
  1. E

    Because homo and heterosexuality isn't a choice, what about bisexuality?

    Hetero and homosexuality are caused by hormonal balances/imbalances and chemicals in the brain and all that stuff. Is bisexuality also not a choice, or is it that a homo/hetero sexual subconsciously tend to favor a gender, but will also be pleased with the other gender, causing it to be a...
  2. T

    Health, Behavior And Identity Are The Focus Of Bisexuality Studies

    Bisexuality, often stigmatized, typically has been lumped with homosexuality in previous public health research. But when Indiana University scientists recently focused on the health issues and behaviors specific to behaviorally bisexual men and women, they found tremendous variety, and that...
  3. L

    Was it hard to come out about your homo or bisexuality?

    Like in my last question my friend (same girl) is bisexual. I was one of the very first people she told. She was very nervous and kind of worried about what people would think. Now she couldn't care less. How was it for you coming out at first and how does that compare to how you feel now?
  4. T

    Bisexual Men Are Aroused By Both Sexes: Scientific U-Turn On Bisexuality

    In what has been described as a scientific U-turn, new research from Northwestern University in the US concludes that bisexuality exists, after it found men who described themselves as bisexual were genitally and subjectively aroused by watching both films of men having sex with men and of...
  5. $

    bisexuality... gay guys... atraction?? ????????????????????

    i'm a little confused with this... i know my neighbor since we were little childs, now we're turning into 17 he's older than me for one month.... and i'm getting confuse.. because i'm a bisexual... and i'm so desperate that i was in the mood of taking the 1st thing that appears to me xD. lol...
  6. S

    My friend blames me for her bisexuality, and is spreading awful rumors about... what should i do? we had sex once a few months ago - she initiated it (and she LOVED it), but she blames me for first introducing her to bisexuality or some BS like that, and says it's my fault for all the confusion she's been going through ever since. and now she's telling the whole...
  7. S

    My friend blames me for her bisexuality, and is spreading awful rumors about... what should i do? we had sex once a few months ago - she initiated it (and she LOVED it), but she blames me for first introducing her to bisexuality or some BS like that, and says it's my fault for all the confusion she's been going through ever since. and now she's telling the whole...
  8. S

    My friend blames me for her bisexuality, and is spreading awful rumors about... what should i do? we had sex once a few months ago - she initiated it (and she LOVED it), but she blames me for first introducing her to bisexuality or some BS like that, and says it's my fault for all the confusion she's been going through ever since. and now she's telling the whole...
  9. P

    How do you know when curiosity has become a case of a bi-sexuality?

    If a guy has experimented with another guy one time sexual. He received oral but did not really like it - was too nervous. But then said he would like to give one time. He is in his late 40's and experimented once a few years ago and has only dated women. Is that just being curious? Or...
  10. E

    What do you think about bisexuality, and bisexual people?

    crazy or not? weird or not? these days i think with the rate of people having kids and not getting married, and so many men and women not taking dating relationships seriously and playing the field, i think overall we will see much more men and women being gay. i've seen lots of girls get...
  11. M

    Venus in Gemini - unfaithfulness and bisexuality?

    Is it true that people with Venus in Gemini are known for being cheaters and flirts? With a fluid sexuality? I have Venus in Gemini, and I'm definitely NOT the romantic kind. I also have a hard time being mesmerized by people. They sort of need to have the whole package (looks, personality and...
  12. A

    How do most guys feel about female bi-sexuality?

    i'm bi-sexual i officially know this, and personally i am very comfortable with it I've told my close friends and they're all completely fine with it. I'm not worried about telling girls, because i know that i can explain it to them, but i'm worried about telling guys because they probably won't...
  13. C

    Why is it that some people argue that bi-sexuality does not exist?

    I'm not a bi-sexual myself; I'm 100% homosexual. But I find this whole argument of bi-sexuality not existing; to be a load of b/s. Obviously if someone says they are attractd to both genders; they are. Also I can't stand it when this argument comes from other gay men; total double standard (in...
  14. X

    A little hint of Bi-sexuality?

    What are some simple ways to hint that im bi-sexual. And NOT things like "OH that girls so hot!" Something not so obvious! Like maybe little sayings or actions i can do that when added up together will scream "im Bi!" Thanks! XD