
  1. S

    Does Harry Styles strike you as an Aquarius?

    Explain your answer.
  2. D

    Location of fuel sending unit in a Masters Aquarius boat?

    my grandfather is interested in knowing the ^--above--^ anyone out there that can find a manual, map/grid thingy or give us a detailed location area? thanks muchly!! (oh and if possible, a website with pics to show where it is would be greatly appreciated :)
  3. P

    11. How Aquarius Are You? (Quiz)?

    Any placement(s)? I got "You are 67% Aquarius" ~~ Aquarius venus and mars emucompboy: LOLOL.. you are cool. Suzie: goodnight darling.. I saw his question. ^_^ I was busy working. Had to come early to office.
  4. A

    how to know if an Aquarius man lost interest or needs space or is trying to ignore?

    Since they disappear on and off..its confusing
  5. G

    Aquarius Yields NASA's First Global Map of Ocean Salinity

    The first global map of the salinity, or saltiness, of Earth's ocean surface produced by NASA's new Aquarius instrument reveals a rich tapestry of global salinity patterns, demonstrating Aquarius' ability to resolve large-scale salinity distribution features clearly and with sharp contrast...
  6. J

    is this aquarius man still interested?

    I was seeing an aquarius man for a couple months and he disappeared out of nowhere, right after he told me he saw a future with me and that he really liked me. I was confused and hurt, and decided to try talking to him. I playfully asked him if he was planning on ignoring me forever and he told...
  7. A

    how funny is an aquarius mercury with conjunct to sun, venus and mars?

  8. M

    How can an Aquarius Male manage a Relationship with a Virgo Woman?

    I (the Virgo woman) am dealing with an Aquarius Male and I don't kno wat to do. It's like he says im too clingy but before he had the baby (3 months ago) with the mother of his child everything was fine and dandy. Now i'm "too clingy"? Day in and Day out we were around each other until he got...
  9. J

    How quickly do aquarius men progress in a relationship?

    I've heard it takes them time to adjust to a new relationship... but how's 3-4 years with intense sporatic interludes of almost passion.... just long stares, long talks, and long silences? I'm so confused!
  10. J

    How do you make an Aquarius Man move forward in to a relationship or even ask me...

    ...out on a 3rd date? What's wrong with Aquarius Man? We both have a strong attraction for each other...well i guess so..and there seems to be a problem with him...we dated two times since then we talk on the msn... he's 8 years older than me...but he said he loves how i am a hard worker,and a...
  11. G

    Describe Aquarius S e x style!?

    How are they (perferbly males) in bed..
  12. R

    Aquarius Sense of Humor??????

    Im an Aquarius and Ive noticed that I mostly have a Dark Sense of Humor and sometimes a sarcastic intellectual / smart ass sense of humor....Is that true of About all of Aquariuses......Silly Humor doesntgo well it me.....I find it too stupid.....What does this say about me???
  13. G

    Aquarius Baseball JPN Wii-Caravan

    Category: Console-Wii Size: 4.76 GB Files: 101 (9 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sun August 23rd 17:26:11 UTC Download NZB
  14. M

    Would Mars in Leo and Venus in Sagittarius make an Aquarius a little warmer?

    An Aquarius with Venus and Mars in fire signs. What do you say?
  15. V

    I have Venus and Mars in a conjunction in Aquarius, what does that indicate?

    They are both in the 3:rd house squaring with the AC!
  16. L

    im aquarius sun, gemini moon, venus in aqua, she is libra sun. aquarius

    moon, venus in virgo..? im libra rising, i dont know hers. are we compatible, how?
  17. L

    im aquarius sun, gemini moon, venus in aqua, libra rising, help plz, will i go well

    with earth signs? SPECIALLY VIRGO's
  18. S

    Question about Saturn in Aquarius?

    Saturn is associated with restrictions and obstacles. These frustrating or inhibiting aspects of life are expressed through the sign that Saturn occupies in your chart. Since the planet remains in each sign for two and a half years, these are traits you may share with most of your...
  19. S

    One program shows a Saturn in Aquarius in the 11th; another Saturn in...

    ...Aquarius in the 12th. What to do? Of course, I want to believe the Saturn in Aquarius in the 11th, but more than that, I want the truth. one of my children.
  20. L

    wat does VENUS IN AQUARIUS means?

    Im Aquarius Sun, Gemini Moon, Venus In Aqua, Mars Gemini, Libra Rising