
  1. V

    How Did Jennifer Lopez Exercise her Second Amendment Rights? Bear Arms

    [No message]
  2. T

    Why is Lincoln's signature on the 13th amendment?

    Just watched the movie and this thought came up. I thought the President has no role in the constitutional amendment process.
  3. B

    what do NRA people think of the News Attack 1nd and 2nd Amendment of Constitution?

    go here and tell me???????????
  4. B

    what do NRA people think of the News Attack 1nd and 2nd Amendment of Constitution?

    go here and tell me???????????
  5. J

    Bros, according to the 2nd amendment, can I build a Ryder truck fertilizer bomb,

    just incase I'm attacked? attacked by a road rager? Wait... that wouldn't work... what if I put diesel fuel in my ryder truck in 55 gallon drums and when the Road rager was chasing me, I could make an oil slick? Is that covered by the 2nd amendment?
  6. A

    Amendment to ban military sports sponsorship doesn?t pass U.S. House

    The amendment to the 2013 defense spending bill that would have prohibited military branches from sports sponsorship didn't pass in the House of Representatives Wednesday night. The amendment, which was sponsored by Rep. Betty McCollum (D, MN) and Rep. Jack Kingston (R, GA) fell 216-202. It...
  7. S

    Can you think of any topic to a particular application of the First Amendment...

    ...that interests you? Hello everyone, I support to write my second essay but I can't thinking of specific topic I support to write about First Amendment.
  8. T

    Bouchons de Thon & the First Amendment - Aug 30,2011

    Well be dining on Bouchons de Thon (tuna quiche) and discussing the first amendment, green jobs, gay marriage and football.Tuna Quiche | First Amendment | Reality Church | Green Jobs | Mike McGinn More...
  9. T

    R-Tech Ueno: Protocol Amendment Of A Phase I Clinical Study Of RK-023 For The Treatme

    R-Tech Ueno (JASDAQ:4573) is pleased to announce protocol amendment of a Phase I Clinical Study of RK-023, a new compound being developed for the treatment of hypotrichosis of the eyelashes (Note). The details are given below. R-Tech Ueno has been developing this new compound (development code...
  10. S

    what are interesting topics related to amendment 2?

    im doing this slide show for my social studies class and could use some major help please! if its possible, please use small words that a 10year old could understand.. much appreciated(:
  11. L

    Did the 13th Amendment change, repel, or add to the Constitution?

    When you answer, please tell how it affected it! Thanks^_^
  12. A

    Why don't the cons understand we have to repeal the first amendment?

    Us Liberals KNOW we have to repeal it in order to move on as a nation but cons are really slow.
  13. P

    When people greet disappointments with 2nd Amendment solutions (Baltimore),

    is Tea Party rhetoric to blame? Bachmann, Angle. Palin. Brewer. List list goes on, so I'll stop with these four media harpies.................
  14. W

    Pop quiz: Who knows what the first amendment actually means?

    Get 'em all right and win best answer: 1) does the 1st amendment says there's a separation of church and state? 2) Does the 1st amendment promise freedom of religion? 3) Does the 1st amendment promise the right to petition the government? 4) Does the 1st amendment promise free speech? 5)...
  15. M

    How would you, as a UTILITARIAN Second Amendment advocate, argue for the defendant

    gun manufacturer? 2. After reading "Runaway Jury", consider the following scenario. You are on the jury. You are also a firm advocate of the right to bear arms. You are aware that the Second amendment of the Constitution reserves the right in conjunction with the need to man a state militia. How...
  16. T

    Christian Science Monitor Opinion Piece Argues Against Burris Amendment On Military A

    In a Christian Science Monitor opinion piece, Joey Hendrix -- an active duty officer in the U.S. Army -- argues that an amendment adopted in the National Defense Authorization Act (S 3280) that would allow military servicewomen to obtain abortion care at military hospitals if they use private...
  17. T

    House Panel Advances HHS Budget Plan, Rejects Abortion Amendment

    Democrats on the House Appropriations Labor, HHS and Education Subcommittee on Thursday advanced a funding blueprint for fiscal year 2011 after rejecting an amendment that would have banned abortion coverage in programs under the federal health reform law (PL 111-148), The Hill's "Healthwatch"...
  18. T

    Boehner Says He Will Co-Sponsor Bill Codifying Hyde Amendment

    At an antiabortion-rights conference on Saturday, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said he will co-sponsor legislation that would ban federal funding for abortion services, The Hill reports. Boehner made the pledge at the 40th annual National Right to Life Convention, where he...
  19. G

    This is why we should seriously consider repealing the second amendment...

    ... lunatics like Sharron Angle, Timothy McVeigh, Michele Bachmann and Rush Limbaugh think it's there to facilitate their idiotic temper tantrums. And a certain percentage of these horrible people carry out their violent fantasies. Sorry, folks, but calling for a "second amendment remedy...
  20. G

    This is why we should seriously consider repealing the second amendment...

    ... lunatics like Sharron Angle, Timothy McVeigh, Michele Bachmann and Rush Limbaugh think it's there to facilitate their idiotic temper tantrums. And a certain percentage of these horrible people carry out their violent fantasies. Sorry, folks, but calling for a "second amendment remedy...