
  1. P

    Do you shop around for a bargain website?

    When I buy books and a few other things, I normally go to that big site that starts with an "A" and sells books. However, I found this site that actually sells their products for less!?!?!?!?!? I'm going to start looking around before I purchase in the future!
  2. S

    Plea Bargain Issues..........?

    If the DA doesn't accept the Plea Bargain your Lawyer offers, what happens then ?? What is a counter offer ? more charges ?
  3. S

    When a Plea Bargain is offered................?

    When a Plea Bargain is offered who has to accept it ? the Judge or the DA ?
  4. M

    waiver of appeal due to plea bargain in unrelated offense?

    defendant waived his right to appeal of conviction and sentence from a jury trial due to plea bargain of unrelated offense
  5. S

    What exactly is a Plea Bargain ?

    What is a Plea Bargain ?
  6. J

    How do I bargain for a later curfew with my mother?

    My curfew is currently 1am give or take a half hour. This means by default no clubbing or trips out of the area unless I am staying with a relative or someone they "approve". Usually my bf and I spend the day together when I visit because we rarely see each other imo (once a week). Why can't I...
  7. N

    If at a bargain, is it worth it for the Mets to pick up Orlando Cabrera, a...

    ...right-handed hitter, as their 2B? I think it could be a real steal. At this point of the off-season, with the market completely deflated, what could he really get? Although he's not Orlando Hudson, he's much better than other's out there, like Mark Grudzielanek, Nomar Garciaparra, Ray Durham...
  8. M

    Where can i get genuine bargain concert tickets?

    any websites?
  9. K

    plea bargain question?

    After you have turned down a plea bargain during the phase before you have been formally charged (but have been contacted by the US Prosecutor and told you are the subject of an investigation for a crime and they are making you an offer to avoid trial), can you then go back and say you want to...
  10. C

    What bargain foods do you regularly buy and how much do they cost?

    I buy bananas - currently 60p for 3 huge bananas and porridge oats that last for ages and cost £1.50p. What about you?
  11. K

    Will the British tv show 'Bargain Hunt' ever come back on tv? if so, when?

    I wish there was an American version of that show.
  12. E

    Elkhart Series II Alto Saxophone £195 - bargain?

    I have seen an Elkhart Series II Alto Saxophone (second hand) for £195. I believe the condition is fairly good. Is this a good buy? What possible problems should I look out for?
  13. M

    How should I deal with this - I always have to bargain with her to see her!?

    Sorry - a bit of a ramble i've been with my gf for over four years now. I managed to pursuade her to live with me at uni and we had two great years being with each a lot, sharing our lives etc. After uni, we both moved back to our parents for a little while. She is still there, but I moved out...
  14. E

    For Those In The Uk - Whats Your Best Primark Bargain?

    as the title suggests whats youre favourite thing youve ever bought from primark, how long has it lasted and how much was it?
  15. L

    What do you call a bargain for a sea mammal?

    unscramble -- S-E-L-L-W-A-E-A-H
  16. L

    does bbc bargain hunt the game, have instructions if so what are they?

    have brought the bbc bargain hunt the game, board game at car-boot sale and it contains no instruction's. does this mean it has none because it doesn't say if has them, or are they missing.. much appreciatedd
  17. K

    Guys is this left 4 dead deal a bargain?

    on ebay its going for 45 bucks brand new posted should i get it coz the cheapest ive seen is 65 bucks
  18. R

    website with online bargain list?

    theres a site that has a constantly updating list of online bargains, i just cant remember the name there are lots like this, but this one is legit, and doesnt try to sell you stuff themselves.
  19. G

    Plea bargain question?

    What are some instances when the judge will not agree with the plea bargain offered by the D.A.?
  20. G

    In the story "Bargain" by A.B Gurthie....?

    who ends up being responsible for the death of slade?