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    Running OS X on an Old Macintosh Portable is Difficult, Pointless But Awesome

    This video shows an old Macintosh Portable seemingly running OS X. But how did it happen, and was it worth the effort? More »
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    Another Reason Why Running Is Awesome: Study Says It Can Reverse Heart Damage

    The New York City Marathon was (rightfully) cancelled, but there's other news in the running world: researchers found that running or other vigorous exercise can reverse heart damage caused by heart attacks. More »Another Reason Why Running Is Awesome: Study Says It Can Reverse Heart Damage is a...
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    This Is the Dumbest and Most Awesome Way to Light a Bonfire By Eric Limer I don’t kno

    This Is the Dumbest and Most Awesome Way to Light a Bonfire By Eric Limer I don’t kno This Is the Dumbest and Most Awesome Way to Light a Bonfire By Eric Limer I don’t know who thought this was a good idea, but they were sort of*right, in an extremely dangerous way. These clowns decided...
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    OB/GYNs Say IUDs Are Awesome For Teens, Too

    Well, this is highly relevant. According to updated guidelines by the *American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, IUDs and other forms of long-acting reversible*contraception*(LARC, for short) are far and away the best option for reducing teen pregnancy--and doctors should recommend...
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    Afternoon Links: Awesome Tempeh Recipes You Must Bookmark

    • Serious, save these amazing tempeh recipes. They're winners. (Intent) • Get incredible arms with this powerful yoga sequence (FitSugar) • Finally! Some answers on adult acne (HuffPost Healthy Living) • How to pick the very best moisturizers that contain sunscreen (Well & Good) • An...
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    Awesome Tom Hanks Photo: Fan Pretends to Be Drunk With Oscar Winner

    Tom Hanks was already known for being a great guy. But his reputation as one of the nicest movie stars around has kicked into overdrive after a friend of a guy who had an incredibly...
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    Awesome Go-Kart Is a Life-Size Chariot Made of Lego [Video]

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    Nike’s New ‘Gold Digging’ Shirt: Awesome Or Offensive?

    On the heels of the Olympics, Nike has come out with a new shirt for women with the words "Gold Digging" emblazoned on the front. Believe it or not, this shirt is causing a lot of controversy and apparently Nike offended the Twitterverse, who found the message sexist. More »Post from: Blisstree
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    10 Awesome Apple Cider Vinegar Uses

    Well+Good NYC shares some of the best apple cider vinegar uses, from balancing pH for better skin and hair, to soothing itchy bug bites. More »Post from: Blisstree
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    Chinese Army Fights a Wasp Colony in the Most Awesome Way Possible [Video]

    The wasps had already killed a man and stung dozens of others. But, located out of reach high atop a tree surrounded by rugged terrain, the massive colony was impervious to attack by the villagers of Jiangjin Tsz Wan Yuen Tsuen, China. The situation became so dire that the Army had to...
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    Was This Awesome Multi-Function Pillow Inspired By a Burrito? [Wish You Were Here]

    Using a strategically placed set of balls and loops, this giant circular cushion—amusingly called the Blandito—is able to transform into an entire home's worth of furniture. In fact, were it waterproof, you could probably even wrangle it into the shape of a usable bathtub. More »
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    Celebrities’ No Makeup Photos Might Be A PR Stunt, But They’re Also Awesome

    An article in this week's*New York Times explored the latest celebrity trend (that we covered months ago): going makeup-less. Apparently female stars have been "rushing" to post makeup-free pictures of themselves on their social media accounts. Rihanna, Snooki, and new mom Alyssa Milano*are just...
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    Why Aren't All Fireworks As Awesome As This One? [Video]

    Check out this amazingly fun firework. It's actually a flying vehicle powered by fireworks that propel it up in a spiral of fire. It apparently uses different stages, until the final one explodes in a ball of light. More »
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    Matthew McConaughey: Losing Weight To Look Unhealthy, Not Because It’s Awesome

    If you've noticed the perpetually-shirtless Matthew McConaughey looking startlingly gaunt these days, that's the point. The celeb told Larry King that he's in the middle of a 30 pound weight loss for an upcoming role, where he plays a person with HIV. And while he's calling it a "cleanse"...
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    What Kind Of Healthy Role Model Is Katie Holmes? A Freakin Awesome One.

    Ever since his famous jumping-up-and-down incident on Oprah where he declared his undying love for Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise has gotten, well, weird. And while some speculate that his involvement with Scientology is to blame for the demise of their marriage, others claim it was (gasp!) a...
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    So Awesome: Scientists Reverse Type 1 Diabetes In Mice

    Amazing new research shows that scientists have been able to reverse Type 1 Diabetes in mice during it's earliest stages. This is exactly the kind of news we need to be sharing a Friday afternoon. More »Post from: Blisstree
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    Andy Griffith's Andy Taylor and More Awesome TV Dads!

    Sheriff Andy Taylor not only maintained law and order in Mayberry—he was also home for supper every night and was always available for a father-son talk! The death of Andy...
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    How To Find an Awesome Apartment On Craigslist [How To]

    Looking for an apartment is horrible. But technology can help. If you're smart, you can cut through the junk and beat the competition en route to a sweet pad. If you're planning to rent in a city, your search is bound to go through good old Craigslist—especially now that its listings no longer...
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    Why is that there aren't so many awesome free apps for iPhone but in the play... there's a lot of good free? Apps for android/smart phones
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    Exposure to Awesome Things Makes You a Better Person [Science]

    "Awesome" is a word which is thrown around liberally these days. But a new study suggests that things that inspire awe—that is, a feeling of respect mixed with fear or wonder—actually help make you a better person. More »