
  1. J

    I'm selling my blackberry bold 9900 but it's locked to Telus?

    They guy who i'm selling it to wants it unlocked...? how do I unlock it?
  2. D

    Blackberry bold 9700 question?

    So I accidently just clicked hide on my facebook icon and I don't know how to get it back?
  3. P

    best place to buy a cheap but in good condition blackberry bold?

    i looked in ebay they r all like 98 plus
  4. B

    How to restore my blackberry bold to 'factory settings?

    my 9790 is having a problem when people ring me they cant hear me or i sound like im in tunnel or really faint but i can hear the people fine ,i done a update but nothing still would maybe a factory settings work? as man in phone shop said i might have a bug or something stopping it working also...
  5. O

    Which blackberry curve 9320 or blackberry bold 9790?

    i am getting a blackberry which is better need answers by sunday please
  6. A

    Blackberry bold 9900 speaker issue?

    When I am in a phone call with somebody I can hear a high pitch buzzing noise when they speak any ideas how to fix this as its a replacement handset that my insurance gave me when they were unable to fix my old one if I send it off will I have to pay an excess as I have had it just over a month...
  7. L

    White or Black Blackberry bold 9900?

    I'm getting a new phone after three years, I usually use my phones for a long period The white one looks so much sexier than the black but i'm just afraid if I get it dirty it'll look bad after a year or two.. I am an 18 year old girl, help me decide! Thanks in advance :)
  8. J

    Does anyone know where i can get a blackberry bold 9900 for cheap?

    My phone is busted, so I need to get a new one. I wanna get the latest bold, because I feel like it will last longer than all my previous phones- if I don't drop it as much :P does anyone know where I can get this phone for cheap without a contract BESIDES kijiji or other sites that sell used...
  9. D

    Animated files (.gif) and my blackberry bold?

    Blackberry bold 9700 OS 6. I have tried many times to both set an animated file as my display pic or send one to a contact on bbm they always come out with just one frame of the file (a still pic). When i try to select an animated file as my display pic I get a message that reads "unable to...
  10. A

    Blackberry Bold 9700 wont vibrate?

    The vibration isn't broken because when I go to edit sound profile the vibration works when I click "Try It" but when I get a text it just doesn't vibrate as if it's on silent. How do I fix this?
  11. C

    My Blackberry Bold screen went dark.?

    My BB went so dark I can hardly see my apps. It looks as if my colors are pixilated and inverted. I didn't step on my phone and it isn't water damaged. It still works I just can't see the screen at all. Any help??
  12. A

    How to recover files from my BlackBerry Bold 9790?

    Well basically, I got my BlackBerry last week Tuesday, only yesterday I was trying to view my videos and it came up "Video can not be found" or something like that. I then reformatted it without thinking that it would delete all my files (pictures, music and videos) I regret doing that! How do...
  13. A

    Blackberry Bold 9790 keeps turning itself off and back on?

    My blackberry bold keeps turning itself off and back on for no reason. The battery will be fully charged and it does this over and over again until it kills the battery completely. The only time it doesn;t do this is if it is plugged in. I am wondering if it is the phone itself or the...
  14. S

    Why won't my blackberry bold sync to my ford focus?

    I have a blackberry bold which I am trying to connect to my ford focus. Other phones have managed to connect but I cannot connect any blackberry. I manage to find the blackberry name through bluetooth ... i just can't manage to connect the phone to the car. Both phone and car bluetooth is...
  15. C


    okay so basically, i was using my phone as usual when i realised my battery was running low however i was not home and so when it finally died i didnt think nothing of it. however, when i got home that night, my phone wouldnt turn back on ..even after i had charged it. i had just assumed that...
  16. C


    okay so basically, i was using my phone as usual when i realised my battery was running low however i was not home and so when it finally died i didnt think nothing of it. however, when i got home that night, my phone wouldnt turn back on ..even after i had charged it. i had just assumed that...
  17. N

    Will Rogers BlackBerry Bold 9780 work with Telus Sim Card?

    I have a blackberry bold 9780 its a rogers phone and im trying to put my telus sim card in it and use it, the blackberry is unlocked i put the unlock code in, it shows the telus network and it comes up and everything but im on the telus site and im trying to change my phone device so telus knows...
  18. E

    which blackberry is better the curve or bold and out of the bold 9790 and

    9900 which is best? i cant make my mind up i don't know which blackberry to buy!!!
  19. N

    Will a rogers blackberry bold 9780 work with a telus sim card?

    Will blackberry messenger work,texts,calls etc.
  20. D

    I'm buying a Blackberry bold 9900, is it worth the price?

    I'm buying a Blackberry bold 9900 for $200 off a friend of mine. Considering its around $500-600 retail I'd say that it's a pretty fair price. Is it worth the buy though?