
  1. C

    so my future f-i-l has just basically told me that...?

    My future father in law has just informed me that 'everything they teach nowadays is pointless and stupid' he even went as far as telling me that getting my degree was 'a pushover' and 'complete waste of everyone's time and money.' Now, fair enough, I can respect his opinions, but when he slates...
  2. M

    I am happy in my lesbian relationship, but my family has basically abandoned me

    (we were once so close)....? I entered my first lesbian relationship at 28 years old. I had never considered myself gay, but had definitely been curious and had a few attractions to women. I feel as if my life is complete now with my partner. We have lived together for almost 2 years, and have...
  3. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  4. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  5. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  6. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  7. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  8. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  9. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  10. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  11. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  12. G

    Data-Backed Shocker! Gay People Are Basically The Same As Everyone Else [OkCupid]

    There are a lot of preconceptions about gay sex versus straight sex. Gays are more promiscuous? Straight people longer relationships? Turns out it's not that simple—OkCupid's data doesn't always bear that out... More »
  13. I

    What are some good sci-fi thrillers, like Sphere and basically alien type thrillers?

    I am in the mood and I really seem to like these kinds of movies. Their are a few I am getting ready to watch, Below, Event Horizon, Contact, and a few others on my Instant Queue on Netflix. Any other suggestions?
  14. A

    Basically i wanna know how do you laugh at yourself instead of being

    embaressed and find it funny? i embaress myself quite a lot like tripping or sayin wrong thing n i worry about it and what people think iand i just wanna laught at myself but instead i find it embaressing how do you have a sense of humour and not be self consious?? thank you
  15. A

    What is the best way to transfer basically entire hard-drive from a MacBook to

    an iMac? Ok, so my sister is going off to college on Monday and she just got a new Mac Book pro so i get her old (but still good) iMac...right now i have a not-too-old-but-fairly-worn Mac Book and it is soo personalized that like nobody else knows where anything is...i REALLY DON'T want to start...
  16. T

    My dog gets really excited and barks and whines and basically chokes himself when...

    ...we take him out? We recently got a new puppy, hes about 8 months old, and we took him to get his shots the other day. He behaves perfectly in the car but when we got out he obviously knew there were other dogs around and he flipped out. All the other dogs were calm and didnt even seem to pay...
  17. M

    Is "doing a water change" basically just siphoning out the bottom of your tank?

    Is "doing a water change" basically just siphoning out the bottom of your tank? ...and replacing the lost water with fresh, de-chlorinated water?
  18. M

    Is "doing a water change" basically just siphoning out the bottom of your tank?

    Is "doing a water change" basically just siphoning out the bottom of your tank? ...and replacing the lost water with fresh, de-chlorinated water?
  19. T

    Any cases that discuss what happens if an administrative agency basically

    reissues a struck down regulation? Somewhat in line with the reissued offshore drilling moratorium, what happens if an agency reissues a similar or identical regulation after the previous one had been struck down by the courts? I assume there is some sort of "similarity analysis" to determine if...
  20. G

    Is Provincetown MA basically a huge cruising area during 4th of July weekend?

    Just wondering...