
  1. T

    Babies' Brain Functioning Affected By Parental Conflict, Arguments

    Being exposed to arguments between parents is associated with the way babies' brains process emotional tone of voice, according to a new study to be published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The study, conducted by graduate student Alice Graham...
  2. E

    Isn't it funny how christians have to tell each other not to use certain arguments?

    Like the moon dust argument. Every christian argument is based on either opinions they try to pass off as facts, or loosely based on something everyone knows and they just add "it must've been god!". Are there any arguments i should avoid using as an atheist, or are they all pretty much based...
  3. S

    What is evidence from "Huck Finn" for arguments on these prompts?

    What are some arguments (either supporting or refuting) that could me made/supporting evidence that could be used for these two prompts? "According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development (if you don't know what that is...
  4. U

    When discussing the existence of God, why do Christian apologists use arguments

    as evidence? Evidence by definition increases the likelihood that the event in question actually happens. In this circumstance, evidence means that which increases the likelihood that God exists (since it is not established a priori). When in the history of the universe has logic ever been...
  5. G

    poll: how come all i get from youtube users is arguments?

    like for no reason some random people say this "yeah i want to see you try better retard" "GTFO" :-\ and by the way, i never piss em off
  6. N

    whats the point of Anime/Manga Debates and Arguments?

    seriously those kind of people who do that are Never gonna Enjoy the show or book there Complete Bullshit.....why do people go on youtube videos and Forums arguing on which character is stronger than who?!?!??!?! even if someone makes a good point and wins the other person will make up a...
  7. S

    What are the ethical arguments that argue that I am obligated to pay into a... care system to provide care? for all citizens? What about the ethical arguments against it?
  8. M

    What are the arguments for and against the proposed burial of Frank Buckles

    in the Capitol Rotunda? I'm pretty much just wondering why it's such a big deal.
  9. A

    what are christians, islam and atheist always argue the most stupidest arguments?

    about debunking each other! I don't get it. We were all created by the great cthulhu! The old great one! And it's true.
  10. D

    what are some interesting arguments I can write about ? literature or fiction...

    ...topics!? I have an english assignment 3000 words research paper, and I can write about anything I want, so I want to write something fun and interesting that would make my teacher interested, I wanted to write about Severus Snape of harry potter, whether he is a hero or a villain, but I'm not...
  11. D

    Are all arguments Christians make attempting to prove the validity of the bible,

    completely bogus? Some guy just posted a long list of reasons why he thinks the bible is what Christians believe it to be. He claimed the “divine origin” of the bible can be proved by reading the bible, in other words, using the bible to prove the bible, which is exactly like using Spiderman...
  12. I

    ATHEISTS: What are some of the arguments against the Christian claim that 300 bible

    prophecies have been...? fulfilled? A lot of Christians say this and use this as a point to make Christianity ''AUTHENTIC'' but as far as an atheist is concerned what are arguments against such a claim and what kind of thing can one say to make them think ''hmmmmm.maybe this is really all BS.''
  13. D

    Atheists you know that your arguments prove nothing, yet you still continue you

    Sorry, I see life as the main even, rather than an opening act
  14. S

    arguments against same-sex marriage?

    my friend and i have a formal debate on tuesday, so we want creative arguments with evidence from historical US documents (i.e. constitution) or universities, or any reliable sources, against same sex marriage that the opposing team won't be prepared for, or will be hard to argue against. thanks...
  15. D

    Are the arguments of Pro-Choice men considered valid by the left?

    I have never seen anyone argue that they should have no opinion because they are men. Yet I have been told that more times than I can count as a Pro-Life man.
  16. S

    Starman gives many good arguments on here. Shouldn't we believe him?

    I think it is very reasonable to believe what Starman says. Shouldn't we accept him on faith?
  17. S

    What are the main points and arguments of Chapter 3 of Peter L. Berger's book

    "Invitation to Sociology" (1963)? What are the main points and arguments of Chapter 3 of Peter L. Berger's book "Invitation to Sociology" (1963) What are the viewpoint of a sociologist from this chapter etc...
  18. H

    Does anybody know any arguments for the idea that tobacco and/or cannabis is worse...

    ...than alcohol? Also do you know any websites or anything to find out information about it? Thanks :)
  19. E

    Do you believe arguments that render God redundant = ones that argue for

    God's non-existence? Especially interested in what believers think on this. Obviously the two are not the same in the literal sense, but do you think in practice the former always or almost always ends up informing and supporting the latter? If the universe isn't contingent upon the existence...
  20. T

    Genetics Policy Institute (GPI) Files Legal Arguments In Sherley V. Sebelius Stem Cel

    The Genetics Policy Institute (GPI) has submitted an amicus curiae ("friend of the court") brief in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, supporting federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. The plaintiffs in the Sherley suit are trying to stop the government...