
  1. K

    How can i unlock iphone 4 4.3.5 baseband 04.20.01?

    Ive been through trouble for the past 5 days and cant find a way to put my tmobile sim card in my iphone 4 without it not working. Im so fed up, and it made me lose all my data the other day and and info, and everything. Please help me, i wanna be able to put my tmobile sim in without it not...
  2. A

    I have iPhone 3gs ios 4.3.5 baseband 06.15.02. I've tried to downgrade it,

    now it sticks in recovery mode.? I've tried to downgrade it with redsnow with ipad baseband. now it sticks in recovery mode. I 've tried to restore ios 4.3.5 but I've faced 1015 error all the time. I can't do anymore in this regards. What should I do? thanks :(
  3. N

    can u update iphone operating system if you have a unlocked baseband to

    a new iphone os version.? Your Open Question: can u update iphone operating system if you have a unlocked baseband to a new iphone os version? can u update a iPhone 3gs 4.3.3 with a unlocked base band of 06.15.00 to ios 5 or any other software update when it comes out if it comes out to iPhone...
  4. N

    How to unlock iPhone 3GS 4.3.3 with baseband 05.16.02?

    I have an iPhone 3GS 32GB with 4.3.3 Firmware 05.16.2 Baseband MC*** Model.. Please Help!
  5. A

    Can i unlock iphone 4, 4.3.1 with 4.10.01 baseband?

    i have a iphone 4, 4.3.1 with 4.10.01 baseband, is it possible to jailbreak and unlock??
  6. J

    what is iphone 3gS 4.3.2 baseband?

    hello iphone users ..... question just wanted to now what is the baseband for a 3gS iphone on 4.3.2? if you have this can you send me a pik showing me please and please only if you have a 3gS thanks guys
  7. N

    Does GreenPois0n alter the iPhone 3GS BaseBand?

    I have an iPhone 3GS (MC) ready for Jailbreaking with the latest version of Greenpois0n. (RC6.1) I've heard many bad things about what BaseBand changes can do, so I want to know, yes or no: Does GreenPois0n upgrade/downgrade/change the BaseBand in ANY WAY? I'm not looking to unlock my carrier...
  8. T

    Can I jailbreak/unlock my iphone with iOS version 4.3 and baseband 5.16.01?

    I cannot seem to find anything on unlocking for baseband numbers over 5.11
  9. R

    how to upgrade iOS from 3.2 to 4.2. without upgrading modem firmware (baseband)...

    ...from 6.15.00 to 7.10.00? I rely on ultrasn0w baseband 6.15.00 unlock in my first generation of iPad is it possible to upgrade the iOS to 4.2 without upgrading the baseband?
  10. A

    Is there an unlock for iphone 3gs on baseband 05.16.01 with version 4.3?

  11. K

    unlocking iphone 4 having a ios version 4.2.1 and baseband 03.10.01?

    I have a jailbroken iphone 4 but i cant use my sim card in it. it says; "no service". baseband is 03.0.01. any helper?
  12. A

    When will the iphone 4 on 03.10.01 baseband be unlockable?

    I have an iphone 4 on this baseband and 4.2.1. Does anyone know? Thanks!
  13. 0

    IPHONE 4 iOS 4.2.1 Baseband 3.10.01?(UNLOCK)?

    is anyone up to date on this stuff ? how can i because i want to unlock it with simple mobile i bought the microsim cutter the sim tray eject key and now i need the unlock i heard it should be out somewhere around feb. 10 2011 because there waiting for verizon iphone 4 sorry for grammer and...
  14. V

    I have iPhone 4 with a 4.2.1 update on baseband 3.10.01? unlock?

    I need to unlock this iPhone 4 and the JB for 4.2 on windows just came out yesterday! I want to know if jailbreaking my iphone will allow to unlock because it is on Baseband 3.10.01
  15. S

    Unlock Iphone 4 on baseband (modem firmware) 3.10.01?

    I have an Iphone 4 and I am studying abroad in Budapest, Hungary on January 30th. I have jail broken my phone with redsnow and I am trying to unlock it now. It says I must be on the 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01, or 05.13.04 baseband. Does anyone know how to help me complete the unlock from here...
  16. A

    Is there an untethered Jailbreak for Iphone 3gs iOS 4.2.1 baseband 05.15.04?

    If there is, could you give me a complete guide? I havent been able to get a straight answer on whether or not I am able to jailbreak with this os and baseband. I've looked into the newer redsn0w program which claims to be able to grant an untethered jailbreak to 3gs 4.2.1, but I was not sure...
  17. U

    How to update Iphone 3G 3.1.2 to 4.2.1 keeping baseband?

    Hi everyone, I have an 8GB iphone 3G firmware I am currently using firmware 3.1.2 (7D11) with 05.11.07 baseband, but since I want to restore my iphone because I want to leave it as nothing new is I'm planning to upgrade to version 4.2.1 the last one available from Apple I think, the problem is...
  18. E

    is there an unlock for iphone 3.1.3 baseband 5.12.01?

    this isnt the newest ios so im hoping theres an unlock by now!
  19. S

    Iphone 4 unlock baseband 2.10.04 ?

    Will it ever come out? Been waiting for awhile and nothing :(
  20. L

    I have an iPhone 3G with 05.15.04 baseband and os.4.0. I am wondering how do I

    jailbreak AND unlock it? I'm not swaying i want hactivation. But I just want to jb n unlock it. I'm confused by all the blogs online. WOuld someone please give me a clear answer with directions.THank you in advance!