
  1. I

    WHY does Edward love Bella more than Renesmee?

    Parents are supposed to love their children more than anyone.And in chapter 26 Bella tells Nessie ''You're more beautiful''(she told Ness that she's more beautiful than Bella herself)and Edward says ''I'm not sure I can agree''.That part made me mad.Plus, he hated Nessie because she was stronger...
  2. T

    Let's Do Lunch! @ La Bella Vita - May 15,2013

    Lets Do Lunch! visits La Bella Vita at The Samoset Resort in Rockport, Maine. Theres more to Maine than succulent and sweet lobster, which host Robin Milling discovered courtesy of the delicious tasting prepared by Executive Chef Tim Pierce. Cooking is not Tims only talent. He tells Robin about...
  3. G

    Should Bella just become a lesbian?

    Since she can't choose between the two gay guys, she should just become a lesbian or kill her self.
  4. S

    what power do you thing bella will have after her rebirth?

  5. G

    Will the World Really Pay to See Bella and Edward's Half-Undead Baby?

    Harry Potter I get. The Hobbit I get. But I can't imagine people really want to wait a whole year to see the second half of Breaking Dawn. Please tell me I'm right, Answer...
  6. S

    poll:bella swan or bella cullen?

    whose looks or personality you like more?
  7. C

    Bella's Lullaby (Carter Burwell) Music help?

    Hi everyone, I am learning the Harp, and got the sheet music for Bella's Lullaby from Twilight. This is the one I mean; I was wondering if anyone had any tips, or online tutorials for the HARP. Plz not the Piano as I dont learn it, lol...
  8. C

    Do i look like Bella Thorne?

    Hi (: Everyone in my family and friends say i look like Bella Thorne, Do I? I'm just asking! haha :3 Mee:
  9. F

    For All the Twilight Lovers...why did Edward love Bella?

    I'm just curious because now that I have read the whole saga, including the unfinished one, what was it about Bella that would have attracted anyone? I mean I don't see any qualities that were something that someone would love. She didn't really have a personality to me... Thanks for the answers :)
  10. E

    Quickly: Bella (Twilight) as a rolemodel for young girls?

    Really, I want some honest answers. Do you believe that she is a good or bad role model for young girls? (school age, elm to high) I know several people that look up to this....person and several mothers that recomend her to be a role model. Personally, I think no. Bella lets herself be...
  11. E

    Twilight: Bella made the wrong choice - who agrees with me?

    She should've chosen Jacob, not Edward, because Jacob would be able to give her a better life, in my opinion, and she wouldn't have to change herself for him. I think Edward is too controlling. I don't care that Bella sees him as her one true love. I think Bella would be happier with Jake and...
  12. S

    Do you know any good fanfictions with Bella and Emmett as a couple?

    plz only fanfiction with Emmett and Bella as a couple. also plz post link
  13. H

    does the book that bella bought exist?

    the book that bella bought in the book shop in port Angela's i want to no if it exists
  14. K

    Bella Jacob Fanfiction?

    I am looking for a Bella/Jacob fan fiction where Bella has sex with Jacob as a wolf. My friend swears she read one but I don't believe it. Anyone else heard of it? Shes a bit of a compulsive lier. I tired google just to prove her wrong and didn't find anything which is why I think shes just...
  15. N

    where can i find bella lullaby (from twilight) mp3 free download?

    please give me a direct link to a mp3 FREE download
  16. E

    Bella and Alice from Twilight?

    Bella and Alice from Twilight? So Edward can't read Bella's mind. Even the Volturi (Aro) can't read her mind. Jane can't hurt her with her powers. It is known that Vampires, Alice in particular,can't sense werewolves, and can't see what they are doing. So Bella is pretty much immune to Vampire...
  17. E

    what's the food that bella eats at the restaurant when she's with edward?

    it's mushroom something.....isn't it? i can't remember.... Thanks, -E.
  18. M

    summary of new moon the book from when bella sees edward in rome when he is

    exposing him self? plz be detailed and thanks
  19. C

    Music IN ECLIPSE? When bella sees jacob for the 1st time?!?

    What song is playing when bella sees jacob outside the school for the 1st time in eclipse?
  20. A

    Why isn't Bella immune to Jasper's and Alice's powers?

    Has anyone else noticed that? Aero was seeing if she was immune to everyones powers, and she was immune to his, Jane's, and Edward's, so he got all happy, but then he turns around and see's that she can still be seen in Alice's visions, and Jasper changes her mood all the time in the books and...