
  1. C

    Would twinks be attracted to a 37 yr old truck driver?

    I have a strong attraction to twinks and wondering if they are hung up on what do you for a living. I am a 37 year old truck driver, make decent money, masculine, I am bald though and have a beer belly.
  2. K

    Have u been attracted to buy an IPHONE or ANDROID due to all the APPS

    available? Then rarely use the apps? My main reason for buying one of the above phones was for APPS however 4 months down the line I use 2, which you can get on other basic phones. Just wondered if anyone else feels the same?
  3. L

    What if all the women in the world became lesbians and were no longer attracted

    to men? I know many men would masturbate tot the fact that girls were lesbians, but could they last they're whole lifetime with no sex from the opposite gender or would they as well become gay? Keep in mind the world population would not decrease because they're are still sperm banks, and with...
  4. S

    Gay/Bi men: What type of guys are you attracted to?

    Hot/normal, tall or short, fat/lean, dark or blonde etc please share :)
  5. M

    Lesbians and bisexual women are you attracted to women who wear glasses?

    a woman who wears glasses to help correct her vision, not sunglasses. I don't mean like having a glasses fetish. but in general, if you saw a woman you thought was cute would her having to wear glasses make her possibly more or less attractive?
  6. T

    Lesbian Ladies, are you attracted to straight women at all?

    My ex (who is also my best friend) is attracted to all girls, including straight girls. She pursues relationships with girls knowing they are straight. I on the other hand am only attracted to girls I know to be, or seem to be, gay. So are you ladies attracted to all women including straight...
  7. H

    What can i possibly do about this man i am interested and attracted to,advice please?

    Hi everyone,i am in my early thirties divorced for 2 years and never really felt anything for anyone since,didnt think i would until i laid eyes on this guy lol,so i see this guy from time to time i think he is a few years younger than me,he comes into a coffee shop where i have lunch and where...
  8. G

    Why are some women more attracted to a man's gadgets than to the man himself?

    For me, i'm more attracted to his technology. If he has an awesome sound system/setup and sweet tv, im coming over Lol. i guess nice cars would count too but yeah :) What's your sign? I'm Aquarius. oh no im definitely not a gold digger, i just like nice things. well the technology just lures...
  9. G

    Why are some women more attracted to a man's gadgets than to the man himself?

    For me, i'm more attracted to his technology. If he has an awesome sound system/setup and sweet tv, im coming over Lol. i guess nice cars would count too but yeah :) What's your sign? I'm Aquarius. oh no im definitely not a gold digger, i just like nice things. well the technology just lures...
  10. M

    Why do lesbians who claim to be born attracted to men, sometimes prefer

    females who look like men? I guess any educated person can plainly see that it is simply preference and choice, and no gay gene myth. Wait, it was the LGBT who started with sexual preference which means choice. If you think about it, homosexuality was never removed as a gender identity...
  11. L

    is it wrong to be attracted to anime characters?

    ;] Itachi and Madara.
  12. 1

    POLL: is it wrong to be attracted sexually to senior citizens?

    I"m attracted to senior citizens. I get so turned on my seeing a 90 year olds boobs/vagina. Just the fact of knowing that it's been used I think is wat turns me on. I know this because I used to volunteer at a nursing home for high school, and I quit because I didn't want to act on my sexual...
  13. T

    Research Shows Women Attracted To Men In Red

    What could be as alluring as a lady in red? A gentleman in red, according to a multicultural study published Aug. 2 in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Simply wearing the color red or being bordered by the rosy hue makes a man more attractive and sexually desirable to women...
  14. J

    why am I attracted to women if Im not a lesbian?

    I've only been with men and I like men. but many times I've fantasized about women and I love to think of touching them. Don't know if I could follow thru tho.
  15. T

    Women Attracted To Macho Men Much More Than To 'modest' Males

    The idea that a modern man who is modest and metrosexual has features women find attractive appears to be a myth, according to a new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Psychology of Men and Masculinity. Researchers found that females see modesty and men's feminine side as a big...
  16. H

    are women in their 20s and older also attracted to justin bieber? if so, what is... about him? is there something about the way he looks that sets him apart from other teen boys? if so, what is it? the only thing i can really pick out about his looks that sets him apart of from other boys his age is that he looks YOUNGER than 16. he actually looks more like he's 13. is...
  17. G

    I'm attracted to my friend but nothing can happen with her, so how do I meet...

    ...other people? I don't know how to word this so I'll try my best. I know people get sick of these sorts of questions. At first I thought it was because I haven't had a boyfriend in so long that I started looking at girls, but now I'm not even attracted to boys. Whenever I'm out with friends...
  18. C

    A gay friend of mine is attracted to me?

    Well I met him playing Call of Duty, and since he joined the gaming clan i was in, we've became good friends. Now, the clan has 4 main leaders and him and I are 2 of them. Over time, us 4 have become close friends. We actually planed an eventual road trip. Recently, he admitted to us that he was...
  19. M

    What kind of sense of humor are women attracted to?

    Now I want to develop my sense of humor when dating women. I tend to be kind of boring with them. How can I lighten up so that women are having a good time, fun time, and they are laughing with me? Any tips. Any examples?
  20. S

    I'm attracted to a skater boy. He's nice, funny, clever, ambitious... Is it...

    ...bad to fancy a skater? My family is kind of posh. He's in a lot of my lessons at school and we got along. My friends said he liked me too. Everything changed now because he has a girlfriend. I don't know what to do. For the first time in my life, I'm actually in love. I can't help it, I've...