
  1. B

    Where can i find program to analyze handwriting?

    where on the web i can find a program or website to read and analyze handwriting that i upload?
  2. B

    Where can i find program to analyze handwriting?

    where on the web i can find a program or website to read and analyze handwriting that i upload?
  3. G

    Can someone please analyze this dream for me?

    I had a dream my ex husband was driving me in a boat and I was very scared cuz it was dark out and the water was dark and shark infested and rough. He forced me in the boat. He drove fine but I was frightened the whole time because there was so much going around under us and around us and I did...
  4. F

    Can someone analyze these behaviors and come up with a diagnosis for me? and

    don't just say you're gay lol? So I'm a girl and it started in 5th grade. There was this teacher, who was my field hockey coach. I dunno why..i mean i didn't have any attraction to her or any sexual feelings toward her but i always wanted to come across as cool and mysterious toward this...
  5. I

    Analyze and discuss the reforms made by Napoleon and their short term and...

    ...long term consequences on Europe.? AP Euro FRQ help please? Isn't the Napoleonic code a reform? Thank you!!!
  6. J

    Can someone help analyze this dream?

    What does it mean when you have a dream where you're covered in green slim?
  7. H

    analyze a section of Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson?

    Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece. In good health, the air is a cordial of incredible virtue. Crossing a bare common, in snow puddles, at twilight, under a clouded sky, without having in my thoughts any occurrence of special good fortune, I have enjoyed a...
  8. E

    How do I analyze how the supreme court analyzed religion in schools?

    I have to write an essay on this topic, and I just cant think straight right now.
  9. R

    i need a astrology test/quiz where i can analyze charts signs and such?

    online and free thank you
  10. G

    Analyze this dream please? Very odd?

    I had a dream last night, don't get me wrong I always have very, very odd dreams. But this one managed to stand out for some reason, it seemed more significant to me but I don't quite know why. It was set in some sort of boarding school (I am in school, but not a boarding school.) I can't...
  11. G

    Do christians have the ability to criticize and analyze their religion?

    Or are they hopelessly lost in the blind faith thing?
  12. J

    Discuss and analyze the failure of the major parties to deal with the most...

    ...significant issues of the late nine? Discuss and analyze the failure of the major parties to deal with the most significant issues of the late nineteenth century.
  13. T

    Scientists Analyze Outcomes Of Newly Transplanted Tissue Using Color-Coded Tracking M

    A group of "color-coded" laboratory mice are providing researchers with a novel way of tracking T-cells, enabling them to visualize and monitor the cellular immune responses of transplanted tissue in real time. The new imaging system is described in the June issue of Nature Medicine, which is...
  14. T

    IBM To Analyze Best Way To Cut Childhood Obesity

    The Wall Street Journal: IBM "will put computer models to work analyzing the reams of available data on the different factors that might affect obesity - things such as consumer behavior, the location of grocery stores, the availability of physical activity facilities and even community...
  15. V

    What is HE thinking?!?!?! I can't analyze this anymore! LOL?

    So my ex and I are good friends. We met 12 years ago and have been on and off in each others lives since then. No matter how much time goes by, he ALWAYS finds a way of getting ahold of me. For example, I hadnt talked to him in at least 6 months one time when my cell phone got turned off. He...
  16. A

    What are the settings for Cod4 in 3d analyze?

    What are the settings for Cod4 in 3d analyze????Plz help.. My comp configs are... Pentium 4 gpu 2.40ghz 512 mb ram[can upgrade ram] Xp [service pack2] and plz explain step by step and also tell wat vendor and device id shld be applied....
  17. A

    What are the settings for Cod4 in 3d analyze?

    What are the settings for Cod4 in 3d analyze????Plz help.. My comp configs are... Pentium 4 gpu 2.40ghz 512 mb ram[can upgrade ram] Xp [service pack2] and plz explain step by step and also tell wat vendor and device id shld be applied....
  18. D

    how should i analyze a court case for my thesis?

    it's an international legal case, and the tribunal essentially threw out the case. i was wondering what kind of methodology or theory i might need to use to explain it, and how i should analyze the case after describing what happened in the case itself?
  19. A

    Does anyone know of any good books that analyze "The Bells" by Edgar Allen Poe?

    Does anyone know of any good books that analyze "The Bells" by Edgar Allen Poe? I'm writing a research paper for my english class, but I can't find any good books that analyze "The Bells." It needs to be a book because I'm not able to use internet sources. Thanks :]
  20. S

    analyze the characters in open boat?

    I am trying to do a paper for english and i have to analyze the captain, correspondent, oiler, and the cook in the open boat steven crane? please help Thanks!