
  1. Z

    I prefer kickboxing in mma i do bjj do i have to use bjj?

    I am a soon to be blue belt i get promoted this Saturday but in a fight i prefer to strike i am long armed and also have long legs and feel comfortable there. I like both but that's my comfort zone in a fight is the stand up i also do Greco Roman also free style wrestling when i fight i prefer...
  2. G

    Is BJJ knowledge even necessary in MMA anymore?

    Jon Jones said after the Belfort fight that he never focused on BJJ. He just concentrated on wrestling and muy thai. Then he said he was going to focus on BJJ after he almost got caught in the armbar. But my question is... is BJJ knowledge even necessary in MMA? If a solid wrestler/ muy thai...
  3. G

    Is BJJ knowledge even necessary in MMA anymore?

    Jon Jones said after the Belfort fight that he never focused on BJJ. He just concentrated on wrestling and muy thai. Then he said he was going to focus on BJJ after he almost got caught in the armbar. But my question is... is BJJ knowledge even necessary in MMA? If a solid wrestler/ muy thai...
  4. K

    Which martial art should i take BJJ JJJ or Judo?

    Please dont say stuff like it depends ont he instructor which would you say is better in a 1 on 1 fight with no rules
  5. S

    Mma, bjj, muay thai, jj, boxing, kickboxing, etc gym near Seattle, Washington? ?

    Hey everyone I was just wondering if there are any Mma, bjj, muay thai, jj, boxing, kickboxing, etc gyms near Seattle, Washington? Any of those. Would do. I just want to learn another fighting style during the off season for wrestling. I did TaeKwonDo for 7 and a half years and I have 4 months...
  6. F

    where do you recommend me to train bjj between the 2 academies?

    between relson gracie main academy or nova uniao? look i wanna develop my guard game. i love both academies but i gotta choose one of them. which one you advice me and why? i love robson moura jiu jitsu and rhalan gracie. please reply as soon as you can and don't me both give me a suitable...
  7. N

    Kickboxing and BJJ, Kickboxing and Hapkido or Karate?

    Hi, I'm a female with a very light build (45kg) and no martial arts background. I want something that would protect me if I were to be attacked on the street. I've been searching around for martial arts schools and the decision is so hard because if I sign up, then I'm locked into a 12 month...
  8. N

    Kickboxing and BJJ, Kickboxing and Hapkido or Karate?

    Hi, I'm a female with a very light build (45kg) and no martial arts background. I want something that would protect me if I were to be attacked on the street. I've been searching around for martial arts schools and the decision is so hard because if I sign up, then I'm locked into a 12 month...
  9. I

    I'm so burned out doing karate but I still want to train in BJJ, how?

    I train kyokushin 2x a week, and I am insomniac, so I feel tired most of the week, but I really really want to take BJJ twice a week, now looking for a good school, any advice that you can give me, not related to my insomnia???? Can you tell me how to manage my energy, say I take karate Monday...
  10. E

    I'm so burned out doing karate but I still want to train in BJJ, how?

    It would be OK to take BJJ on Monday and Wednesday, provided it does not stand for BIow Job Jitsu.
  11. G

    what is best combination of martial arts for mma other then mauy thi bjj and

    wrestling? i want to know what other martial arts are good for mma other than bjj mauy thi and wrestling beacuse all though they are good they seem a bit over rated to me. also if you can try and explain why the other martials are just as good or even better than the ones i just mentioned.
  12. S

    I want to start Martial Arts, don't know if i'm too old... (Eddie Bravo, BJJ...

    ...question too)? Hey guys, i'm 19 years of age and live in Wales, recently I have been getting into a lot of MMA and sports competitions such and collegiate wrestling, jujitsu, BJJ tournaments, and so on. Since I have been watching these tournaments and studying the theory, i've been wanting...
  13. H

    What martial art mixes well with BJJ for self defense?

    I want to learn a more self defense oriented martial art that would mesh well with my BJJ training. When I say self defense I mean mostly weapon oriented, like knife and gun disarms. I like Krav Maga, but I want to know if there is a better option that could go with BJJ. Any ideas about what...
  14. M

    what are the best intructional BJJ dvd's and/or book to buy?

    I will not be able to train for a very long time, so in my off time I would love to keep learning. There are soooo many dvd sets and books out there. Just looking for some ideas to narrow down my searches.
  15. D

    where can I get a training mat (Judo, Bjj, MMA) from UK supplier?

    I have a budget of about £30-£60 and am looking for something that would cover an adult laying down on the mat. I have searched ebay but find it quite confusing - Please help!
  16. H

    BJJ vs Karate/Taekwondo?

    I don't understand how people can believe that karate or martial arts of that style is superior to BJJ. I have been watching these youtube vids of the Gracies destroying blackbelts in these martial arts. To all kung fu, karate, and taekwondo people, what do you plan to do if a BJJ fighter...
  17. N

    BJJ Newbie help - First things to learn?

    I just started to follow a BJJ class and I find the instructor is just showing me too many moves for me to remember. What are the 5 most basic yet useful submissions to learn?
  18. D

    name me some bjj black belts in mma outside of UFC?

    I think roger gracie is the best at light heavy weight in bjj. And I think ronaldo "jacare" souza has the best bjj at middle weight. So who else do you know in mma has the the best bjj outside of UFC? Yep paulo filho...... If only he could consistently show up for his fights. I would of loved to...
  19. D

    name me some bjj black belts in mma outside of UFC?

    I think roger gracie is the best at light heavy weight in bjj. And I think ronaldo "jacare" souza has the best bjj at middle weight. So who else do you know in mma has the the best bjj outside of UFC? Yep paulo filho...... If only he could consistently show up for his fights. I would of loved to...
  20. N

    how much would these mma and bjj items cost?

    I plan to train at north dallas bjj and i require these items Jiu-Jitsu: Mouth Guard, Uniform ("gi" and belt) MMA Finger Free Gloves (no less than 6 oz), MMA Shin Guards, Thai Gloves (14 oz), Hand/Wrist Wraps, Jump Rope, Groin much would this cost all together?