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    Last-Line Antibiotics Increasingly Ineffective Against Gonorrhoea But Prescribing Cha

    The last remaining antibiotics used to treat gonorrhoea (cefixime and ceftriaxone) in England and Wales are becoming less effective. But recent changes in prescribing practice, based on new recommendations that challenge previous public health thinking, seem to have delayed or reversed this...
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    New Understanding Of The Neurological Side Effects Of Sulfonamide Antibiotics

    Since the discovery of Prontosil in 1932, sulfonamide antibiotics have been used to combat a wide spectrum of bacterial infections, from acne to chlamydia and pneumonia. However, their side effects can include serious neurological problems like nausea, headache, dizziness, hallucinations and...
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    Sorry, Surgeons: Up to 40% of Chronic Back Pain Could Be Cured With Antibiotics

    Danish researchers have discovered that up to 40% of chronic back pain can be cured with antibiotics! Nope, not yoga or chiropractors or massage or surgery, just good old-fashioned antibiotics. More » Sorry, Surgeons: Up to 40% of Chronic Back Pain Could Be Cured With Antibiotics is a post from...
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    Hunt For New Antibiotics Turns To Deep Sea Trenches

    Around the world, as disease-causing bugs become more and more resistant to current effective antibiotics, doctors fear there will be no means to treat seriously ill patients in the future. Now scientists have widened the search for new drugs to include some of the deepest and coldest places...
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    Evidence Insufficient To Recommend Routine Antibiotics For Joint Replacement Patients

    The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons(AAOS), and the American Dental Association(ADA) found that there is insufficient evidence to recommend the routine use of antibiotics for patients with orthopaedic implants to prevent infections prior to having dental procedures because there is no...
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    Search For New Antibiotics Could Be Streamlined By BioMAP Screening Procedure

    Researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, have developed a new strategy for finding novel antibiotic compounds, using a diagnostic panel of bacterial strains for screening chemical extracts from natural sources. Public health officials warn of a looming antibiotic crisis due to...
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    Antibiotics Could Make You Fat (If You Took Them As A Baby)

    Over-use and mis-use of antibiotics has raised public consternation in recent years, and a new study isn't apt to give them a popularity boost: Apparently, they could also make you fat. According to research published in the International Journal of Obesity, babies who are given antibiotics...
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    It Is Now Deemed Safe To Give Pre-Dental Antibiotics Only To High Risk Heart Patients

    The incidence of infective endocarditis among dental patients in Olmsted County, Minn. did not increase after new guidelines called for giving preventive antibiotics before dental procedures only to those at greatest risk of complications, according to independent research published in...
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    Evidence Of Banned Antibiotics Found In Poultry Products

    In a joint study, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Arizona State University found evidence suggesting that a class of antibiotics previously banned by the U.S. government for poultry production is still in use. Results of the study were published in...
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    Good News: Meat Growers Might Finally Have To Stop Feeding Unsafe Antibiotics To Live

    In 1977, the FDA started the paperwork to withdraw their approval for the non-therapeutic use of antibiotics in livestock, because they had found that the antibiotics had not been proven safe enough for regular consumption. But then the government body never actually finished it--not because...
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    Steps Outlined By Infection Prevention Groups To Preserve Antibiotics

    Infection preventionists and healthcare epidemiologists play key roles in promoting effective antimicrobial stewardship in collaboration with other health professionals, according to a joint position paper published by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology...
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    Call to action: FDA bans certain antibiotics use in livestock

    [No message]
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    Will I need antibiotics to get rid of this bronchitis ?

    Everyone in my house came down with it. if there is anything in the world i hate the most it would be bronchitis and its nasty crackling cough. I need to get rid of this asap... my own coughs are making me throw up.. not because im sick... its because I can't stand how nasty the cough is...
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    Discovery Of First Gonorrhea Strain Resistant To All Available Antibiotics

    An international research team has discovered a strain of gonorrhea resistant to all currently available antibiotics. This new strain is likely to transform a common and once easily treatable infection into a global threat to public health. The details of the discovery made by Dr. Magnus Unemo...
  15. R

    how to get rid of infection in gum after extraction without antibiotics?

    i have been using warm salt rinses often and brushing occationaly but i aam a smoker and was told i can smoke 48 hours after. I think that is wrong and dont know how to rid of infection being i was already on antibiotics for 7 days and dont have any more and infection still present...please...
  16. D

    Antibiotics and Alcohol?

    Can I drink alcohol if I do not take my antibiotics on the day I drink?
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    Study Finds Misinformation About Antibiotics Can Travel To Large Audience Via Twitter

    Misunderstandings about proper use of antibiotics have the potential to spread widely through social networks such as Twitter, according to a report in the April issue of AJIC: American Journal of Infection Control, the official publication of the Association for Professionals in Infection...
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    Study Finds Misinformation About Antibiotics Can Travel To Large Audience Via Twitter

    Misunderstandings about proper use of antibiotics have the potential to spread widely through social networks such as Twitter, according to a report in the April issue of AJIC: American Journal of Infection Control, the official publication of the Association for Professionals in Infection...
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    Study Finds Misinformation About Antibiotics Can Travel To Large Audience Via Twitter

    Misunderstandings about proper use of antibiotics have the potential to spread widely through social networks such as Twitter, according to a report in the April issue of AJIC: American Journal of Infection Control, the official publication of the Association for Professionals in Infection...
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    Low Levels Of Antibiotics Cause Multidrug Resistance In 'Superbugs'

    For years, doctors have warned patients to finish their antibiotic prescriptions or risk a renewed infection by a "superbug" that can mount a more powerful defense against the same drug. But a new study by Boston University biomedical engineers indicates that treating bacteria with levels of...