
  1. T

    Need blonde celebrities or representatives.?

    For my art assignment. I need blondes like Paris Hilton, Pamela Anderson, Marilyn Monroe. Someone who is famous for being blonde, tarty, or seductive.
  2. B

    what are some funny blonde jokes?

    just for fun
  3. J

    The Blonde and the cop?

    One day while on patrol, a police officer pulled over a car for speeding. He went up to the car and asked the driver to roll down her window. The first thing he noticed, besides the nice red sports car, was how hot the driver was! Drop dead blonde, the works. I've pulled you over for speeding...
  4. D

    what blonde actress gone brunette is this? pic included!?
  5. 6

    Why do black girls dye their hair blonde? LOL?

    Oh wait! Do black people tan? lol
  6. 6

    Poll: Why do black girls dye their hair blonde?

    u.u lol
  7. C

    Funny acting gorgeous blonde?

    Ok so there's this really gorgeous girl at my school shes 15 im 16 btw. We have been flirting around with each other since sixth grade on and off but nothing really too intimate just harmless flirtation. Anyways i was texting her a few weeks ago just to say hi and she ignored me. So i told her...
  8. B

    Why can White People laugh at blonde jokes (Jokes putting down Whites)

    but Blacks get outraged at Black Jokes? How come White People can laugh at themselves with Irish Jokes or Blonde Jokes...these are jokes that put down white people... BUT Blacks get OUTRAGED at "Black jokes"? Why are black people so humorless? For a race of people with lots of comedians, they...
  9. S

    Is my hair the wrong color? Do you think ppl with blonde hair and black

    eyebrows look funny? I have black eyebrows and recently got my hair highlighted. i think it came out really yellow, but the color has faded a bit over the past few days cuz i washed it, so it looks better, but it is still really light next to really dark brows. should i have some dark pieces...
  10. T

    I dont get this Blonde joke. Can you explain?

    The question ie: Why dose the Blondes belly butten hurt? The ansewr is: Her boyfriend is blonde too. My friend told me that one, she said you have to have a dirty mind to understand it. I dont think like that. She told the joke, I pretended to understand and laugh, she noticed and told me you...
  11. W

    Survey : Why do you think blonde is considered the most attractive hair colour?

    And has been in the past?
  12. T

    What's the deal with Faux newz and all their peroxided blonde women?

    some of them might even be of hispanic descent ..really dark brows, but yet they HAVE TO bleach the hair. What gives? me too @ thomas, but just about every female that goes on that channel has obviously bleached hair Is that a way of appealing to older right wing *men*? ahh *too hot for my...
  13. V

    What movie is this? blonde girl whos parents died and the guy who pays her bills

    goes missing? I saw this movie three years ago. I'm not sure what it's called. I only remember the beginning. Its about a girl who lives by herself because her parents died. In the beginning shes getting ready to go somewhere and shes wearing a green dress. Shes blonde and quirky but pretty...
  14. L

    Blonde's Honeymoon Joke Do you like it?

    A young couple got married and left on their honeymoon. When they got back, the bride immediately called her mother. Well, how was the honeymoon? asked the mother. Oh, mama, she replied, the honeymoon was wonderful! So romantic... Suddenly she burst out crying. But, mama, as soon as we returned...
  15. J

    Are blonde men less common than blonde women in television?

    I was watching television, and couldn't help but notice the lack of truly blonde men in shows. Perhaps I haven't seen enough shows, but I didn't find many. I know Neil Patrick Harris is blonde, and he's on How I Met Your Mother, and Chord overstreet is blonde and he's on tv, but I can' tthink...
  16. J

    Gadget show. Do you think that Suzi was annoyed when they hired a hot blonde?

    She now needs to share the attention.
  17. S

    can somebody explain this blonde joke to me?

    One day a big group of blondes met in New York to show the world that blondes aren't dumb. They begged: "Ask any of us any question, and we will show you that we're not dumb." The group caught the attention of a passer by, who volunteered to ask them some questions. He climbed up on a car and...
  18. D

    What is a good blonde joke?

    Here's a good one: A blonde was driving down the road, all of a sudden she hears a police siren. She pulls over and the cop says,"Ma'am, do you know why I pulled you over?" the blonde says," No." then the cop says," I pulled you over because you were swerving all over the road!" the blonde...
  19. M

    Funny blonde jokes that I can put in my speech?

    I am running for vice captain in my school and the big speech is coming up. Since I am blonde, I think I could make the audience laugh with a few blonde jokes. If you could give a few blonde jokes and ways I can weave it into my speech that would be great.
  20. T

    Poll: Do you like Christmas jokes or blonde jokes?

    Two blondes decided that this Christmas they wanted to cut down their own Christmas tree. So they drove two hours into the country and walked deep into the woods to find the perfect Christmas tree. They had planned the trip well, especially considering that they were blond. They were dressed...