
  1. J

    Lg Leashed dog attacked unleashed dog that ran up to her while walking her...

    ...requiring stitches- who is liable? My daughter was walking our 66 lb dog on a leash, when a neighbor's rat terrier ran up to it unleashed. Our dog bit & shook it before releasing it. The terrier required stitches. Both dogs were in the middle of the street. Can our dog be considered a...
  2. T

    Nurses Association Holds Vigil For Attacked LI Nurse

    For the second time in less than a month, the New York State Nurses Association held a vigil for a nurse who was attacked and beaten by a psychiatric patient - highlighting the serious problem of violence against nurses. The nurses and their community allies are joining together to express their...
  3. A

    Introducing my cat to kittens, and he attacked me a couple of times.?

    We rescued a two sisters about 3 months old from a laundry basket on the street giving them away. My mother had taken my cat Stuie for a while so we could get settled into our new place before bringing him in. So it was very unexpected that we were bringing the kittens home before Stuie. First...
  4. J

    My cat just attacked me?

    I walked outside in my back yard. My 1 year old neutered cat was sitting there, i went up to pet him and he leaped up and scratched my leg and legged it. Why did he do this?
  5. O

    If I get attacked by a big dog does this technique work?

    A big dog as in waist high and a saggy face XD If I got an object for example a pipe (like from a broomstick, etc) and when it's charging and hopefully opening its mouth. Can I jam that weapon into its mouth and shove it in even more to kill him? How long would that take? What technique would...
  6. R

    After the NXT season one Rookies attacked Raw GM Bret Hart, do you think he will

    grant them WWE contracts? Will he grant them contracts before or during f4tal way?
  7. Y

    who think the season 1 nxt rookies attacked undertaker?

    I ask this because it would make sense. And then i remember when kane said on last weeks smackdown that no one person could put his brother in such a state, and kane was right on that account, and then the following Monday on raw the nxt rookies attack cena who was considered (by the kids at...
  8. Y

    who think the season 1 nxt rookies attacked undertaker?

    I ask this because it would make sense. And then i remember when kane said on last weeks smackdown that no one person could put his brother in such a state, and kane was right on that account, and then the following Monday on raw the nxt rookies attack cena who was considered (by the kids at...
  9. K

    I tried to pick up a girl in Compton LA but got attacked wtf?

    I drove down there with my crew in a bmw m3 convertible - to pick up chicks. I'm 18 and really into hip hop even though I'm white. I come from west hollywood so I feel it's part of my identity. Anyways, we went there to pick up some ghetto chicks and got out of the car and went over to talk to...
  10. K

    I tried to pick up a girl in Compton LA but got attacked wtf?

    I drove down there with my crew in a bmw m3 convertible - to pick up chicks. I'm 18 and really into hip hop even though I'm white. I come from west hollywood so I feel it's part of my identity. Anyways, we went there to pick up some ghetto chicks and got out of the car and went over to talk to...
  11. L

    my cat was attacked by a tom cat?

    my female (desexed) cat was Attack by a big tom cat, altho there no signs if any injury's, has not eaten or drank for 2 days. Stays under the bed & wont come out, tried to give her food & water but refused them. Would she be trying to die. Can some help, we have had her since 1991, she is more a...
  12. L

    I was attacked by someone with challenging behavior at work, what rights...

    ...and protection do i have against this? I have just started a job as a support worker, working with adults with learning difficulties and challenging behaviour and not yet signed any contract. I was asked to take one of the service users out (I am control and restrain trained)on a 1 to 1 basis...
  13. L

    I was attacked by someone with challenging behavior at work, what rights...

    ...and protection do i have against this? I have just started a job as a support worker, working with adults with learning difficulties and challenging behaviour and not yet signed any contract. I was asked to take one of the service users out (I am control and restrain trained)on a 1 to 1 basis...
  14. W

    When Israel is attacked, what happens next in relation to the last days prophecy?

    Will the false prophet come from Israel? I'm speaking more towards spiritual warfare, be it satanic or godly. The antichrist will prevail mankind, but not God. Though many have pointed to events in Israel just prior to the antichrist's announcing he is here.
  15. G

    Pensioners Attacked by Space Junk and/or Aliens [Space]

    What weights four pounds, is made of metal, and crashes through roofs at supersonic speeds? If you are an retired couple living in West Hull, Britain, the Royal Air Force says that's a chunk of space junk. Nobody knows from what satellite or spacecraft this exactly came from, but the RAF's...
  16. J

    America haters:can you quote 1 moment in history when US attacked another... first for its self-interests? Mexico - They were sending all those illegals here, and they were causing all kinds of terrorism. Vietnam - The people were oppressed (under the communist regime). Iraq - The people were oppressed. Afghanistan - They committed terrorism against us...
  17. J

    America haters:can you quote 1 moment in history when US attacked another... first for its self-interests? Mexico - They were sending all those illegals here, and they were causing all kinds of terrorism. Vietnam - The people were oppressed (under the communist regime). Iraq - The people were oppressed. Afghanistan - They committed terrorism against us...
  18. D

    Were you ever attacked in the email by a Fundi Schizophrenic, and then

    blocked ? read more? Hello Der Kerzenschein You have received a message from another user! From: follower_of_christ36 Subject: in the near future Message: Don't take scripture from different places and start making it your own. Because that **** you posted on my question, is something...
  19. J

    My Cat was attacked by my Room mates Dog, what should I do?

    My cat was attacked by my room mates dog as he was trying to protect a puppy who was also hurt (bruised nose). My cat ended up with a puncture wound under the chin, a cut nose, a swallon eye and was bleeding from the mouth, chin, and out of the nose. I took him to the Vet and upon furture...
  20. N

    My Pommeranian cross chiuahua was attacked by a staff?

    The staff was in a secured dog area and my dog was outside playing the staff seeing my dog got exited and tried to jump the fence on seeing this we scooped up our dog and just then the staff jumped the high fence and started jumping on us trying to get to my dog we shielded it as best we could...