
  1. G

    Why our early ancestors took to 2 feet

    A new study by archaeologists at the University of York challenges evolutionary theories behind the development of our earliest ancestors from tree dwelling quadrupeds to upright bipeds capable of walking and scrambling. The researchers say our upright gait may have its origins in the rugged...
  2. U

    If our ancestors hadn't killed the Neanderthals, how do you envision their religions?

    How would the Neanderthal's religions differ from the religion of the Cro-Magnon's descendants? I'm envisioning more parties. @Bottom It was a combination of factors. You can't deny the Cro-Mags killed their fair share, but they aren't the sole cause, no.
  3. N

    Were prehuman ancestors such as Homo habilis and Homo ergaster allowed into the

    pearly white gates of heaven? Were they "human" enough?
  4. P

    Do many English people have French ancestors?

    Okay, so, the name you see under my picture, Pardee, is English.. kind of. It's from England but it's from the Normans or Huguenots, I'm not sure which one. But either way, I know it's English but with French origins.. is it common for English people to have French/Norman/Huguenot ancestry? And...
  5. T

    Native American Ancestors Came From Asia In Three Migrations

    The ancestors of Native American populations from the tip of Chile in the south to Canada in the north, migrated from Asia in at least three waves, according to a new international study published online in Nature this week that involved over 60 investigators in 11 countries in the Americas...
  6. D

    Christians, do you think you're much different from your slave-owner ancestors?

    Who murdered my native american ancestors and destroyed our culture? You claim christian but practice the OPPOSITE of what jesus taught. You practice lack of emotional intelligence as it's been handed to you generation by generation with no deviation in sight for the near future. You practice...
  7. S

    Ancestors of the fish salmon?

    Like, what did the salmon evolve from?
  8. H

    sum of your all ancestors ???? [WARING interesting topic ]?

    the people u have there DNA 2 father and mother but they have theirs from another 4 the 4 have it from 8 and so on..... first genration 2 2 G 4 3 G 8 4 G 16 5 G 32 .................... ....................... N G (2^n+i - 2...
  9. G

    Homo sapiens existed for only 200,000 years, while some of our ancestors like

    Australopithecus lived for? roughly 2 million years. We as a species have a long way to go to even tie are "less evolved" selves. At first we thought our intelligence gave us the selective advantage, but is our species really cut out to survive? 30,000 years ago we had the Neanderthals, but...
  10. R

    Why Christians and Jews not following the ancestors of Jesus and Moses?

    While Muslims respect Jesus and Moses, and all prophets came earlier to them. What bothers Christians and Jews not to respect or consider any of their preaching. Today's Haj is celebrated in memory of Abraham's sacrifice. Fasting by Muslims is based on the fasting of Jesus Christ. The Muslim...
  11. A

    Why can’t Christians accept that their Pagan ancestors were just as devout as them

    I'm well aware that my ancestors were pagans. So were the ancestors of the Israelites at one point or another. Even Abraham believed that El Elyon was simply the sovereign God over other gods. But God has proven Himself to be the only God, and we have the testimony, the witness, of His...
  12. A

    How many centuries ago did our patriot ancestors travel from Sahel (Ethiopia) to

    Balkans (Greece)? I want to know about our patriot ancestors !!!
  13. T

    Would you like to meet your ancestors during their time, on a temporary basis?

    You know visit for a week to the land of your family's origin? Where would you have to go? I would have to go to: Sweden, Norway, England, Germany, Canada, & Denmark; all around 1765-1790.
  14. G

    Does Our DNA Carry the Memories of Our Ancestors? [Memory Forever]

    It seems like something out of a movie (and hey, it is), but there's some scientific evidence that we actually carry the memories of our ancestors with us in our genetic code. Apologies in advance to my hypothetical descendants. More »
  15. G

    Does Our DNA Carry the Memories of Our Ancestors? [Memory Forever]

    It seems like something out of a movie (and hey, it is), but there's some scientific evidence that we actually carry the memories of our ancestors with us in our genetic code. Apologies in advance to my hypothetical descendants. More »
  16. L

    Does anyone know who Roger William's ancestors were?

    I know that many people have tracked the descendants of Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, but I was wondering: where did his family come from? (Parents: Alica Pemberton and James Williams) What I'm mainly wondering is where are his parents, grandparents, etc. from (are they all from...
  17. L

    Does anyone know who Roger William's ancestors were?

    I know that many people have tracked the descendants of Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, but I was wondering: where did his family come from? (Parents: Alica Pemberton and James Williams) What I'm mainly wondering is where are his parents, grandparents, etc. from (are they all from...
  18. L

    Does anyone know who Roger William's ancestors were?

    I know that many people have tracked the descendants of Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, but I was wondering: where did his family come from? (Parents: Alica Pemberton and James Williams) What I'm mainly wondering is where are his parents, grandparents, etc. from (are they all from...
  19. L

    Does anyone know who Roger William's ancestors were?

    I know that many people have tracked the descendants of Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, but I was wondering: where did his family come from? (Parents: Alica Pemberton and James Williams) What I'm mainly wondering is where are his parents, grandparents, etc. from (are they all from...
  20. B

    Is he talking about previous incarnations of himself or his physical ancestors?

    "Is not this individuality of mine a combination, material as well as mental? Is it not made up of qualities that sprang into being by a gradual evolution? The five roots of sense perception in this organism have come from ancestors who performed these functions. The ideas which I think, came to...