
  1. B

    Molly having babies? URGENT?

    I have an Orange Molly and she's pregers. I put her in a breeder then decided to take her back out bc it seemed to early. Once I pulled her out I spotted a single black fry. It is hers or could one of my swordtails or platties produced a black fry? Help please its urgent. Never saw a dark Travis...
  2. D

    my cat had babies three days ago and is bleeding?

    my cat had babies three days ago shes bleeding its not alot just small drops ive read thats normal but im just wondering when it should stop and symptoms i should be worried about :) THANKS FOR THE HELP
  3. G

    Study Says Babies Make Men Less Masculine, More Nurturing [Science]

    A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests men's testosterone levels fluctuate when they have children. More »
  4. D

    Am I the only one who finds a babies laugh to be the most annoying sound ever?

    Really, in all honesty, I can not understand how anyone would think that annoying little laugh is cute. It must be a parent thing or something...
  5. D

    Am I the only one who finds a babies laugh to be the most annoying sound ever?

    Really, in all honesty, I can not understand how anyone would think that annoying little laugh is cute. It must be a parent thing or something...
  6. T

    Fatter Mothers Have Fatter Babies With More Liver Fat

    Babies born to fatter mothers are not only fatter themselves, which we already knew, but also have more fat in their livers, which we didn't know, according to a new study published in the September 2011 issue of the journal Pediatric Research. The researchers, from Imperial College London...
  7. T

    Can Oral Care For Babies Prevent Future Cavities?

    New parents have one more reason to pay attention to the oral health of their toothless babies. A recent University of Illinois study confirms the presence of bacteria associated with early childhood caries (ECC) in infant saliva. ECC is a virulent form of caries, more commonly known as tooth...
  8. M

    Bj tips how to? What do guys like? Is swallowing like eating babies? No...

    ...joking or rudeness pleasee!? Needed. I'm not afraid of guys genitals...I just don't no what to do with it..
  9. T

    Asthma Risk Lower In Breastfed Babies

    Babies fed only on breast milk up to the age of six months have a lower risk of developing asthma-related symptoms in early childhood, and this appears to be independent of infectious and allergic diseases, according to a study by researchers at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam in The...
  10. T

    Decreased Risk Of Asthma In Breastfed Babies

    Feeding a baby on only breast milk and for up to 6 months after birth can reduce their risk of developing asthma-related symptoms in early childhood, according to new research. The study, which is published online 21 July 2011 in the European Respiratory Journal, looked at the impact of the...
  11. T

    Creating Healthy Behaviors Can Ward Off Obesity In Babies, Children

    Often when mother's birth big babies, many feel it is a sign of strength, exceptional health and promises of a long term survival. However, sometimes larger babies never lose the "baby weight" and go on to be quite obese. There are things parents can do by instilling habits that can lead to...
  12. R

    What methods you would use to engage the attention and interest of babies

    and what effect developmental? Children's care learning and development level 3 unit 312 K3D398
  13. K

    The sims 3 ambitions for iPhone (babies)?

    Can you have more than one child? I have a toddler and now I want another one but I can't get my husband to have one with me and I can't use the phone to adopt? And how do I make my toddler grow?
  14. J

    Babies and passports? Crossing the CDN-US border?

    This summer, we will be crossing the border by car into the US for some vacation time. Our daughter will be 1 year old by the time we go, but I just had one question regarding it. I know that if you are crossing the border by car that she doesn't need a passport, just a valid birth certificate...
  15. Y

    Why does my son hate tar babies?

    Everyone does, but why does he?
  16. Y

    Why does my son hate tar babies?

    Everyone does, but why does he?
  17. S

    why is my female guppy not having her babies?

    Do you have a male fish in the tank with her? Females sometimes will wait for a mate to come along, because males have to fertilize the eggs. Of course they wont wait forever and eventually it will happen. A male could just speed up the process.
  18. E

    How long after cruising starts before babies start walking?

    Two months ago, she began pulling herself up. Last month she started cruising around the furniture. She lets go with one hand and has gotten quite good at it. She can go from the couch to the coffee table by stretching her arms out. About two weeks ago, she began letting go and trying to stand...
  19. M

    Don't artists who think they sound intense by whining like babies about

    their problems make the worst music...? EVER? Artists that whine about teen angst make brokeNCYDE sound like legends!
  20. C

    Make babies on Sims 3 for xbox 360?

    So, I've been doing research and I just can't have babies!! I keep waiting for the "try for a baby" social to appear but it doesnt. I don't have enough lifetime rewards points for the fertility thingy. All I do is woohoo with the hubby like 2 or 3 times a day but still no baby. What am I doing...