
  1. A

    New Algorithm Can Measure BMI Based On Your Mugshot

    Just looking at a celebrity mugshot, I can tell if I think they're totally nuts, on drugs, or just looking really cool. Those are all just shallow assessments made by a human, what could I do if I was a technologically advanced, face-reading computer? More » New Algorithm Can Measure BMI Based...
  2. T

    Structured Weight Loss Program Helps Kids From Low-Income Families Lower BMI

    According to New Study in Academic Pediatrics Overweight and obese children in low-income households can meet or exceed the Expert Committee Recommendations Regarding the Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity when given access to a structured...
  3. A

    Selling Health Insurance By The Pound: More Plans Charge Extra For High BMI

    More companies and private insurance plans are implementing or seriously considering "selling health insurance by the pound," as MarketWatch puts it -- making workers with high BMIs and chronic conditions like high blood pressure and cholesterol pay extra for health care coverage. More »...
  4. T

    Self-Reported BMI Bias Estimates Increasing Due To Weight Bias, Not Weight Loss

    Widening gap in estimates of obesity partially due to biased self-reports The gap between obesity levels measured by self-reported height and weight and obesity recorded by measured height and weight is increasing. This is due to an increasing bias in self-reported weight, according to research...
  5. T

    Higher Levels Of Activity, Lower BMI May Help To Protect Amish Children Against Type

    Old Order Amish children are much more physically active and three times less likely to be overweight than non-Amish children, which may provide them with some long-term protection against developing Type 2 diabetes, University of Maryland School of Medicine researchers report in the journal...
  6. A

    This Photo Is Why BMI Is BS (And Bad For Body Image)

    Over at Reddit's TwoXChromosomes page, it's "Image Fest Friday," which has led to lots of awesome self-esteem and body image-themed threads that will leave you oozing with confidence. But one post in particular highlights another issue: Mainly, that BMI is bullshit...and terrible for body image...
  7. T

    Height, BMI, Tied To Ovarian Cancer

    A new analysis of published and unpublished studies concludes that risk for ovarian cancer is associated with increasing height. It also finds that among women who have never used hormone therapy for the menopause, the risk for developing the disease is also tied to increasing body mass...
  8. A

    The BMI Is Inaccurate…Which Means You Are Fatter Than You Thought

    You know that BMI (body mass index) calculation that said you were overweight? It was wrong. But, before you rejoice, you should know that there's a good chance it should have said you were obese instead. More »Post from: Blisstree
  9. S

    can i affiliate with more than one music company like BMI?

    my question is that if i'm a songwriter and now i have 50 songs in my hands. can i affiliate with company A like BMI and upload 20 song onto their website while selling the remaining songs (30 songs) to comapny B? am i allowed to do that?
  10. W

    Where do you find out BMI?

    i want to check my bmi but idk where to look ,or you could just tell me what my bmi is? i'm a girl ,5'9 and i'm 17 and i'm 50kg /110lb.
  11. H

    Is bmi THAT off? (pic)?

    I'm 15 missing 5'0" by a two millimeters and 121 pounds. my bmi says I'm only one full digit from being overweight. this is me: do I look one number away from being overweight?
  12. T

    Consultant Nutritionist Says Lack Of Exercise Key To Increased BMI In Children

    A new independent study of scientific research has revealed that, contrary to the widely held hypothesis, dietary sugars are not the driving factor behind rising body mass index (BMI) levels in children in Great Britain... More...
  13. ?

    Lebanon: Are you happy with your BMI?

    Mine is 25.6, so I will work out to make at maximum 24 in this week… What about you? :-)
  14. ?

    Lebanon: Are you happy with your BMI?

    Mine is 25.6, so I will work out to make at maximum 24 in this week… What about you? :-)
  15. P

    BMI and weight lost...........?

    hey my BMI is 23.9..............Im 6 ft 3 and i weigh..... 13 stone 10 Overall the line shows that i am in the like 3/4 in the healthy range. To get 'smack bang' in the middle which is 21.2 BMI. I will need to be 12 stone 3 Do you think that losing this 1 stone 7, will show a noticeable...
  16. M

    Tip of the day: Watch portions, lower your BMI

    Tip of the day: Watch portions, lower your BMI We recently asked always-thin people to tell us how they stay that way, and of all the eating behaviors we asked about, carefully controlling portion size at each meal correlated most strongly with having a lower BMI. And the successful...
  17. X

    Is My Bmi Of 15.2 Really Bad?

    I'm very nearly 13 (next week!) And on a bmi calculator online I found out that my bmi is 15.2... I think the healthy bmi weight is something like 18.5. Should I put on lots more weight? Thanks.
  18. C

    bmi of 15.5 unhealthy?

    what are the risks o having this bmi and is it unhealthy underweight or just slightly underweight? dont get rude, thanks to all answers :)
  19. T

    Is BMI a bunch of crap?

    If I lost a leg, it would lower my BMI, but it doesn't mean I'm any healthier.
  20. B

    Is this BMI accurate for me?

    I keep getting down from BMI numbers I get from calculators and electronic "fat sensors" I have. I'm 5'8" guy and weigh about 225 and I'm 35. I know I'm overweight by at least 20 lbs. However, I did a fair about of bodybuilding earlier in life. Also, I've been doing a good amount of upper body...