
  1. L

    Why do some androids have market and some have google play?

    Im getting a samsung admire can u tell me if it has google play or android market or do all android phones now have google play
  2. P

    Any free music download apps for androids?

    I need some music for a plane ride from DC to Cali and I need some music on my phone.
  3. P

    Any free music download apps for androids?

    I need some music for a plane ride from DC to Cali and I need some music on my phone.
  4. P

    Any free music download apps for androids?

    I need some music for a plane ride from DC to Cali and I need some music on my phone.
  5. A

    When will instagram have a new update that will let androids record and

    upload videos? Really wanna know..everytime I go on instagram I always see people posting videos and I wanna do it too :/ anybody know when there will be an update that will let androids post videos too?? (SERIOUS ANSWERS PLEASE)
  6. K

    Are there any free apps for androids that let me block websites of my choosing?

    I need to download a good app off of Google play store so I can block porn websites on my phone
  7. L

    what are good apps for androids?

    please dont say any games. i want apps like pandora, google maps, shazam, and other cool apps like that.
  8. A

    What application for androids, (which can be downloaded on google play) writes...

    ...words, names and letters? I have an android phone, I really wanted to download this app which you can write letters, words or even names of people. I have seen this kind of app on some pictures of FS ( Fan Signs). I really want to download the app. Please tell me the name of the app. Thanks. :)
  9. LisaA

    Why do some androids not come with google play store already loaded on the device?

    I've noticed in my search for a decent android tablet that some droids including phones do not come with google play on them. U have to hack them to download it!! Why is this?!?
  10. A

    Whats the best texting app for androids?

    I'm tired of using my default texting app so please help
  11. A

    does google play store have malware for ALL androids and does the malware...

    ...affect pple with unlimited talk/text? whats states are being attacked by the malware in the google play store for android users and how would i know if a app has a virus because i want gta 3 and idk if it's safe or not and i'm in georgia so will it effect me...
  12. M

    Black Friday apps for Androids

    [No message]
  13. G

    This Giant Cluster Simulates 300,000 Androids to Check They Play Nice [Android]

    We've all been at a huge outdoor event which renders our phone useless, with no available bandwidth to make calls or check a map. That's why Sandia Labs has built this giant cluster, to simulate large networks of phones and make sure they place nicely together. More »
  14. Y

    Is the new androids better than iphones..?

    Im ordering a new phone and just had a iphone 4 (got stolen). I only like it because its easy to put songs on from itunes, and the app store. Everything else about it is crap. Im looking at either Samsung infuse, HTC inspire, or Samsung galaxy s 2... Its either that or another...
  15. D

    Top free creator apps for androids?

    I was wondering what the top creator apps are for android because I'm bored and I wanna do something. Thanks
  16. T

    Are Androids better than iPhones?

    Many sites say that they are and I've talked to former iPhone owners who say that Android is better, but I've had a Droid X for about a year and a half now and I HATE it! It has so many flaws and it's not nearly as smooth as the iPhones that I've used and the screen doesn't even touch it. So...
  17. J

    What movie is the song on the uno card game app for androids?

    I have heard the song on a movie before but can't place it....
  18. A

    why my downloaded games in the androids phone can not be played?

    -downloaded all the additional data but still cannot play it..
  19. K

    I need help with MetroPcs plans for androids?

    My friend has a Android from MetroPcs and she said she pays $40/month but on the website all the smartphone and androids are 50/month and 60/month for the plan. so does anyone have a clue what phone she has?? I asked her she said she didn't Know-__- Please help me
  20. K

    What are your thoughts on the ideas on religion presented in "Do Androids Dream of

    What are your thoughts on the ideas on religion presented in "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep"? I recently read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" by Philip K D!ck There were ideas raised and addressed in the book which in some fashion get talked to death on here. Curious if anyone here...