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    Verizon: "Unlimited Is Just a Word" [Blockquote]

    If you're very attached to your unlimited data plan, Verizon's Chief Financial Officer Fran Shammo knows better. Speaking at an investor conference Shammo has claimed that "unlimited is just a word"—and one that you don't understand at that. More »
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    Aaron Sorkin on the Steve Jobs Movie and Being Technologically Illiterate [Blockquote

    Since it was announced that Aaron Sorkin was to write a Steve Jobs biopic, many breathed a sigh of relief—not least because it draws focus away from Ashton Kutcher's attempts at a movie. Now, speaking at an All Things D conference, Sorkin sounds like he's taking the job very seriously. More »
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    Julian Assange: You're All Screwed [Blockquote]

    Yesterday we reported how Wikileaks has uncovered a global network of surveillance companies for hire. Now Assange is telling it like it is. More »
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    Reactions to Steve Jobs' Death [Blockquote]

    The world is now reacting to the very sad news of Steve Jobs' death. We are collecting the thoughts and condolences of people like Bill Gates, Larry Page, Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin and President Barack Obama himself. More »
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    Obama Wants "to Start Making Science Cool" [Blockquote]

    Not only did Barack Obama tell people at his Facebook town hall lecture that he wants science to be cool, he also said he wants "people to feel about the next big energy breakthrough and the next big Internet breakthrough the same way they felt about the moonwalk." Can we do that, folks? Can we...
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    A Message From Homeland Security: My Way or the Highway [Blockquote]

    Janet Napolitano—US Secretary of Homeland Security—has a word of advice for all of you who want to take an airplane but who don't want to have your genitals groped by a TSA agent: It's my way or the highway. More »
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    Adobe Is Totally Over Apple, They Swear [Blockquote]

    Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen wanted to work with Apple, he really did. But Apple didn't want to work with them. These things happen! More »
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    Maybe This Is Why Blockbuster Is Dying [Blockquote]

    When your CEO thinks popping the Netflix disc in the Wii is more difficult than driving to a store to physically rent a disc (and then returning said disc), that might be a sign that your company isn't exactly forward-thinking. More » Netflix - Wii - Nintendo - Arts and...
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    Why Google Made Android [Blockquote]

    "If we did not act, we faced a draconian future. Where one man, one company, one carrier was the future." — Google More »
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    Steve Jobs Is Just Getting Warmed Up [Blockquote]

    Time has a terrific profile of Steve Jobs and the iPad this week, in large part because they put it in the hands of ubercomedian/ubergeek Stephen Fry. It's a portrait of a man whose life and work are intrinsically intertwined. More »
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    Macs vs. PCs on Operating System Security [Blockquote]

    Security expert Charlie Miller on the record-breaking 20 zero day security holes soon to be announced in OS X. [H-Online] More »
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    On Google Buzz's Awkward Launch [Blockquote]

    Social media researcher and general internet guru Danah Boyd gave the keynote address at SXSWi earlier today, focusing on matters of privacy. On paper, Google Buzz was a perfect social network. So why did it freak everyone out so much? More »
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    Another Potential Casualty In the Google-China Wars: Science [Blockquote]

    With all the intrigue around China hacking Google and Google hacking back, it's easy to overlook the real-world consequences of what further escalation might lead to. Specifically: Chinese researchers and scientists could see the plug pulled on their work process. A full 84% of Chinese...
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    Sun CEO Tweets Resignation in Haiku [Blockquote]

    Jonathan Schwartz manned the CEO helm at Sun Microsystems for almost four years. But now that the company's been sold to Oracle, he's tweeting off into the sunset. Hey, at least he counted his haiku syllables right. I think it's only fair, since Jonathan left us with a poem, that we return the...
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    Deep Basektball Team Owner Thoughts [Blockquote]

    So says Mark Cuban, opining about the potential for children's entertainment and media consumption with the iPad. The man owns a basketball team and was on Dancing with the Stars, people. Technology savant as far as I'm concerned. Editor's Note: In all honesty I'm actually pretty excited about...
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    The Apple Tablet Is Steve Jobs' Higher Purpose [Blockquote]

    It's enough to make some quake with faith and speak in tongues. Overheard second, third, or several hands, Steve Jobs is quoted (well, maybe paraphrased) speaking of the tablet, "This will be the most important thing I've ever done." [TechCrunch]
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    NASA's Top Dude Wants Us To Get High Again [Blockquote]

    Current NASA Administrator and former astronaut Charles Bolden, speaking a few weeks ago at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society, explained how our nation's space program is at a crossroads and pledged to continue manned missions into space. A combination of the federal budget...
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    Is Google Handing Out the Google Phone to Employees? [Blockquote]

    The above is just one of many Google Phone tweets that made the rounds yesterday. Unless this is some giant Twitter prank, looks like Google is handing these things out to employees. And they're talking. Updated: Update: We're hearing from our sources that it's the HTC Passion. We're not sure...
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    Viacom Top Lawyer on Obliterating Peer-to-Peer Users [Blockquote]

    Michael Fricklas is Viacom's general counsel, the company's top lawyer. I can't tell if he actually felt bad when he said the above at a recent meeting with Yale Law students. I kind of feel an evil, dark smile inside. Even as part of a big company, and as a consumer, and as a guy who loves...
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    Apple Responds to Microsoft's New Retail Stores [Blockquote]

    Ron Johnson, Apple VP of retail, had this to say in response to Microsoft's move into the world of retail stores during Apple's Manhattan store opening today.