
  1. V

    Mayor Michael Bloomberg Nazi Salute Picture by Glenn Beck

    [No message]
  2. A

    Anime suggestions if I like Beck MCS and Planetes?

    Okay so I'm about to get all specific on you guys so strap on your seat belts. I'm a college student and I recently started getting into anime for some reason and now I watch it almost everyday. I've found that most of it is complete garbage but occasionally, there's some good ones. Planetes is...
  3. G

    Beck: Debra [Video]

    I still can't believe Beck is a wacky Scientologist. I would like him to just be wacky Beck but whatever, his music is still amazing and Debra is one of my favorites. More »
  4. R

    Have you been introduced to Tal Wilkenfeld, a.k.a. Jeff Beck's bassist ? ?

    Always a solid inclusion in any "best female musicians" list. And--only 25 at that!!
  5. A

    Is Glenn Beck's Radio Show funny like Rush Limbaugh's?

    Does he make cruel jests at minorities and anyone that is not a Neo Conservative like him? I don't like the Neocon Agenda which is Progressive as hell. They want big money in the Fed to prop up their failing sagging investments and to keep America a Military Industrial Complex. I Like Ron Paul...
  6. B

    Beck ranted about "world government" (that's what "NWO" is) for 2 years,

    Beck ranted about "world government" (that's what "NWO" is) for 2 years, then when Jared murdered 6 people ...? ...based on it, mumbled something about "NWO is a liberal thing" and pretended that absolved him of any responsibility. Am I the only one who caught this? Or even cares? Could he at...
  7. N

    Has Glenn Beck come up with any new prophecies lately? Is anyone writing them down?

    We might be witnessing the creation of another book to be inserted into the canon of the Bible if he keeps predicting things and they keep coming true. Any new ones lately?
  8. R

    When is Glenn Beck's next personal appearance tour at bookstores on...

    ...Berkeley CA's Telegraph Avenue? it before or after his week at Greenwich Village signing autographs for cheerful fans?
  9. I

    How is that Glenn Beck can be friend with Jim Rogers and but George Soros....?

    Well, you obviously have no idea what I am asking.
  10. J

    QUESTION:was glen beck rant on Egypt another WMD moment for him and fox news?
  11. M

    Glenn Beck cites the Ipad as an example of how "awesome" capitalism is, but?

    Glenn Beck cites the Ipad as an example of how "awesome" capitalism is, but? doesn't Glenn beck believe that the U.S. has been "socialist" at least since Roosevelt? Wouldn't that make the IPad an example of *socialist* awesomeness? Read the whole question.
  12. I

    Dads Army Book Cast Interviews and James Beck?

    Does anybody know if there is any Dads Army books that has archive interviews with the Cast Arthur Lowe and John Le Mesurier? Plus talking about the death of James Back? Thanks!
  13. S

    What was the deal with Beck's hysterical rant on the coming Islamic caliphate?

    For Christ's sake I know a good part of his audience are Middle Americans absolutely terrified of Muslims but this was a little nutty.
  14. I

    How is that Glenn Beck can be friend with Jim Rogers and not George Soros....?

    It doesnt make any sense to me honestly, knowing that Rogers and Soros are the two biggest financial terrorist in our world.
  15. C

    Glenn Beck seems to think we Christians do not know who we are in Christ, do you

    agree? What is yours through the blood of Jesus shed upon the cross 2000 yrs ago?
  16. J

    Did anybody watch the Daily Show last night where he ripped Glenn Beck and

    Roger Ailes a new asshoIe? Anybody who watches Glenn Beck is certifiably insane/stupid. Haha, look at all the old senile people answering my question!! I never said I watched it for news you nutters. What's...
  17. L

    Mormans were you born into your religion or did you pick it like Glenn Beck?

    Please tell some details I would like to understand why anyone would be a Mormon. I do not mean that in a disrespectful way. I mean it in a way where I want to be educated about this.
  18. N

    I keep hearing Beck and other Republicans ranting about this horrible evil George...

    ...Soros, so I looked him up? And it turns out the thing he is best known for is helping post-Soviet bloc countries transition from communism to capitalism. So...huh??
  19. D

    Why is Glenn Beck always ranting about George Soros?

    I mean the man is a holocaust survivor...
  20. G

    Glenn Beck Inspired Gun Nut

    This should come as a surprise to no one. Byron Williams, known as the "Highway Shooter" for his 12 minutres shootout with CHIPS officers earlier this year, described the connection between Glenn Beck and his activities to a John Hamilton of Media Matters. ... Williams details what he saw as...