
  1. M

    Approximately how much would a road trip cost?

    A few of my friends and I are planning on going on a road trip after high school and we were trying to figure out about how much it would cost. We plan on starting in Fort Worth, Tx, then through Colorado, up to the south eastern corner of Wyoming, then back down through Kansas and Oklahoma. I...
  2. E

    Approximately how much does it cost to replace a new mazda 3's back bumper cover

    from the dealer? I recently hit my new car and damaged the back bumper and slightly the cover of the back lights on my Mazda 3. I want to fix it at the dealer to make sure everything is done perfectly. Any one know how much this will cost? After the painting, tax, and everything added together.
  3. B

    Song from approximately 1967...does this ring a bell to anyone?

    My boyfriend keeps mentioning this song. He thinks it's from approximately 1967. I am great at researching things on the Internet, but unfortunately he doesn't remember very much about the song, so I have come up empty in all of my searches. He also has a tendency to mix up information and...
  4. M

    Any idea of approximately how much it would cost to fix the automatic level

    in my 1993 Cadillac DeVille? The motor still works.
  5. P

    how much would insurance cost me for a 125cc 2005 bike approximately?

    i've only got a provisional license, but am thinking of taking a CBT in orderto rde a bike (providing i can afford to!!), so how much is the insurance going to cost me?
  6. G

    Approximately how many miles of paved roads are there in the world?

    I was discussing this with my wife earlier today, and we couldn't come up with an answer, not even an approximation. Does anyone have an educated guess?
  7. J

    How much approximately does it cost to replace a fuel filter in a 2000 Nissan

    Frontier 4 cylinder pickup? fuel filter cost.
  8. C

    i have a reallly bad cold. when approximately will i be better?

    symptoms are: stuffy nose slightly runny nose cough sneezing chest congestion generally feeling run down i know that all colds are different, but for a bad one like this about how long will it take for me to be better?
  9. B

    A BMW 328 2000 model would be good for approximately how many miles?

    let's say well-maintained. 150k? 200k?
  10. D

    Approximately how much does MMA training cost....and is it worth it?

    I'm not a very big guy (5'9", 145 lbs) and I'm considering getting MMA (mixed martial arts) training. My question is: is it expensive, and worth it? Will I come out being able to handle myself against enemies?
  11. M

    approximately how much do sex therapists make an hour?

    anyone know?