
  1. A

    Obama and Biblical prophecy?

    Before B. Hussein Obama was elected in 2008, many fundamentalist Christians believed that he was the Antichrist as described in the Book of Revelations. Are you willing to admit that you were wrong, considering that the Bible says the Antichrist will be popular and an actual leader? There is no...
  2. B

    How convenient that man is ensuring the fulfillment of biblical prophecies, does

    anyone else see this? An old book foretelling the future..... Aren't humans just brainwashed into making this story come true?
  3. E

    What biblical prophecies have to be fulfilled before the end of the world?

    According to the Christan Religion
  4. K

    Do you hate the biblical "God" and his "Christ"?

    true. Darth Vader is a pretty cool guy. @gutbucket actually, without my parents, there would be no me...
  5. F

    Do you believe all the biblical prophecies have been fulfilled and Jesus is

    Bible prophecies are either too vague to mean anything or self-fulfilled "prophecies".
  6. M

    Are Jehova's Witnesses' false biblical prophecies proof that Scientology

    may be getting a bad rap? Charles Russell and Nelson Barbour taught that Christ had returned in 1874 and that 1914 would be when all political rulership would be overthrown. And that Jewish 'patriarchs' (Abraham and Isaac),would be resurrected in 1925. And later, The Watchtower thought that...
  7. M

    If you could step into the shoes of a biblical character, which one would... be and why? Aimed at the religious and non religious. GO!
  8. D

    What is the evidence that the "tomb of christ" contained the biblical character?

    What is the evidence that the "tomb of christ" contained the biblical character? Bonus question: if a tomb (say, a pyramid) contains a body, and then it doesn't, does that mean the body resurrected?
  9. B

    Biblical prophecy about daylight?

    Many years ago, if I remember correctly, I heard of a biblical prophecy of it being daylight everywhere on Earth at the same time. Is there such a prophecy or one that is similar?
  10. B

    Biblical prophecy about daylight?

    Many years ago, if I remember correctly, I heard of a biblical prophecy of it being daylight everywhere on Earth at the same time. Is there such a prophecy or one that is similar?
  11. M

    Could an advanced Alien Civilization trick us using Biblical prophecy?

    One day in the distant or near future do you think it may be possible for a very hyper advanced Alien race to visit Earth in carefully studied and planned disguise and claim to be God, Jesus, and or Angels to trick biblical believers into subjugation for their own devious hypocritical needs...
  12. S

    Does anyone have any Biblical prophecies in which says that lots of Birds are...

    ...suppose to die? It just that lot of people are saying that all the recent bird deaths are a sign of the end times but none of them actually give any Bible verses to support it. So please if you know of some post them here.
  13. D

    Are the birds and the fish dying part of the end time biblical prophecy?

    Can you quote scripture? God is calling me and I feel in my soul the end is coming soon. They all dropped out of the sky at once in various places around the world. Hundreds rained down dead, and scientists are baffled at why they all came down at once.
  14. I

    Should Christians learn Biblical languages?

    That way, we can have a better sense of what the Bible says and be prepared to defend it better.
  15. S

    Jews: Is modern Israel the same Biblical Israel returning home according... the prophecies? PLEASE DON'T MISUNDERSTAND: Of course it is not David's Kingdom restored, and it is not a Torah-governed state. The biblical Israel existed before David and most of the time it was not Torah-governed. My question is whether it is exactly the same nation returning home...
  16. I

    Important questions about biblical prophecies?

    How were the prophecies attained? Could the prophets have seen visions through the eyes of people of the future? What if they were through the eyes of people who were merely watching apocalyptic blockbusters in movie theaters? Movies didn't exist in the time of the prophets, so they wouldn't...
  17. C

    Atheists: what of biblical prophecies?

    Are they not enough evidence to at least get your mind stirring in the direction of the possibility that the bible may be divine? I believe if you search the internet for min you will be able to find a list of prophecies that have been fulfilled, NOT counting the acts of Jesus.
  18. V

    Question about Biblical Prophecies?

    What's the next event prophecised in the Bible and when is it going to happen? Since they're such clear prophecies, I expect everyone to have the exact same answer.
  19. 4

    What do Biblical Angels REALLY LOOK LIKE?

    i just read this article on but it only showed 3 angels any others that DONT look like the common angel? ummm idiots i was simply asking for descriptions from the bible i dont believe in angels smh
  20. 4

    What do Biblical Angels REALLY LOOK LIKE?

    i just read this article on but it only showed 3 angels any others that DONT look like the common angel? ummm idiots i was simply asking for descriptions from the bible i dont believe in angels smh