle Middleweight: Anderson Silva LH: Rampage Jackson HW: Obviously James Toney but for current fighters probably Junior Dos Santos or Shane Carwin I don't...
  15. S

    Are Boxers good guard dogs?

    I have a boxer and my husband seems to think he would attack someone if they tried to hurt us. He seems very intuitive about who he likes and who he doesn't like. Some people he will growl at and wont like at all and others he wont even bark and will walk right up to. I worry that he is too...
  16. H

    anyone experienced bull boxers?

    iv grown up with dogs in the countryside where i live my whole life. iv had 2 kinds of dogs. iv had 3 boxers, and 1 american bulldog. i completely understand both breeds and iv been doing a ton of research on dogs because i wanted to find the perfect dog that wud fit the kinds of dogs that im...
  17. S

    Do you think Boxers hit harder than MMA fighters?

    Its all they practice so it makes sense if they hit harder, but i dont know if thats a full-proof idea. I mean just because they can slam, takedown, grapple etc doesnt mean they cant hit just as hard, if not harder than a boxer What do you think???
  18. S

    Do you think Boxers hit harder than MMA fighters?

    Its all they practice so it makes sense if they hit harder, but i dont know if thats a full-proof idea. I mean just because they can slam, takedown, grapple etc doesnt mean they cant hit just as hard, if not harder than a boxer What do you think???
  19. S

    Do you think Boxers hit harder than MMA fighters?

    Its all they practice so it makes sense if they hit harder, but i dont know if thats a full-proof idea. I mean just because they can slam, takedown, grapple etc doesnt mean they cant hit just as hard, if not harder than a boxer What do you think???
  20. S

    Do you think Boxers hit harder than MMA fighters?

    Its all they practice so it makes sense if they hit harder, but i dont know if thats a full-proof idea. I mean just because they can slam, takedown, grapple etc doesnt mean they cant hit just as hard, if not harder than a boxer What do you think???