
  1. S

    So do you think the bomber forgot to put his backpack down somewhere before he

    called on his cellphone...? detonate the bomb? Is he kind of forgetful? Or did Fox News just find some Middle Eastern guy caught in the blast and decide for us he's the bomber. (The claim for the NY Post "article" is Fox News.) (Slaps forehead) - I KNEW I forgot something!
  2. J

    My Mother Is Only Allowing Me To Bring A Backpack On Vacation? Help?

    So for Spring Break we're going to Florida.Orlando. And she told us we can only bring a backpack? "It's only a week. How many things could you need anyways." Does she realize i am a teenager? Maybe she forgot that she was once a teenager. How in the name of heck am I supposed to fit it all in...
  3. G

    Will it be more interesting for a young gay person to backpack through Europe...

    ...than going to the US? Coming from a very conservative country, I would like to experience an open, gay life and also meet other gay guys. I will be studying abroad for half a year and I'm being allowed to choose where to go. Will it be better if I go to Europe so that I can travel to a lot...
  4. G

    Ultra-Expensive Two Pound Tent Lightens Your Backpack and Your Wallet [Camping]

    With its new Mojo UFO tent, Sierra Designs is hoping that campers who like to travel light are willing to spend a small fortune to shave a few pounds off their pack. Because the space-age looking shelter weighs less than two pounds, but comes with an $1,800 price tag—that's a whopping $900 per...
  5. S

    Im a new EMT and i want to know what thing i should have in my first aid backpack

    for hiking.? I just passed my national registry and I'm going to Hawaii. i plan on hiking alot while I'm there and i want to be well prepared.I'm hiking on Kilauea and the rock there is sharp as glass if you fall on it so i want to know what i should have to help people if they get hurt.
  6. G

    You'll Always Have an Emergency Hood While Wearing This Backpack [Bags]

    You probably won't always remember to bring an umbrella when the weather is gloomy, but as long you're wearing this Puma Urban Mobility Backpack from designer Hussein Chalayan, you'll always have a quick way to keep your head dry. More »
  7. B

    Good hiking backpack!? HELP!!!?

    I am a new backpacker but have been on many camping trips before. I am looking for a backpack to last me about three days maybe four days max. Do you guys have any suggestions:? THANKS!
  8. T

    Bike commuters...messenger bag or backpack?

    I was thinking a messenger bag may help solve the uncomfortable sweaty back issue. Which do you prefer?
  9. M

    Faulty parts in gas cylinders, Hondas, backpack blowers, and Tylenol products for inf

    [No message]
  10. R

    Is it bad for your back to hike with a backpack?

    I really want to get in shape but I have almost no time to do so. I figure since my school and my house are on opposite sides of a pretty big mountain I could hike up and down it afterschool everyday for a way to get in shape and get home. I have my backpack with all my school supplies tho, is...
  11. M

    Hiking: How to pack a backpack

    [No message]
  12. M

    Back-to-school backpack trends

    [No message]
  13. G

    Magic Backpack and Things To Do on Sunday

    I don't know if I should worship my backpack or drive a wooden stake through its heart and shoot it with silver bullets. For three days I obsessively looked through every pocket knowing my keys were in there somewhere, and never found them. Today, I was looking for something else and guess...
  14. L

    Need help finding a backpack for day hikes?

    hi I'm trying to find a backpack/rucksack for day hikes etc.I'd be using it often and I mean OFTEN so I'm looking for something that's not synthetic that looks better as it ages like a quality durable leather or something. My friend said there called woodsman backpacks but I haven't found...
  15. A

    I'm a Malaysian Chinese,is it that hard for me to go backpack travel around Europe?

    So I'm 18 this year,and I've decide to backpack travel across Europe as it was my biggest dream.I've been always wanted to travel to country like Spain,French,Netherlands etc But then I saw some article said that it's very inconvenient to travel the world as Chinese like they need visa...
  16. A

    Five things Kevin Durant should put in his backpack for Game 2

    </p> 1. Two large, fresh-out-of-the-oven thin crusts to distract noted pizzaficionado and Dallas Mavericks star Dirk Nowitzki, thereby throwing off the metronome-precise timing and accuracy Dirk showed en route to scoring 48 points on 15 shots in Game 1; 2. A copy of "Defender," because (as...
  17. H

    Is this a good backpack for long distance hiking?

    Plan on hiking all 3 trails.. starting with the appalachian next spring. the pacific crest and continental divide.. all thru hikes.. i need a good backpack is this one good...
  18. C

    What is the biggest and best hiking backpack?

    I'm planning a two month expedition through interior Alaska, and need to find the largest well built hiking pack possible. I have found "Bergans of Norway- Alpinist" and the "Goliath Expedition pack" to be the biggest and best thus far, but want to hear others' opinions. Thanks.
  19. K

    i put my nintendo dsi in my backpack, i always put it there, and now, it's gone.

    can someone please help me!? this never happened to me before
  20. J

    Will using a backpack instead of a suitcase as a carry on delay me going

    through airport security? I don't have a lot to take, so I figured that a backpack would make more sense than a carry on suitcase. I'm a seventeen year old girl flying by myself, will I need to go through extra screening because of the backpack?