
  1. D

    Is North Korea what happens when a country becomes Athiest?

    North Korea is the most athiestic country in the world where just owning a bible is grounds for execution. It is also the poorest, most isolated and impoverished country in Asia with the worst Human rights in the world. figures though, Athiest don't have much regard for human life.
  2. M

    Why do Athiest Occulists Fundamentalists hate Jesus Christ and persecute...

    ...Christians so much? They're surpressors of truth that's what they are.
  3. N

    Why do the Christians on here think I'm an Athiest?

    I'm not Atheist. I simply question what I read in the Bible. That's what I've always done. I have asked these questions in a whole bunch of different churches and they all have different answers, but they also avoid the meaning of the words in the verse. For example, Mt 18:8-9 8 Wherefore if...
  4. C

    Athiest, Listen to this song, tell me what you think?
  5. S

    Athiest, if you know there may be a chance of Hell, why wouldn't you just be...

    ...a christian just in case? Hell is eternal, why risk it? If there is no chance of it being real, why do millions of people believe in it?
  6. S

    I'm an athiest, and know one rants to breed wits me m e pweeze?

    I smell a troll here.
  7. O

    How do I convince my athiest 10yr old brother that God is real?

    I am catholic but my brother is an athiest and believes more in Zeus and Athena then the christian God. Please help!!!
  8. T

    Do athiest celebrate christ-mass or just the holiday?

    wouldn't another day work just as well or is the intimidation of christians fun for you and the destroying that day......could you not just make more of the 1st of january..i mean your not christians so why the 25th a holy date on our christians calendar... or maybe halloween would be better for...
  9. K

    Athiest, Should we have an annual cooking of turnips day to raise awareness

    of discrimination against us? i know many of you aren't really bothered, but in many countries it's still an imprisonable offence to be an atheist, and there is still some discrimination in western countries. I propose a "Cooking of Turnips" day, in memory of one of histories first atheists and...
  10. D

    Lets say we had no religions, what set of laws would an Athiest live by?

    if there is no laws on people, how will you measure good or bad behavior, what set of law is right and bad, it has to be based on something right?? This is my question to you @Good parents teaching right from wrong. Common sense can tell you that. How do you apply that law internationally, that...
  11. A

    ATHIEST GRAVITATIONISTS!! Why do you accept the THEORY of Gravity as Fact?

    Gravity theory is a prideful, arrogant assumption that scientists have been forcing onto us and brainwashing us to believe. We can't see it, taste it, touch it, smell it. not even ONCE has someone seen gravity. it is a RELIGION. that's what it is How can you guys have such strong faith in...
  12. A

    lol why are athiest even on the religion& spirituality section?

    i really want to know athiest lol why are you even here? i mean believers dont even care or pay attetion to ya'll
  13. S

    why are athiest so much more dumber than christians?

    you fools fail to see the truth lol to all of you who took this seriously
  14. S

    why are athiest so much more dumber than christians?

    you fools fail to see the truth lol to all of you who took this seriously
  15. S

    why are athiest so much more dumber than christians?

    you fools fail to see the truth lol to all of you who took this seriously
  16. T

    Why do Athiest always close their bittorrent program before reaching a ratio of 1.0?

    As a software developer, I don't use bittorrents...I'm not a fan of any pirating that doesn't involve eyepatches and parrots.
  17. D

    Why do Athiest always close their bittorrent program before reaching a ratio of 1.0?

    Explain that Athiest!
  18. C

    What are some good athiest jokes?

    Jokes that make fun of athiests, Bring em on.
  19. C

    Athiest's Debate Point for the Religious. Rational people

    ...Christian Nazies.? If God is a superior being to me, and he demands i worship him, and i am a superior being to all animals of the wild, and God sends those whom do not conform to his will to hell to burn for eternity (or simply denies you from heaven, for those whom do not believe so...
  20. C

    Athiest please stop asking questions about religions.?

    Do you believe in God? Do you believe in religions? If you think their stupid like childs play or just made up things to scare people. Why do you always ask sarcastic questions that make religions look bad? I mean isn't it common sense to keep your mind away from these things that you hate? If...