
  1. L

    My apps on my android phone is taking awhile to install any way to fix this?

    I just brought an android phone from boost mobile and downloaded 4 apps and it's taking awhile for them to download. This is my first android phone.
  2. M

    I had a car stereo installed in my truck awhile back but now my speakers only

    sometimes play, what could it be? I think maybe the antenna wires came loose & that's causing the problems but I'm not sure where it's located
  3. R

    I'm looking for a certain anime that I saw awhile ago..?

    I don't know how descriptive I can be about this, it was a clip of an anime I saw on the site m0ar, I can list the basic dialogue, though. There were these Japanese speaking teenagers out in an alley with a parked car and then an older English speaking man came out and started yelling at the...
  4. J

    I have a curve 3G from fido/rogers, I had a rogers sim card in it for awhile but

    nvr activated the phone is it? I have a curve 3G from fido/rogers, I had a rogers sim card in it for awhile but nvr activated the phone is it? Locked to rogers? Becuz I went to koodo and got my sim card w/koodo, now it is asking me for a mep code what for koodo or my old rogers sim? becuz wen I...
  5. W

    my bmw clutch keep hanging up will run good for awhile then hang?

    if i stop a while it will shift again once i get it past second it works find
  6. A

    1999 chevrolet malibu will run for awhile if i let it set a few days but...

    ...only about 5 or 6 miles ? i have changed the fuel pump and filter the coils ignition control module and the crank shaft positioning sensor and checked the relays
  7. A

    1999 chevrolet malibu will run for awhile if i let it set a few days but...

    ...only about 5 or 6 miles ? i have changed the fuel pump and filter the coils ignition control module and the crank shaft positioning sensor and checked the relays
  8. A

    If I had a moldy dish in the back of my fridge for awhile would that spoil other

    food in there? Or will the rest of the food be unaffected? The other foods were covered in plastic wrap. I already threw out the moldy stuff I'm just wondering if I need to throw out the good stuff as well.
  9. J

    after driving my truck for awhile it smells like rotten eggs,why?

    my truck is a 1987 dodge dakota
  10. M

    help, i need to know the name of a cartoon video that use to come on awhile

    ago like 2006-2007 it started of? with a cartoon man waking up and starting his day singing then he leaves his house and thats about all i remember it came on mtv and vh1 and the entire video is cartoon.....any suggestions? i think the song was about life, or world change..
  11. J

    LG rumor touch for virgin mobile takes awhile to recieve texts?

    I have an LG Rumor Touch For virgin mobile that takes up to 10 minutes to recieve textxs after the person sends them. I always have at least 2 bars so thats not a problem. PLease help
  12. T

    I have been chatting with this guy for awhile, I just found out he's not

    a virgin. HELP! 10 points? I am a virgin and I do not want to be with a guy unless he is also a virgin but right now I am on yahoo messenger with a guy I have been texting for awhile I was really starting to like him but now I just found out he is not a virgin he said he has been with one person...
  13. L

    Do you think this relationship has a strong chance to last awhile?

    Okay, so I started dating this guy over the summer and I had just met him and he really liked me but wasn't ready for a relationship because he was still not over his first love. Eventually, his ex permanently ended things and all hope between them so he focused all his energy on casually dating...
  14. M

    Which group of users become happier when you come online after awhile survey:...

    ...Trolls or contacts? Me trolls, my contacts become angry ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LMAO
  15. A

    so is it just me or has it been awhile since ther have been videos on youtube that

    will make me laugh..? i mean like cracking up laughing not just like chuckle and done. and none of that wiered shit like that dancing fat girl . ANY SUGGESTIONS THROW EM MY WAY/
  16. B

    Can you explain the bailout of Ford, GM, and Chrysler that happened awhile ago?

    Could you explain the bailout of these companies in simple terms. I would like to know more about them, because I did not fully understand the bailout. Thanks, God Bless
  17. H

    sleazy jokes is just gonna lay low for awhile okay?

    but dont worry i will be filling in for him he will be back when this whole thing blows over
  18. K

    Is it okay to date your friend's ex-interest after it's been awhile?

    Excuse that horribly worded question. But anyways, (Q#1) I'm just wondering if YOU would get angry/hurt/betrayed if your friend went out with someone that you used to like/dated/had a short "thing" with. My friend used to like this guy (we're both friends with him now) and they had a short...
  19. K

    On Buddhism: So I was at the temple awhile ago, visiting my dead grandma...?

    When I entered, I had to light three incense sticks first, so that I will be able to pray to the "Great Saint," which was represented by a huge statue. While talking to the saint, something suddenly came to my mind (unwillingly): "I offer my love of music to you." I wanted to take it back, but...
  20. L

    im 14 weigh 85lbs or more or less have not checked in awhile am i fat im 4'9 or 4'10?

    here are a few more questions 1.i look at my legs somtimes and one day they look fat another day they look skinny why please help and when i dont brush my teeth my legs look skinny but when i do they look fat i know thats weird but why 2. like my inner thighs look like they got bigger and my...